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I am a married man who loves his wife. I have been seperated for 2 years by faulty immigration policy. I am a retired GM worker that has no extra money to get my wife here. I already got her here and she was not allowed to stay. I am sure it is the policy of our government to support shackups and not marriage as we see in many places.

  • Yahoo not allowing normal questions?

    If one asks a simple question it is like someone wants to race bait you if it is about a black politician! Deleted! One great question is the fact, repeat, fact that many want to impeach Obama. The question was simple: What do you think? Nope, not allowed as it is freedom of speech! Why the heck did we serve our Country to have our speech rights taken from us? Did we have this before Obama took over? No! Again, your opinion!

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • What is cyclic reasoning and whhy it is not allowed in real science?

    I have watched many debates on the theory of Evolution and what won the scientists who spoke against it was the word cyclic reasoning. Those that supported the theory used that to come to their conclusions but scientists are told not to try to make proofs by that method as it is not science anymore. Describe cyclic reasoning and how it works! Earl

    5 AnswersOther - Science8 years ago
  • check this out...what is your answer to such factual corruption?

    Only one is to blame and that is the head, the Commander and Chief! American? Not in commitment and not in commitment to any free nation!

    (Breitbart) – TIME Magazine reports that Egyptians “remain convinced that President Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed President Mohamed Morsi.”

    Speaking on August 22, the head of Egypt’s Social Democratic Party Mohamed Abou El-Ghar said: “America is losing Egypt… There is a very strong perception that they are supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and they are against other parties.”

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Want to see reality and ignorance about guns in our face?

    Sad that an Australian baseball player was shot by teens that wanted to kill two people just to end the summer with a bang! Tim Fischer, a no knowledge of facts former Deputy Attorney General in Australia depicted it was lack of gun laws. I wonder how old Tim is as he is not mentally and adult! Earl

    Let us see now.. the man was shot and not wiped by an instrument that he used and loved.. a baseball bat! I wonder if this immature Tim knows that bats kill more people than guns? The reality of his remarks shows his ignorance and he may be politically correct to come against freedom, but we see that being PC is immature and stupid and against all citizens, there and here! What do you say after you read the story of this gunned down athlete?

    1 AnswerCivic Participation8 years ago
  • AT&T buys Yahoo.. they are not held responsible to customers!?

    Did you not more and more know facts with questions are not tossed or; Yahoo Answers is having communication problems! Your post never gets to post! We all know that before they bought Yahoo, it was mostly open to honor facts and opinions! AT&T has been noted to violate bank accounts of customers with no permissions! They seem to be exempt in anything they do wrong including fraud against honorable customers! Sad that those who want to suggest settlements by them is always a lie! When they bought it I knew it was not American citizens rights supportive

    Of course the problem is freedom to post. We see vulgar words allowed and post none! It seems that AT&T loves the controversy, does not support honor in their business! Of course, how do you like being singled out by the site when the facts you told before and after AT&T are now, not allowed?


    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • Immigration reform.. is it for legals too?

    The year is 2007 and a flight from the Philippines, a Democratic Republic arrives at Detroit Metro. Of those who get off are 22 spouses of Americans with a tourists visa. This was just one day and from one country and one flight! All of them are rejected!!! Reason given is they must have an immigration visa which means the spouse, whether male of female will have to leave to be with them or have a forced Federal Government separation! All tickets bought gave a loss of that money! Around 1500 as they have to have a two way ticket! This is legal immigration? Obama and his fools want to give into illegals but what about those who obey the laws? Ah, we know don't we? They already disobeyed our laws so they make good Liberal voters! What is your opinion? Should legal immigration be changed and support the American and their spouse? Earl

    5 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • Now under investigation.. 14 year old shot!?

    The news now says that a 14 year old boy was shooting in the Bronx and was shot by a policeman! He happen to be a black American. The mother, of course, is devastated, but why was this boy shooting in his neighborhood and what was his reason? Did he have gun safety that is available in most States? Maybe gun safety is illegal in the Bronx as it is in NY State? What do you think the outcome will be as the case is investigated? Where was the father when this happened? Why did he shoot in public and not go to a gun range, or is that also not available and illegal in NY? Earl

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Watch this video and then answer! It could be deleted because it is factual!?

    What did you think about the police action that killed a 95 year old man who went through WWII and fought for us, then is killed by electric shock and bean bag to his stomach? Are we getting closer to a police State with Federal too? The address:

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • I see on Yahoo Answers many hate facts.?

    Obviously if a question is deleted and asks a simple question and posts in Answers category and it is deleted, is it the heads of Yahoo or those who do not want to see comments on it, or is it both? There are no cursing in my questions and no lies. Has truth and facts become illegal? Earl

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • The Sandra Fluke contriversy? Those that claim Christ....?

    The media claims that she became a radical activist while in college. We note it suggests her father is a Pastor! Okay, she is a preachers kid! Born Again Christians, what is your take on her walk in life? I do not support what Rush said, but am so sad that she defiled family values; the Word of God; and all? Is this not a demon spirit attack as she seems okay? We know supporters of murder will not be in heaven!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • I am told a question is not available to me!?

    I have to assume that it is because if I report facts that it maybe no politically correct? But when I clicked to answer a question that is what it said.. I could not answer it! I have never lied on purpose in any question, although many facts may not support the idea of denying to be PC! What do you think. What does it mean in the above? I had a factual and great answer but it denied me?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • This question is to President Obama?

    We all want to know, unless we have metal problems is to why any President would give assault weapons to an enemy, the Mexican Drug Cartel? The absolute is to keep out addicting drugs in America! But you support the opposite? We, as freedom supporting Americans have another question, The support of radical Islam and the giving of E-16's and American tanks? Egypt is now anti-Democracy! You gave this dictatorship offensive weapons and try to take honorable weapons away from our honorable citizens? France use to have a way, the problem with that, the removed some of the good.

    Tell us what are you for; if for Russia; China; or another. get into their politics, scum of this earth! What do you think? All said is true, so why is Obama still President?

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Answer allows too much in words?

    We all know this. We go to post and someone had written a book that keeps others fro posting or the question is so long it gives all of us a problem. We all should try to limit our question so that it does not take 15 minutes to read. The other is that some answers give many sources, that is not the problem. What is because the question has moved to another area which was not selected.

    The question for all of us, "Should Answers limit to some degree, our words posted, whether in an answer of a question?" Yes, and answer is different that a question but we all know answers in factual real time are more important than the question. It take much less words to post than it does to answer,, Your opinion. Earkl

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Security guards not allowed weapons at Embassy!?

    How wonderful, the New World Order backfired in ignorant Hilliary's face!

    Why did our hired security guards not have any weapons? It reminds me of the movie, National Security, where the guards were given pepper spray and if things got worse, change to call the police.

    Well, we know a call had been sent out and probably by those who knew, the Navy Seals must of told there maybe problems. So the Embassy sent out for help to our State Department, controlled by Obama and Hillary. They had hired those who had no means to defend the embassy! What the hell is going on and are women or men in our Country that stupid?

    Those are the facts and all is in the news, although you will not hear anything against Obama, and only little against Hillary. So what is our answer to protection our embassies? A rant? No, how do you tell the truth and not be accused of that stupid word?

    What is your answer to all that is going on? Is it get rid of self and start thinking about others and our freedoms? I think so. Earl

    1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates9 years ago
  • Security company hired to protect embassy was unarmed?

    Interviews with those that served said that most got little training and were not allowed guns of any kind. The only ones that could of fought would be the Navy Seals and there were only 2. A planned attack by who and in cooperation with who? That is the question for Liberals who do not even see questions in anything they do not want to see them in! I mean, do we have to put the question in bold letters and even separate each letter so they can see?

    So just who is Hilliary and Obama for Internationally? Want more of the same killings of Americans? The company that was hired was paid over 750,000 to guard, and with no weapons! A dumb Hillary/Obama anti-gun move that backfired? We should think so. Ignorance breeds the same. If one does not see what does not work, they will continue into a trial and give the results as tragic, but unavoidable! You are getting what you voted for and some do not honor life of anyone so.. vote for the same. I am an American and will not, and did not. Earl

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • A question to union members, especially UAW.?

    I just got my letter in the mail suggesting who to vote for. Long ago I stopped my union paper because it was so full of lies. We need to tell our Union reps that we think more of keeping our freedoms and our America than in being just Union. If the Unions do not support our freedoms as we see they do not, then we just ignore them and vote for the best for our America and that surely is not Obama. What do you think Union members? Earl

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • I was given 5 negative for asking the truth on a question!?

    It is a very simple question because one lady suggested, will Romney remove choice? My question was very simple and that was, if anyone wants Americans to pay for a mistake, should we not know both parties that are responsible? I mean, we hear the tripe it is women right, but where is this crap male we all want to have in the gym? It takes two, stop denying it does as a feminist. The facts so not support what you want to support. We Americans want to know who! We have that right if you want us to pay. No excuse, we have the right!

    The question, is of course, do you think the payee for mistakes has rights or do you want to lie and not reveal who did the bang bang that caused what you did not want? Earl

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Are all voters for Obama this ignorant?

    At the DNC we see interviews on youtube. We see an arbitrary selection of voters. They are of all races and Nationalities. Listen to what they say! I was shocked to know that they even supported that Ryan was our Vice-President! These people are not intellectually dumb. They have fare I.Q. So how can their comments to the questions be so naive and ignorant? Do you, as a voter think that somehow, even though Obama is in control, they knew the ignorant when they asked questions? Not in the real world.. that is the Obama voter base and God help us all. Earl

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Is this not another lie by Liberals?

    We are now hearing the word Fascist pointed at some Conservatives including Romney. World History shows Hitler a great follower of Stalin and used some of Stalin's writings in the war against the Allies. His own party was named a Socialist Party and he did invite the German Communist Party to join him. We know he had them killed because they refused, calling him mad, We all think they were right on that point, at least.

    I am worried and this is no rant as some childish person may accuse. What are we teaching our children in History class that some would suggest the lie about Fascists? Hitler was a radical Socialist and not a Conservative, except with some in America who are not true Conservatives. These are those that hold fast to all is money in their pocket or not for it. But that is true of 90% of Liberals in Congress and Senate.

    So, is it a lie or did we chang factual World History to allow the lie? Earl

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • I make $2k too much for a phone, so...I will vote for Romney as no phone?

    What do you think of those who are going to vote because they can get a phone? I mean, is there nothing else, looking at Obama's terrible record and our gas prices? We need that pipeline to stop this energy dependence and Obama knows this. When China drilled in the gulf, Obama refused to allow more for us. He claimed, as usual, environmental issues which is a bold faced lie. We know this because China uses less caution in drilling than we do! He said nothing to China.. except help yourself? What Nation is Obama President of? The list goes on and on about his failures and books had to be written as there are so many. Earl

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago