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A million light years from sanity!

  • Why is there a double standard between parents who cheat?

    My mother in law has started yet another affair!

    This woman from what I've seen has no respect for her husband, her marriage, or herself and expect everyone to keep quite while she does it, in short not tell her husband anything!

    I wont go along so I gave her husband full disclosure of what I knew and she's getting her's and that's , that!

    I've seen this situation on a number of occasion where women expect there kids to keep quite, but should the husband cheat RAT THE S.O.B. out!

    Why are women acting like it a mortal crime when the husband cheats, but when they cheat it a means to enjoy themselves and get get self confidence boost!

    I find it quite frankly disgusting seeing that the cheating is just as bad when a man cheat's, hell maybe worst because so much of the famly unit is revolves around the mother.

    Any thought's on subject?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I hurt and can't get the feeling that my marriage is over what to do?

    I found this past week that I CAN'T place trust in my wife no matter what I do!

    She had a cyber affair, and it almost became physical if I had not gone with her to high school reunion!

    She even lied to me when I became concerned about her involvement with the the guy who just so happen to be her 1st love but she said that is was innocent nothing to be affrad of!

    I read the emails she left on and decided to nip it in the but with the guy and told his wife at the reunion, to say it was a disaster would be a kindness.

    We separated for 3 months and got back together in part because of the children but because i thought I was ready.

    She asked to go on a road trip and I almost flipped out in front of the kids!

    I instead said I thought now was not a good time and said we could talk about it later on but I find myself not trusting her!

    I honestly think our marriage of 16 years might be coming to an end what can I do to TRUST AGAIN, and save the marriage?

    4 post in profile on subject!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I develop trust with my wife after CYBER cheating, and almost physical event took place?

    This has been a year straight from hell!

    as many of you know my wife of 16 years, started to contact her 1st love when I asked about it she informed me it was just nostalgia ( she's 7 years older), but it wasn't it almost went into physical side at her HIGH SCHOOL REUNION, hell he even had the balls to come to my home but I kicked his @$$ and sent him on his way!

    We separated for a few months but after allot of therapy we got back together on my part mostly for the kids we have 5 all adopted, and 3 nieces and nephew teens that we got guardianship of thats a total of 8 already!

    Well I came home last month and everything seems fine in fact it's been great , the wife has been really happy I'm home and have been making amends, the kids all seem happy and glad I'm home but theirs something missing and today I found out what it is TRUST!

    My wife asked if she could go with a few friends all who knew about the affair, and I almost freaked because I realize the trust is gone what can I do?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Hypothetical or real TRUE OR FALSE?

    A woman has a child at 13 years old her mother gives that child up for adoption so her daughter can have a normal childhood!

    After college and a failed marriage no children where she is beaten almost daily a young man stops the man from hitting his wife at the time he was only 13!

    8 years later the young man is in college after military where she is a Associated professor looking to get 10year the young man was going and she remembered him but he was having trouble in her class so she helped him out things lead to things and the 2 of them got married a year later the woman was 35 he was 22. What no one knew other then her mother was the young man was her son and for 9 years they had a happy marriage until the the young man went to the hospital for his appendix where his wife would find out almost by accented that he was her son!

    The woman decided to say nothing because she had been happy and know one knew anything because only she had the adpotion # for contact if so desired!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is happiness overrated in marriage, should we try and experience everything else as well?

    I've been think of a lot of foolish behavior this past couple of days because for the fact I just moved back with my wife after a 3 month Separation.

    Strange behavior from wife mainly she wants sex at a drop of a dime.

    Then their her uncle my friend who's marriage is falling apart after he confessed that they been in an open marriage for 3 years, and it's heading for Divorce!

    I sat down with my wife last evening before I was told about the Impending divorce of her UNCLE and we had a great talk about what went through her mind before I left , the emotional Affair with her HIGH SCHOOL 1st love, and what she felt like when I suggested we consider a divorce, but instead worked out our problems and are still working on them now but for the 1st time I feel it's in a positive manner instead of one thats been fueled by anger, hatred, even VIOLENCE. Her 1st love and I had a few angry punches thrown at one another, he lost went home to wife who kicked him out! He's done this 3 times before!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • DO you know a marriage that has gone bust because of Open MARRIAGE, or SWINGING?

    I now know 8 couples 2 ( my sister & wifes Uncle) couples are family members all of witch have been in either an open marriage or swinging and all are now divorce or getting divorced!

    Is it me or don't people think about what the the "WHAT IF" part of the equation?


    My questions are these:

    1) If your in a SWINGING or OPEN MARRIAGE why?

    a) what do you get out of it?

    b) If you family found out and strongly objected would you stop or continue your way of life?

    2) Does anyone know of a successful couple who swing or are in an open marriage? __EXPLAIN PLEASE__

    a) Have tried to get you to participate?

    3) Does anyone here know of a couple, friends or family that tried this and lost everything family included?

    Like my Sister or uncle? __EXPLAIN__

    Not trying to throw stones.

    Want explanation.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago

    My wifes uncle who is 2 years younger then her told me he's getting a divorce him from wife. I ask why and he said they been in a open marriage for 3 years his wife is in love with her other partner to the point she spends almost every night with him!

    He said he's wants out of the marriage because his wife wont get out of the lifestyle for there kids sake now there in meltdown!






    What would you do?


    I'm JADED and have real troubles, We are raising my nephew b/c sister swung, and nephew got hurt and is getting psychiatrist for problems in trusting ADULTS NOW.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • We have to get DRIVER LICENSE to use the road and drive a car why not to BREED and protect children?

    I've been reading a lot lately and come to the conclusion that whats needed today is BREEDING LICENSES because the children in this country are suffering from there parents ignorance needing to be happy 100% of the time if not get up and leave with no regard for kids!

    I mean look at everything, and that poor child in FLORIDA who parents were out getting high and finding playmates!

    Look at the woman who killed her own kids in South Carolina, because her boyfriend was going to dump her because of the kids!

    n New York that kid emaciated was 60 pounds and was 12 years old!

    That kid in Boston who was selling drugs at his mothers behest because he would not get dinner if he didn't! he was 7 years old GOD!

    My wife and I adopted all our children and we had to get approved before we could adopt them so why not have expand on that system to license parents of today?

    The 4th amendment should not allow CHILDREN to SUFFER this way.

    Condemned prisoners are treated better then kids today!

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • With STUPID behavior out there today do you think breeding license are necessary?

    I've been reading a lot lately and come to the conclusion that whats needed today is BREEDING LICENSES because the children in this country are suffering from there parents ignorance needing to be happy 100% of the time if not get up and leave with no regard for kids!

    I mean look at everything, and that poor child in FLORIDA who parents were out getting high and finding playmates!

    Look at the woman who killed her own kids in South Carolina, because her boyfriend was going to dump her because of the kids!

    n New York that kid emaciated was 60 pounds and was 12 years old!

    That kid in Boston who was selling drugs at his mothers behest because he would not get dinner if he didn't! he was 7 years old GOD!

    My wife and I adopted all our children and we had to get approved before we could adopt them so why not have expand on that system to license parents of today?

    The 4th amendment should not allow CHILDREN to SUFFER this way.

    Condemned prisoners are treated better then kids today!

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I moved back home and my wife is making me nervous, what to do?

    I moved out 3 months ago after I found out wife was having an emotional affair and other things as with her High School first love!

    After a lot of soul searching time away from family and to get my head straight this last SATURDAY I moved back home.

    My wife has been treating me like a king and this is making me nervous we been talking but most of the time when kids aren't around she goes for the GOLD if you know what I mean.

    When I finally spoke to her she said it's been long time and she was glad I was home and wanted to make me feel happy with her and kids!

    Now I'm really scared because I want a WIFE not a WHORE who feels like if she doesn't put out I'm going to leave again!

    What can I tell my wife that will make her understand that even though each of us had problems I have to OWN mine and accept that and her putting out on a drop of a dime is not the way to make me feel at home, I just don't know how to tell her this without offense!

    ANY SUGGESTIONS to make her feel SECURE?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • TAHNK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANSWERS: A question about going back to marriage or getting divorced?

    Those of you who know my story sorry for the brief recap: My wife had an emotional affair after chatting with him on line with her first high school lover, they might have had an affair at the reunion but I changed my mind and went with her, because I found out what was going on and put a stop to in front of him his wife and my wife as well!

    Well thing tried to go back to normal she even told him never to e-mail or contact her again ever, but his wife through him out and he tried to engage my wife again by trying to see her in person! I KICKED HIS *** on the spot and he went back to Kansas and I left her and separated!

    We adopted all our kids because she could not have any and she wanted to be a mother so we adopted 5 kids, all between the ages of 2 and 11, were also legal guardians to 3 teen between 13 -16 (god help us) and now she want to adopt them even if I don't come home. she's been begging me to come home again saying she would do anything to repair our family!

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Well okay the saga continues with my marriage, any suggestion?

    My wife and I been separated now for almost a month now.

    I found out she was in an emotional affair with her first love.

    He tried to make it a physical one but we exchanged a few fist he got my point of view a broken nose, check, ribs and arm, as well,. He put his tail between his legs, went back to Kansas, to his wife!

    Wife told me about him trying to "get some", still very ANGRY about him trying to next stage with wife!

    She said it's primary her fault because with kids she feels old (47) in counseling, just wanted to feel young again not to cheat she understands what she could lose and feels we need to be their for one another & our kids & 2 Nieces & nephew in their 14, 15, 16 *8 kids total* ( god help us)

    Been hard on us and we are trying to get a handle on it ( I hope fast $250 hr.) she admits she needed to just have someone to vent to, & she felt that scenes she was the one who pushed for adoption of 5 kids 2-11years. old she could not vent to me about problems?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I feel this is a marry go round, and I'm getting runned over by the truck that wont stop! HELP ME PLEASE?

    My wife come over my house, and expects me to be their on a moments notice now. I left after a REALLY BIG ARGUMENT and need time to work everything out before I go back.

    But I got to say I feels good to be on my own and not jump through wife hoops.

    She keeps asking me when will I come home, that she need me and wants to work everything out.

    I'm not sure why but I don't think I want to come home to her ever!

    She finally admitted to having and emotional affair with this other man she chatting with. She said it's so hard at the house with kids it only started as a moment or 2 to laugh with him and it moved on to other things!

    I told her that this is what he was looking for to begin with, and a month ago she stopped everything with him until he showed up at my door when he thought I wasn't there!

    I beat the hell out of him went to hospital, I told wife I wasted 16 years with her, and I was finished with the LIES.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Has anyone other then me seen this, CATCH A CHEATING WIFE?

    Corpret America wins again!

    I just read about a new test that is 99.82% accurate on women!

    What is this test you might ask? Well let me tell you, women have there genital region has a way of keeping a biological record of who we sleep with! Now 5 different company are developing a protein that can tell if you cheated in a 4 to 5 , drops to 97%after 6 month period of time!

    Only in the good old USA and a woman be subjected to test that proves she a slut or not, without her know( its a patch, that only needs sweet ) it or not!

    Oh ya, 19 states this test can be admitted into court as evidence!

    One more way to make money, stimulate the fear of cheating,

    God I hate money our grubbing society !

    What do you think?

    One more thing the test only cost $80, and the results can be published in 2 hours time!

    God what would you do if you found out she was cheating this?

    I think I would get drunk for 10 years and say to hell with everyone.

    Yes theirs a man virsion for 2 years now!

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Okey now I don't know what to think, any help would be greatly appreciated?

    My wife just left the loft over our garage, at first she wanted to "MAKE LOVE" her words!

    I'm still fuming from what was said last night so instead we just talked again!

    I asked he a question about what I'm not giving her, and what it was she needed. She said it's this feeling that it went by to soon, and now with everything, with her parents they had to get married at 14 years old because her mom was pregnant and gave birth to her! So the her home was not a happy one!

    I told her there nothing but excuses at explaining nothing about her conduct, and why did she want to stay married if she wants it on the side! She said she has not had sex with anyone but me in 15 years we got back together, and will not ,but this guy she been emailing was her first love! I made it clear ALL CONTACT WITH THIS GUY WAS OVER NOW< or she would have to find a new husband! When we got back together she signed a post-nup that states very clearly if either of us cheat the other gets everything!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I gotten down right ugly here at home, I feel like CRAP what to do?

    My wife and I got into an argument about one of her old boyfriends who has been contacting her. I finally told her I wanted to end last night, or theres going to be changes at the house!

    I said she was pushing it with me and I will not tolerate it any longer! After the kids went to bed she said she spoke to him because it was like being in high school again with no worries or responsibility's!

    So I asked her outright( I'm that tire) what she wanted in our marriage or if she wanted our marriage? She finally admitted that if I had not gone to her HIGH SCHOOL REUNION, She might have had the affair! She said it's not me but she needed to feel young again! We adopt 5 kids because she wants kids, were taking care of 3 teens, all at her instance, And she says that! I told her this morning that I need time away from her because If I stay were going to be divorced!

    The funny thing is I got a bad feeling about the reunion so I made time to go to it and felt bad about not trusting her after it!

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • For one night, you are given the KEYS to kingdom what would you do to your spouse, sexually?

    I want to try something new out on husband

    ( oh ya his name sorry) and think I want a wild time!

    Wife wrote this!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago