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Lv 2803 points

Will J.

Favorite Answers29%

I'm a guitarist and songwriter in WA state, originally from Alaska. I enjoy philosophy, astronomy, strategy games like Chess or Warcraft III, as well as Poker, which I made a living off of for 6 years.

  • Trying to play game with a friend - IP address won't work.?

    Specifically, I'm trying to play Age of Empires II: Conquerors with a buddy. We used to simply connect by him typing my IP address in the "join game" area. Now I live somewhere else, and I gave him my IP but it won't work. We tried going to game spy and game spy said that my internal IP is different than my external IP. There are 3 computers in my house, going through a router (The friend I am trying to play the game with doesn't live here though). How can I get this to work?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I am a singer/songwriter, but someone else has my name. Can his manager legally make me change my name?

    I have a common name: Will Johnson. After recording my first CD, I found out there was another Will Johnson who also records music. Both of us are "independent" artists (as opposed to major label), but he has more albums than me and has toured more. His mananger told me that once someone uses a name professionally it is their property. Can this be so with such a common name? Its not like I am going by "Jimi Hendrix" or something like that. It seems like there's a difference. My fans are used to my name and don't want me to back down. Isn't it up to the consumer to make sure they've got the right artist? What's my best course of action (without a major legal battle)?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago