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  • What name is best for a dystopian book character?

    My main character was originally named Jamie, but I think that's too common for the genre. Now I'm thinking of these:

    Rylan/Rilen (or some other spelling variation)




    Or any other names you can suggest are also welcome!

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Which of these male names is best?

    I realized I don t like the name for my main character (it was Jamie). I want something that starts with an R and these are my favorites I can t decide from





    3 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years ago
  • Which of these male names is best?

    I realized I don t like the name for my main character (Jamie). I want something that starts with an R and these are my favorites I can t decide from





    13 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Game won t open in windows 8, just runs in background?

    Im trying to play my digital download of the sims 4 off Origin, and everytime I click on it it looks like it s going to open, turns the screen black and has a loading symbol, but then it just goes back to my desktop. The game is still running in the background and I can see the icon in the bottom task bar, but it just won t let me play it.

    Please help! TIA

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games4 years ago
  • Severe cramping early in pregnancy?

    So I m 5 weeks pregnant and I ve had some pretty bad cramps since before I even found out. Some of them feel like normal period cramps, but if I run or use my stomach muscles, it gets so bad that I m shaking and nauseous.

    I know cramps are normal, but is it bad for them to be this painful?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • How to activate a samsung galaxy core to a new user?

    My friend found a galaxy core on the ground and decided to keep in just in case, as like a backup. The other day my iPhone got ran over by a semi, and needless to say, it did not survive.

    After apples announcement about removing the headphone jack on iPhone 7, I decided to switch to an android anyway. But when I tried to set up the phone, it needed the previous owner's email.

    Is there a way I can activate the galaxy without that email, preferably in a way that I can keep my phone number, maybe even my contacts?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • Where do they get the sperm for babies in The Giver?

    So I know they have birth mothers in the giver, but how do they get them pregnant? Are certain guys selected to have sex with the moms or **** into a cup? Like, "Hey man, you re selected for a very special secret job. Come to this building where you don t take your meds for a couple weeks, then get enjoy yourself"

    IDK I m pretty stoned tbh, but I ve always wondered this since I read the book

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • Any tips, positions, or ideas to make sex more interesting?

    Today s my birthday and my boyfriend is giving me "special birthday sex" as my present. Lol until he gets enough money for my real present.

    Any new/ unconventional things we can do?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Could I download the sims onto my phone?

    I wanted to download the Sims 4 on my laptop but it's just a little hp stream so there's not enough space left on it; only 6 gigs. But my phone has 41 gigs left, which is enough for the 10 gb that the Sims 4 is.

    Would there be someway to download it from the origin app on my laptop to my phone if I hook it up with the usb cable?


    3 AnswersSoftware5 years ago
  • How to tell my crush I like him?

    There s a guy I ve been crushing on, and I know he likes me back. We ve been on a date, and have another one planned. But yesterday I called him my best friend and I realized after that that sounds like I was friend zoning him, and I want to make sure he knows I like him more than a friend.

    The only way I can think of is to tell him I have a crush on him, or emphasize that I LIKE him, but those both sound kind of immature... I can t say I love him, because it s way too early!

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I updated to iOS 9.1 but my phone still tells me to update. What do I do?

    Every time i unlock my phone, I get a pop up that says "new iOS update available. Please update from the iOS 9 beta" so I go to settings > software update but it says my phone is updated???? How do I get rid of the pop up?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • If I m 18, could I go to a 21+ club with a 21 year old?

    I want to go to a new years party with my friend, who s 21. The club is for 21 and older, but if I m not drinking/buying alcohol and I m accompanied by an adult, would I be able to go?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • Are you an introvert or extrovert, and are you a morning or night person?

    I have a theory that there is a correlation between the two.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Should I ask him out on a date?

    I go to an Improv Comedy show every week and there s this one actor who I just love. He hilarious and cute and friendly, and this is irrelevant...

    We became friends on facebook, and now I really want to ask him out. Would that be weird? I know I should probably try to get to know him better first, but we can do that on a date! And I already know that he's single and is the same religion as me, so that s a plus! =P

    Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How to get to know someone you hardly ever see?

    I went to a play a few weeks ago and one of the actors was SUPER cute, so I talked to him a little bit after the show (just stuff like, That was really good! I enjoyed the play! etc). And it's not just that he's good looking, he has a really cute personality, too; he's like a little kid in an adult's body, and he's really nice and funny and just.... yeahh.....

    Anyway, so I really want to get to know him better, and I go to the theatre he works at almost every week so I see him sometimes if he's there, but I really don't know what to do. I was thinking I could maybe give him my number or something, but I'm afraid that's too personal and flirty.

    Any advice at all is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!! =)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is there a way to un-blur a picture?

    I got a picture with my favorite actor ever (whom I also have a crush on, but that s not important) and afterwards when I went to look at it it was super shaky a blurry! Is there a way to make it look a bit better? I tried using the sharpen tool on photoshop, but it didn t really help.

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersPhotography6 years ago
  • Is it illegal for an employer to make a minor (17 y/o) to work longer than 12 hours?

    At my old job, I was scheduled to work for 12 hours on Saturdays, from 10 am to 10 pm, but on my second week working there, my boss had me work an extra hour and a half. I clocked out around 11:40, but there were a lot of things that I had to do before I could leave.

    My boss promised me that since I had to drive about 90 miles one-way to get to work (and of course the same to get home) that he would pay for my gas, so before I went home, I went and filled up my car, then drove back to work to give him the receipt so he could write me a check for it. I finally left around midnight and didn't get home until 2 am. (Also, he never did pay me back for gas. I spent over $420 during my employment, which I never actually got back.)

    I don't know much about the legal system, so I was wondering was would be the best course of action to take here.

    Also, during my 13.5 hour shift, I didn't get a lunch break until around 9pm, which means I worked for 11 hours with no break, and I'm pretty sure it's illegal to make a minor work longer than 5 hours without a 30 minute break, if that helps my case at all.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Will sharpie stay on clothes through the wash?

    I have a bunch of plain white t shirts and I want to decorate them, but I don t want the sharpie to fade when I wash them.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories6 years ago
  • Can you microwave Dickey's lil yellow cups?

    It says they are microwave safe, but I thought you weren't supposed to microwave plastic?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes6 years ago