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  • economics study help!! externalities?

    Okay, test tomorrow morning and the professor didn't post answers to practice problems yet for some stupid reason. I need help!!

    The question is:

    Assuming a product can be manufactured competitively without any externalities at an efficient quantity of 1,500 units and an efficient price of $50.00 per unit, what efficient quantity-price combination would be consistent with a positive externality?

    Possible Answers are:

    A) 1,500 units, $60.00 per unit price

    B) 1,300 units, $45.00 per unit price

    C) 1,600 units, $40.00 per unit price

    D) 1,700 units, $56.00 per unit price

    Just let me know how you got your answer please, because I'm thoroughly confused!

    2 AnswersEconomics9 years ago
  • What's Causing SEVERE left front tooth pain?

    When I was younger I chipped my top front left tooth on the side of a swimming pool.. simple enough we got a cap (or whatever it's called - not sure.. it just makes the tooth as long as the one beside it so it looks normal, connected to the chip part and extended to the length of the tooth beside it, that is). When I got my braces off at 14 it came off when they took them off, so I got another one, then that came off when I was 18 while eating. So, we got another one that I've had since then and I'm now 20. Recently, starting this August, I have had some sensitivity in this tooth, gradually getting worse. It's mostly been bad when I eat cereal in the mornings or drink something REALLY cold, but normal drinks are fine. Then this past weekend, it has started to hurt pretty bad, just a dull throb. Then every once in a while it will start to hurt so bad I want to cry, and I have cried. The best pain I can compare it to is when you have braces and your teeth move and you feel the pain. It's like that, but more severe. To kind of combat it I have been putting sensodyne on it a little, and then today quite a lot since it has gotten worse. It hurts the most when I go outside (it's windy and cold) or when ceiling fans are on and it's cold in the room. It stops hurting for the most part if I brush my teeth and put sensodyne on it. But eventually after a few minutes of comfort the pain comes back as strong as it originally was. I can't see any type of movement in my tooth, or any visible evidence of my gum receding, and my cap is not lose from what I can tell. Could it have something to do with the cap that covers the chipped part, or is it more likely a nerve problem? If I go to the dentist will I have to have a root canal, or get a new cap? any ideas? I'm going this week but I don't have dental insurance so I'm just wanting to get an idea of what I'll have to get done. Any comments or stories are welcome!

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • What should I do about my finance professor? (Please read everything)?

    First I would like to say that none of this has to do with my abilities as a student. I have a 3.982 overall GPA and 4.0 in my major. I'm currently in my second semester of my sophomore year. I'm in a business finance class that has two people (yes, two people, and it's not online - it's a real in-the-room class). It's required for my major (accounting) and the professor is absolutely horrific. He never answers e-mails, makes us call if we need anything, always forgets to put tests online (some are online, some are in the classroom). As well, in the beginning of the class he told us that a good grade in this class is a C. I've made all A's, and on A- in my college career. One, my GPA can't handle a low grade. Two, does that not prove he's a terrible professor? He reads the powerpoint in class, and never does an examples except talking through the powerpoint ones. On the first test I made a 68, and on the second one I made a 70. I'm practically teaching myself this stuff. I don't know what to do! Help!! I can't drop this class because then I'd be under my required hours for the semester, so that's not an option. I'm so upset.

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • Where can I find The Very Lonely Firefly in ASL?

    I have to create a video for my American Sign Language class. We are supposed to sign an entire children's book, and I have been assigned The Very Lonely Firefly by Eric Carle. Long story short, our class hasn't had much time to go over our respective books, and I was looking online to find some help. If anyone knows anything I would be extremely thankful!!

    1 AnswerLanguages1 decade ago
  • Accounting question: selling stock?

    I must make the journal entry for the following statements:

    Sold 400 shares of Wild Goose Marina Corporation common stock that has been held as a short-term investment. The stock was sold for 18 1/4, less a commission of $140.00. The stock was originally purchased at a total cost of $5,200.00.

    I guess the biggest question I have is what do I do with the 18 1/4? I don't know what that means. Any help is appreciated!!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Mac users, I need help with iMovie '09?

    So awhile back I deleted a project that was a music video I had made. I still have it as a project in the imovie folder on the computer, but not on imovie. I deleted the "project" off iMovie awhile back and I wanted to put it back on there but I don't know how. I can't "undo" because it was awhile back. I want to export it as an HD movie just so I'll have it because there is nothing that let's me use it (such as quicktime) because it's not a finalized movie. I try to reopen it in iMovie (since that's the only place it says I can) but when I click it, nothing pops up in iMovie. does anybody know what I can do to get it back on there? Thanks :) I'll pick best answer asap.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Tell me if I'm wrong about condoms and pregnancy?

    So I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and to begin with, we both agree there is still a very SMALL chance of getting pregnant if you have sex while using a condom. However, I said that if the guy is using a condom, and he pulls out (while having the condom still on) and he **** in the condom away & outside of the girl, there is almost NO chance of pregnancy, unless there was a hole or a tear in the condom to begin with. She said that that's not true, and you are just as likely to get pregnant, so he should just stay inside the whole time. I said she was crazy because obviously it has to be safer if he doesn't *** inside. Help me with this please? And we mean all the different times of the month, not just before or after the girls period, basically just sex in general whenever..

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My friend doesnt have yahoo, wanted me to ask about pregnancy, PLEASE HELP?

    Okay, so like I said my friend doesn't have a yahoo account but is here wanted me to ask. When her mom was trying to get pregnant with her she had to take special medications, drugs, whatever, to help her get pregnant, and she finally did. So needless to say it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to get pregnant. Now, this girl has a boyfriend, who's parent were told they would never have kids, and so they adopted, yet a couple years later, along comes pregnancy and her boyfriend was born. Now, these two date, and have sex. My friend used to be on the pill but quit because it made her gain weight. They didn't have sex while she was on the pill, she was a virgin then, but now that she is off it, ironically they have sex. When they have sex, they wear a condom, and he even pulls out before cumming with the condom on. So what are the chances she will get pregnant? They only have sex right before and right after her period to avoid ovulation time as well. What do you guys think?? Only serious answers please. I'll pick the best answer asap.. :) Oh and the boy is 20 and the girl is 19, and both in good health.. in case you were wondering.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I need help with motivation.. please!!?

    I have a bad habit of working out hard for a week or two, at the most a month, and then I just quit. I get bored doing the same stuff over and over, and lose all my motivation. I love seeing the pounds slowly come off, but I just get bored on the elliptical or treadmill (whatever the situation may be). I use my ipod and computer to try to entertain me, but I just need some help. Any ideas? How do you guys stay motivated to work out day after day?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Games for ps3 for my boyfriend?

    So yesterday I asked about cheap places to buy PS3 games. Today, I want to ask, do you guys have any suggestions on what games to buy my boyfriend for Christmas? He is a firefighter, and loves college and NFL football, so of course I'm considering NCAA 10 and Madden 10, but what other games or blu ray movies would be good ideas? Thanks!

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know where to find cheap PS3 games?

    I want to get my boyfriend Madden 2010 for his PS3, and maybe NCAA Football 2010 or Need for Speed Shift, as well. The cheapest I can find it is, which is about $50.00. I know on Black Friday some of them were 34.99, but I wasn't able to get any. Does anybody know of a place I can still get them for cheap, brand new? I'm desperate! I'm a college student, with not a lot of money, so it's gotta be as cheap as possible! I've looked every where, searched google, all of it.. somebody help me!

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago