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  • Octuplet Birth Unethical What's your opinion?

    By now I am sure that most of you have heard the news regarding the 33 year old single, unemployed, mother of already 6 children making the decision to have I believe 8 more, is it just me, or is their anyone else out their who is stunned by this woman's unethical choice she made? I am a mother of 3 children and prior to having my 3 children I made sure that myself and husband could provide for them both financially and emotionally. I was reading a recent interview from the mother of the lady who gave birth to all these children, who right now is caring for her daughters other 6 children, while her daughter is recovering, and the mother is appalled by her daughters decision and disgusted by the doctor who assisted in making it feasible for her daughter to have multiple children, the mother claims her daughter was already having a hard enough time taking care of the 6 children she already had, she claimed that the house is always in a disarray, her daughters patient behavior was always being pushed to the limit, and now she added 8 more kid's to the already insane household. I personally find it rather selfish, and question this woman's intentions, as many people know, their are people who try to financially benefit off of anything out of the ordinary, in the past a few of the other women who had multiple births were bought homes, lifetime supplies of diapers, brand new vehicles through dealerships were also donated, toy's, clothing etc, and of course let's not forget the money they also get from magazines and interviews, I find rewarding someone for a self centered act like this to be wrong, while I don't want to see these children live under privaliaged, I also don't want to see this to become a common thing, as these are children we are talking about, and it is a shame that people like this mother are having children for profit and self gratification reasons. I hope that society wakes up and puts a stop to women having litters of children, as it is morally and ethically wrong, and this lady should not be given a dime for her actions. Just want to hear if anyone else feels like I do?

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Are people aware that Obama is a smoker? ?

    Just curious if anyone is aware that Obama is a long time smoker? Who has tried a number of times to quit by using the patch and other methods that have failed, and while he claims he will not smoke while living in the White House, as it was banned many years ago, he admits that he is on and off the wagon when it comes to smoking. It certainly doesn't bother me that he smokes, what does bother me is the fact that he only came clean about his habit as he was caught in the act, he was spotted smoking by a number of people and at first denied it, while figuring out that he was caught was only when he admitted the truth, this bothered me more so then the idea that he smokes, but of course one must also realize story regarding him being caught smoking came from our media, so who knows if it is valid or not? But regarding him being a smoker is the truth, as I have seen him in interviews owning up to it. So my question is, does this make any difference in how you perceive him and his character? As I already stated, it doesn't bother me, so long as he helps our country and can walk the walk as well as he can talk the talk which I must add remains to be seen? I could care less.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • statue of limitations?

    Can someone tell me if its legal to garnish wages on a car loan that wasnt paid 10 to 13 years up the road? Its from the state of oregon, I was under the impression that this far back they cant garnish me or penalize me, any comments or recomondations would be appriciated.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can anyone actually ever get off methadone?

    Im a former pill addict, and made the dumb mistake of thinking methadone would be the way out! Boy, what a mistake that was! Needless to say, a average person who starts the methadone program ends up being enslaved to the drug, these clinics kinda make ya feel their is no other way, and methadone is the wonder drug, and I fell right into this. That is till about 9 months ago, it just hit me one day that this is insanity, and I want my life back! So I started my taper, so far Ive gone from 90mgs down to where Im at now 40, and Im doing just fine, with one exception, I never ever hear any positive succsess storys about people tapering off methadone, theirs got to be someone out in this world who has done it and didnt have to suffer to bad, if you are out their or know anyone who has tapered off this horrible drug, please let me know that it can be done! I want to start hearing some positive stuff, all this negativity is bringing me down.

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Ankle Swelling?

    Ok heres my problem, my ankle has been swelling or shall I say increasing in size after Ive been on it all day, Ive gone to the doctor for it and she claims it is not swelling from lets say water retention, she claims that it is from wear n tear, or over-use? Im in no pain, it is only my left ankle, and the swelling isnt huge meaning it is barely noticable. My doctor says its nothing to worry about but Im sorry I cant help it, I do worry, its not normal. Has anyone else ever heard of or gone thru something like this? Also, my job requires that Im on my feet all day, and when Im not working I do tend to wear high heel shoes, Im short 5'3 so I like so many other girls like to appear taller than what I really am, but I love my shoes! Any feed back would be appriciated! PS-keep in mind, it has been determined it is not due to water retention!

    4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Turning in the weirdo,s?

    How can some people on yahoo answers get away with asking such nasty questions? I mean what is wrong with some of these people? Dont they realize that kids are reading some of our questions and comments? How do we report and get someone kicked off of our site? I love Yahoo answers and I get alot of great advise but sometimes I read things that make my skin crawl, and some of these people lie, for example, one guy wrote in and claimed he was dying and only had 2 day,s to live, I felt so bad for him, I gave him the best advise I could give for someone who I thought was really gonna die, ha, my mistake, cause he wrote in 4 days later with a math question and something else, I could,nt believe it? He was,nt dying! Anyway, Im just wondering if their is something that is not fit for a child to view, why put it out there? and who do we contact to have these pigs taken off of our site?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • methadone tapering help?

    I've been on methadone 90mg's for pain managment for 2 years, I came to the point on my life where I no longer need to be on this medication so I decided to taper off, I have full support of my doctor and a nurse and a counseler, Im also in a good place in my life. So a few month,s ago I thought, I dont want to be tied down to a drug, so I started the taper. My question is as follows, I am now on 60mgs and I dont feel like my usual self, runny nose, and not as much energy, it,s been ten days how much longer will this continue? and do u think that I went down to fast 2 1/2 months from 90 to 60? I thought I would,nt notice anything till I dropped to 20 or less? Thank U

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Veins in Hands?

    This may sound strange but why is it that when Im at rest my veins in my hands are not to visable but when Im working or doing something that physical they seem to bulge out? Now keep in mind I have a very physically demanding job and I just turned 40 I am not over weight and as far as I know my health is just fine. Also when I get really hot it can happen, Im not sure how long this has been going on? It may be that I never really paid much attention to this before and now all of a sudden Im always checking my hands and other peoples as well. I just wanted to see if I could get a answer to why this happens and if I should be worried or if this is normal and I must say, Im leaning towards normal being the answer. Thank U! Penelope

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Swollen Ankle-Help?

    For about a year now Ive had this problem with my left ankle swelling a little. It only occurs after long walks, working, in general any kinda excersice. If I elevate my foot it goes away, and in the morning its just fine. I have seen my doctor over this and she told me its from over use? I still dont get it? Is there any one out there who has gone thru this or knows why and when its gonna go away? Keep in mind It is not painful, it just kinda creaps me out a bit. Also other than this I am healthy and my doctor says its nothing to worry about but I cant help it It scares me.

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • Roomate kicks daughter to the curb!?

    my question is as follows, my 20 year old daughter is wondering if she crossed the line in a roomate situation, so here,s how everything went down. She lives with her best friend and her best friends brother, she moved in with them about a month ago. Well my daughters boyfriend who works out of town and whom my daughter has,nt seen in a month, due to work issues, came back into town and took it upon himself to stay the night at my daughters house with her roomates. My daughter asked permission from her best friend if she could have her boyfriend stay the night but did,nt ask the brother. So anyway when the brother found out about her boyfriend staying the night he blew up and told her it,s not working out and she would have to move. Now my daughter is all upset and wondering why he got so pissed. I told her its disrespectful and she was out of line, so any feedback or advise would be appreciated.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • help! my 14 yearold wont take a shower?

    I have a 14 year old son who for some reason rarely takes showers, I have a nice home and we are very clean but for some reason he likes his hair long and greasy and I also notice he doesnt use soap, why does he want to be filthy? He smelled so bad last week that me and my younger son were gagging when he would come into the room where we were watching t.v, and yes I do tell him he smells but he doesnt seem to care or mind, am I missing something here?

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • when you die?

    I was watching Larry King the other night and Tammy Faye was the guest, and as we all know that would be her last interview, she made a statement that she wanted to be cremated and not buried because she feared that the worms would eat her, is this true that if you get buried that worms eat your remains?

    18 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • 14 year old wont get a hair cut?

    I have a 14 year old son, who has long hair, I,ve begged pleaded even offered money, but he wont go get it cut, I even offered to do it myself, I think he think,s he look,s good, and let me tell ya it look,s like crap! He does,nt even take care of it, also keep in mind, I have joint custody of him with his father, so therefore his dad has alot of push in this department, but guess what? his dad think,s it,s ok, it,s just a stage and he will out grow it, I know when I was a kid and my parent,s told me what to do, it was done, no questions asked, but our kid,s in this day and age are different, they have so much more power and control, who,s fault is it? mine and ours, should I lay down the law and become more of a back in the day parent or just do as his dad say,s and just wait it out? Any good advise would help.

    10 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago