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Favorite Answers15%
  • Comments not readable?

    Why is it that on certain questions, I cannot read the comments? There have been a few comments made to my answer that even today, a month later that I still cannot read!

    It does not matter if I asked the question, if I answered someone else's question, or if I didn't answer the question, I cannot read the comment made.

    Is there a reason why Yahoo won't let me read (and in some cases make) a comment on the majority of questions?

    And please don't tell my to clear my desktop of crumbs or anything like that as I have no idea what that means or how to do it.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Change of pace with a new bit?

    I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with the Korsteel Flexi Eggbutt Mullen Mouth Snaffle bit?

    I was considering getting one for my horse who is reluctant to take the bit.

    3 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Was he properly gelded?

    Weird question, I know.

    Even as a foal, my horse knew he was a "colt", according to his breeder. She had him gelded at 6 and a half months of age (I got him a month later). Apparently the man who did the gelding was concerned that he had a ruptured testicle as he was pretty big down there. As it turned out nothing was ruptured and he was gelded.

    However, he is now 9 and a half years old and has a high opinion of himself. He nips, space invades and greets people with pinned ears and tries to nip (usually at faces). He has four lovely canine teeth. He has a good covering of fat on him, you can feel his ribs with pressure, his rump is round with no "gutter" or apple bum appearance, yet he is developing a crest in the middle of his neck- it has gotten wide and thick. According to the horse body score sheet that I have, he is not fat enough to be cresting.

    On a few occasions I have noticed a slight lump between his legs where his testicles would have been. I have tried to grab it but as soon as I do, it shoots up inside his body. The lump felt smooth, hard with a round surface.

    Is it possible that he wasn't gelded properly? Or that he had a third testicle? Or is he just a spoilt, fat brat of an Arabian? He is 81% Arabian and the rest is welsh blood, if that makes any difference.

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • My budgie is sick...? Urgent help NEEDED!?

    My 10 year old budgie is sick (or dying). He sits on the perch, his feathers fluffed up a bit, breathing very heavily. He is still drinking, and I think eating- I have seen him in the seed bowl and I have seen my other budgie feeding him.

    Is he sick, does he have a cold or is he dying? How can I help him get better?

    3 AnswersBirds7 years ago
  • How to gain the trust and respect of a horse?

    I have a few problems with my horse, which I think are related to trust and respect. He seems happy to see me, but then puts his ears back and tries to bite me- he has drawn blood on more than one occasion. He does this when I am grooming him, stroking him, rugging him (more rugging than un-rugging) and even while walking him. He makes spending time with him pretty unpleasant. He also is a space invader who seems to like bumping into me.

    He has no signs of pain, and he had his teeth done late last year. He doesn't get ridden very often. He also is 81% arab, which may have a part to play.

    I've had him since he was a weanling, and even then the first thing he did was nip me. I think maybe he was weaned before he was emotionally ready, and he was the only foal born that year on the stud farm, although he had two yearlings there for company. For the first few years he was pretty much the only horse at the agistment centre, although a few ponies did stay there for a few months.

    Do you think that his being weaned too early can affect his attitude toward being handled?

    Do you think that this really is a trust/respect issue I have with him? If so, how can I fix it?

    Could not having other foals to play with in his early months mean that he thinks nipping and biting is a sign of affection? That he does not know how to behave properly around people?

    What can I do to make being handled a more pleasant experience for both of us?

    7 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Horse won't walk a straight line?

    I have been working with my green horse, and he seems to have a problem with walking in a straight line while being led. He keeps walking into me, when we stop he walks into the back of my shoulder. As we walk, he walks with his head at my elbow and keeps trying to nip me.

    Nothing I have done so far has worked. So if anyone out there can give me a few tips on helping train my horse to walk properly will be greatly appreciated.

    And any tips on how to stop him trying to nip and bite would be awesome too!

    5 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Answers and ratings?

    Lately I've noticed a lot of great answers to questions being given the thumbs down- and usually those people who gave that great answer have most of their other answers thumbed down too. Like there is someone/s going around and deliberately targeting every answer certain people give and score them the thumbs down.

    Or am I just being paranoid? Has anyone else noticed this?

    Why do the good and great answers, clearly from knowledgeable people (who have clearly researched their answer) treated to eth big ol' thumbs down?

    6 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Why do good answers get a thumbs down?

    Lately I've noticed a lot of great answers to questions being given the thumbs down- and usually those people who gave that great answer have most of their other answers thumbed down too. Like there is someone/s going around and deliberately targeting every answer certain people give and score them the thumbs down.

    Or am I just being paranoid? Has anyone else noticed this?

    Why do the good and great answers, clearly from knowledgeable people (who have clearly researched their answer) treated to the big ol' thumbs down?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Losing our right to vote...?

    It looks like we are losing our right to vote for best answer when the asker can't be bothered to choose one. Anyone else out there upset by this, other than myself? I like voting for best answer, I find I learn a lot by reading through the answers given.

    There is NO WAY I am going to read through answers to old questions if I can't vote for one.

    What next do you think will be taken away from us? The right to thumb up or down an answer? And what will these changes to our points system be? After all these changes we've had, and what we are having foisted upon us, I'm starting to wonder if it is worth hanging around and participating anymore?

    6 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Western saddles and bars?

    I will admit that I know very little about western riding, and the few times I have ridden in a western saddle, I found it quite uncomfortable, especially on the inner thighs, I guess I'm just used to my all purpose English saddle.

    Anyway, my question is, what are bars? I know they are some part of the western saddle, and they affect fit(???). Full bars? Quarter bars? Are they similar to the gullets in an English saddle? What exactly do they do?

    Please, can someone who knows what these bars are, please explain them to me?

    2 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Trouble with mounting up. . . ?

    I have a green 6yo gelding, arab cross, if that matters.

    My problem is that every time I go to mount him, he walks off. I've tried having him face into a corner (when safe to do so) but he simply turns around. I started tying him up to the hitching rail, but then once I was on his back, I couldn't untie him, and there is no one else around to help me (this is a do-it-yourself agistment centre). And once he starts walking and I'm on his back, he breaks into a fast trot no matter how tight I have the reins.

    Does anyone out there have any tips on how to get him to stand still, or at least in one place, while I mount and get my stirrups? Tips that don't involve someone holding him, as I have no one to do that for me.

    The nearest (reputable) trainer is 2 hours away and too busy to take in another horse, and they suggested I find a local kid and have them ride my horse, but I don't like that idea at all- how can a kid fix my horse's mounting problems if I can't?

    Any idea or tips will be greatly appreciated!

    7 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • What's been hiding in the hay?

    Last week I was getting my horse's dinner, which is hay. I have a large hay roll in the shed. Anyway, I was pulling off handfuls of hay, when I saw something black fall down into the hay, so I flicked it out with my boot. Then I decided to go check it out, and realised it was a huge spider! No joke, I swear its body was about the size of my fist! I know we get some pretty big spiders here in Australia, but that was the BIGGEST I've ever seen! And it was crawling about in my hay! I can tell you, I've been much more careful whenever I go near my hay bale!

    Anyway, my question is what is the nastiest surprise you have found in your hay/feed shed? And what did you do when you found it? I may have screamed a bit, danced around the huge spider throwing bricks at it until one managed to land on and squash it, then I jumped on the brick and ground it into the ground to make sure that spider was dead. Overkill, maybe, but at least I knew that spider was dead when I flipped that brick.

    15 AnswersHorses7 years ago
  • Need help choosing a suitable PCOS diet?

    I was diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome about nine months ago- best thing ever! Since starting the metformin tablets and the Laila contraceptive pill, I feel happier than I've ever been, have lost 6kg and no longer bloat, but I do suffer from stomach upsets every now and then- usually once a week. I was wondering if there are any certain foods or drink that I should avoid, or any that I should eat or drink?

    Are there any types of exercises that I should be doing that would help lose weight and tone up?

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Living with PCOS? Tips?

    I've recently been diagnosed with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. I am taking metformin tablets and the contraceptive pill to help control/ease the symptoms.

    Does anyone have any advice on what else could help ease the symptoms? And help lose the weight?

    Is there anything I could add or eliminate from my diet?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago