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Lv 32,118 points

♥The Clever Horse♥

Favorite Answers6%
  • how long can my horse lie down for?

    I have a horse that just recently foundered. His coffin bone has rotated over 10 degrees ( i know how awful! ) but my vet (dr morrison, works for rood and riddle and is known as the best in the world) is working with him. Today he put special shoes on. Dr morrison believes he will make it through this and even go back into jumping possibly. Now I am not getting my hopes up for that though. Just as long as my horse isn't in pain anymore. I know it may take several months to get better, but with these shoes they should they should help with the pain and make him more comfortable. However, I am worried that he isn't comfortable enough. Today I found him laying down (not on with his legs under him but all the way on his side) and I am unsure of how long is safe before fluid builds up in his lungs. So if you know anything about this please tell me. I have tried reaching my vet, but he is in high demand and very hard to reach.

    Also, if you have ever known of a case like this or had a horse go through it please share. I would love to hear of the outcome. Thanks.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Winesburg Ohio question?

    Why are the chapters arranged in the order they are in? What is the purpose of this? Can you support you answer from details in the story? I am just stuck on this...Do you think you can help? Thanks...much appreciated

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Can anyone write me up a liabilty paper for me training their pony to drive?

    I will be training their pony for 2 weeks and he will be staying at my place. I want one saying I am not responsible for if he gets hurt and things like that.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Silly pony? why does he do this?

    So, I have this pony. He is absolutely amazing to deal with. But when he is turned out he can be a real mean guy. He is pushy to the others and very dominant.

    Anyways, I have some llamas and am trying to get my horses used to them. I turned him out with them and after 5 minutes he started charging them. Why would a horse do this? I thought they didnt have that instinct to chase things.

    He also will charge and chase dogs if they are in the pasture.

    I just think this is strange and wanted to know what you all thought? He was gelded at 5 so that might be part of a reason. He just chases other kinds of animals and I don't understand why if that isn't what horses naturally do.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Guess my horses breed............?

    Just a for fun question because I am bored. I don't know, it might be obvious but who cares?

    15 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Interesting question...?bloodlines and pedigrees?

    I have a thoroughbred who is registered in the jockey club. three generations back begins warmbloods. I thought they were really stricked on warmbloods being in thoroughbreds pedigree. Here is his pedigree. It is on his moms side. Click on the link. It starts with Avatar. Then click on her name and see her pedigree and there are even more warmbloods. I just thought this was really wierd. Did they change the rules?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • getting my permit...what questions should I look out for?

    I am going to go take the test for getting my permit...I am in ohio by the way if that matters...Anyways, I was wondering if there are any questions and answers I should make a key note of that may be tricky or is commonly asked

    2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Turning 16...getting a new should my liscense plate say?

    Hey I am getting my first car and am wanting my plate to say something equine/horse related. I do jumpers and hunters, and eventing and wondering what it could say?

    usef ?





    What are some other ideas or which one do you like?


    anything horse related is great!

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • beet pulp question? ...........?

    I noticed in a question people asnwered use beet pulp to make a horse gain weight. I have always been told even if you soak it it can still swell inside and cause colicing or other issues. I also heard that it is used for making a horse loose weight. What exactly is the story on it?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • kicking hobble? does it work?

    I have a thoroughbred that is amazing to ride and has the best looks you can get. He is tall, enjoys jumping, has an amazing head set...

    However, he has a horrible habit of kicking in a trailer and almost kicked steel doors off once. Do kicking hobbles really work?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Please answer!!!...........?


    conditional statement?

    Write the conditional statement and converse within the biconditional.

    A rectangle is a square if and only if all four sides of the rectangle are equal length.

    A) Conditional: If all four sides of the rectangle are equal length, then it is a square.

    Converse: If a rectangle is a square, then its four sides are equal length.

    B) Conditional: If a rectangle is a square, then it is also a rhombus.

    Converse: If a rectangle is a rhombus, then it is also a square.

    C) Conditional: If all four sides are equal length, then all four angles are 90.

    Converse: If all four angles are 90, then all four sides are equal length.

    D) Conditional: If a rectangle is not a square, then its sides are of different lengths.

    Converse: If the sides are of different lengths, then the rectangle is not a square.

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • quick question about this problem?

    Determine if the conjecture is valid by the Law of Detachment.

    Given: If Tommy makes cookies tonight, then Tommy must have an oven. Tommy has an oven.

    Conjecture: Tommy made cookies tonight.

    A) The conjecture is valid, because if Tommy didn’t have an oven then he didn’t make cookies tonight

    B) The conjecture is not valid, because if Tommy didn’t have an oven then he didn’t make cookies tonight.

    C) The conjecture is valid, because Tommy could have an oven but he could make something besides cookies tonight.

    D) The conjecture is not valid, because Tommy could have an oven but he could make something besides cookies tonight.

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Interesting little question?????????

    so, one of dreams have always been to ride my horse on a beach out into the sunset! The problem is, I live in Kentucky! LOL. I was just wondering, and i doubt this will ever happen, but what would happen if I took my horse down to like Florida or something? Would the altitude mess with him? Or would it not be good to do? I know that that would be very very expensive and I am never really planning on doing that but would it bother a horse?

    13 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • greek mythology- help please?

    I am doing a project in my english class. It is about greek mythology. We have to pick any greek god or make our own. I picked Morpheus- god of dreams. I am having a hard time finding anything on the internet about him. I would love to have some pictures of him and find out what his symbol is. Any additional information you know or find about him would be very useful too. If you can think of any other god that might be more interesting please say so too, b/c i am very open to suggestions too. Thanks alot!

    4 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • leg protectors?

    so I only do hunter jumping. I am not planning on going big in anything, but just staying in the lower levels. Anyways, I might do some small local cross country competitions eventually. What are some things I can use to help protect my horses legs? Could you please include some pictures of the brand and all? I am just wanting to do it for fun but still be safe. I wont be going any higher than like 3'3, maybe in a few years I might work up to 4ft. So, do you think I will need any protectors for the back legs too?

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • guys only....?

    ok, i need your opion.

    Do you like girls who are really aggressive in sports? What I mean is girls who are really good and can even beat some guys.

    What about girls who in like volleyball can hit the ball really hard? Or at like water parks and all will go down any slide no matter how high or steep? Do you like girls who are more fearless than others? But that is how I am, I still am the more prissy well dressed, beautiful hair and all, just I am really active and really good at sports. Do guys like that?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • boy problem? HELP!?

    so there is this guy i know. he is very athletic with a great body and stuff. He is pretty shy though. But only around girls. How do i show him that I like him and get him to come and ask me out? I really like him and my friend says that he acts like he likes me alot. I dont want to be too obvious in front of everybody, b/c i am shy too. By the way i am 13 and he is 14. i am not good at flirting and going up to someone and saying "i like you alot" or whatever. what can i also say to him to start a conversation. we have been alone several times but he never says anything. so what can i say? Thanks, everyone!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • guys? would you like this?

    SO i love to play sports. I am really good at it too. Better than most girls. Would you like that in a girl? I am also one who doesnt let other guys poosh me around. Is that ok?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • conversation?

    How can I start a conversation with this boy I like. He doesn't really talk to the girls much, but I think he likes me. I don't really knwo what to say. I think he feels the same way. SOOOOOoooooOOOOooo.....Any ideas? Oh, and how can I help let him see that I like him? Please dont say something like flirt or just tell him. I cant just do that, I am more of the shy type too. So Please help!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • First major crush? I am 13(14 very soon) he is 14.?

    Ok. there is this guy. He and I are both very athletic. he is all muscle. Pretty tall. Not the cutest or anything, but a great body.

    LOL. I like him alot but dont know if he likes me. i think he does b/c whenever we have like a pool party or something usually the guys will try to dunk the girls. Usually he only goes after me. Then when we were at this place the other day I asked somebody to go on this ride with me but the only person that would go was he. DO you think he likes me? He isnt very talkative, but sometimes is when around the guys. I think he is alittle shy. He doesnt really act like he notices me very much other times. How do I get him to notice me more? And, how do I start a conversation with him? Like it was just us for like 30 minutes before and he didnt say one thing. It is sorta anoying. But I think If we got to know eachother he would say more. Thanks everyone, I am also alittle shy. SO I cant really flirt and stuff.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago