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what does it mean if i drink milk and after it by 5-10 minutes my stomach always hurts?
it always happens when i eat cereal with milk or when i get a drink from starbucks that includes milk!!
6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoHELP! my friend uses laser to get rid of unwanted facial hair...?
but after doing now for more than a year its still the same if not worse,,
her dilema is that she got dark spotslpigments on her face from the laser and i heard once that tyra had a guest on her show the had the smae thing but worst and she used some sort of cream to get rid of it and its working but i dont know what it was.
does anyone have any idea of how to get rid of it?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoi have been thinking about this for a while...?
once i was on an airplane and the stuardist passed by me and while she was walking she was stomping so hard that she kind of shook the plane. so i thought to my self if all the people in the plane jumped at once could it bring the plane down or only cause it to shake?
2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agowhen shall i give my puppies thier first shots? at about what age?
14 AnswersDogs1 decade agoi was just wondering, why do people put up a tree during Christmas?
im not christian and im interested to know why do they put up a tree during christmas? i mean how did it start, or does it have a particular meaning to it?
12 AnswersChristmas1 decade agowhy is that everytime i wash my jeans it gets a bit tight ?
i have to wear it for at least 10minutes so it can go back to normal size? what shall i do to prevent it?
12 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agowhy do people always say that u should never drink/eat from a dented can?
i have heard it so many times but i never knew why.
21 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade agoYou have been given a choice of having Oprah or Hillary Clinton as a president, who would u choose?
you have to choose between the 2 of them.
39 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoSyria and Iran is next?
I predict that the president will come up with some stupid excuse just like he did with Iraq and invade Iran first then Syria. why Iran? because of OIL. why Syria? because he's selfish! tell me what you guys think about this subject
17 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoPresident bush and Africa?
President bush keeps braging about how bad saddam treated his people but in sudan and in ethiopia thier leaders are doing the same. they kill minorties but still bush does not invade thier country. my theory is that africa has no benefit to the US what so ever but Iraq and the middle-east do because of OIL!! how selfish is he?! what do you guys think?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoTom cruise fired! aren't you guys happy!?
i dont know about you guys but i was really happy that Tom Cruise was fired. tell me what do you think about it and if he deserves it?
12 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agowho's cruel idea was it to put the letter "s" in lisp?
think about it!
16 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago