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  • Guess the sun sign of this person?!?

    I'm usually very good at guessing people's sun signs but this person has got me confused. I really don't know and I'm not going to ask them out of the blue anytime soon, so help me out if you can!

    Prominent traits:

    - Humble

    - You see them then you don't (disappearing act)

    - Friendly

    - Cool/ chill character and reputation

    - has a lot of friends around them

    - talkative yet reserved

    - goes to the same place often to meet people

    - goofy around friends

    - independent

    So what do you think this persons sun sign is?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes6 years ago
  • Guess this persons sun sign?

    I'm usually pretty good at guessing sun signs, but this person has really puzzled me...what do you think they are?

    Some common traits:



    -try to act younger than they are


    -contemplates questions

    -doesn't like to leave things unanswered




    What do you think?

    If I had to guess, I'm thinking around the lines of either a Gemini or a Leo?!

    5 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Do you like your birthstone?

    Me: Libra-tourmaline opal- I love my birthstone, it's just a very rare stone in my opinion...I love the iridescence; all the colours which reflect off like a rainbow.

    What abut you? Do you like your birthstone?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Best zodiac sign/s you've ever talked to?

    What was their zodiac sign (if you know)How did they make you feel during the conversation?

    BQ: Which zodiac sign in your opinion is the best talker (has charisma, holds good eye contact, engages other person/people etc.)

    BQ2: Which zodiac sign in your opinion isn't a very good talker (can't keep eye contact, socially awkward etc.)

    BQ3: Whats your zodiac you think you're a good talker?

    17 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Taurus friend won't take 'NO' for an answer?

    So, there's this Taurus girl whose become quite a close friend these past few months...but I think she's using my friendship for advantage. I'm a person who doesn't like to judge and I love to befriend everyone who needs a friend etc. but this girl seems very controlling and it's driving me mad. I hate it when people can't face the facts and treat you like a marionette because of their lack of confidence. At the moment, she's having relationship troubles and I think this is why she's talking to me (I'm a woman btw). She's been texting me to 'get over and forget about him' but it's come to the point where she keeps texting me non stop and I can't reply all the time!! It's quite a torture. The first few months, I was more than glad to help her out and had empathy for her but she now has become very's been a gradual mockery, I think. She's taking advantage of my kindness. She always wants me to say 'yes' and do what SHE wants..."lets go shopping!"..."can you walk with me tomorrow"...I've dont these things for her--I'm a person who finds it very hard to say now but now I'm putting my foot down. How can I get her to learn that No is NO?! Why is she like this...does the Taurus have anything to do with this?

    I think she needs to learn that not everyone can please her needs and that she's being very selfish!

    3 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • In your opinion, which sun signs (and moon signs) make the best business partners?

    Try and do it for all 12 zodiac signs (including moon sign)

    7 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • What personality type are you?


    If you don't know your personality type, take the test (it's not so long) and then state what personality type you are and your sun sign, rising etc. :)

    15 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Aries women: most down to earth women of them all?

    I know anyone could be down to earth but I've noticed that nearly every Aries woman is very laid back, down to earth and just has a very loveable personality. They're voices are so sweet and they seem so honest and sincere! :) have you noticed this?

    9 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Guess this persons sun sign?

    Some characteristics:

    -very into business





    -un encouraging

    -not very optimistic

    -doesn't smile much

    -very picky

    -an ugly personality

    ...what sun sign is this most likely to be?

    4 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • What do earth signs like and dislike about air signs and vice versa?

    I'm an air sign and here's my opinion in earth signs:

    What I like

    -their practicality

    -their humble and modest ways

    -a tight bond with friends

    -their love for family/friends

    -they get things done

    -they're good listeners


    -hard working


    What I dislike


    -single minded



    -unintentionally arrogant

    ...I hope I don't offend anyone (I know not all earth signs are like this--it's just from my experience)

    Ps. I KNOW astrology doesn't determine ones personality and that using it to do so can be seen as 'stupid' and 'uneccassary' but please just use your common sense and if you don't like astrology and it's themes, then please don't answer this question!! Thanks :)

    BQ: What do you EARTH signs think of AIR signs and AIR signs think of EARTH signs? What do you like/dislike. Be truthful but nice and fair.

    8 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Sagittarius hot and cold?

    One minute they love you, next they don't . Have you seen this...also, they like to drift a lot. Once they see you're not to their 'standards' anymore or status, then they go and find people who are more like that. I know not all are like this but the majority of them are...why?

    6 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • In your opinion, which SUN sign tends to change their style/appearance a lot?

    My opinion: Libra (I change quite a lot--probably my indecisiveness), fire signs and Pisces.

    What do you think? And why? :)

    Ps. IF you don't like astrology or don't understand this question, don't's a waste of your time.

    8 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Astrologically, what are each zodiacs 'type' of man/woman?

    What do the 12 zodiac signs look for in their ideal man/woman?

    Your opinion?













    You can include personality, appearance etc.

    You can do all 12 or just your sign, or a few select signs of your choice!


    8 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • If you were a stranger (not yourself), what zodiac (sun sign etc.) would you think you were?

    For example--I'm a Libra BUT if I were someone else, I'd think I was either a Gemini or a Scorpio because of some added traits I have that are similar to those particular signs.

    What about you?

    What would you think you'd be (or have you ever had any other person think you were born on another birthdate?)

    Your sun sign etc.

    18 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Horoscopes: Do you have a muse?

    Is there that one somebody who inspires you (creatively, mentally etc.)...if so, why do they inspire you and what is their sun sign? :)

    What is your sun sign etc.

    ps. If you don't like astrological themes then please don't answer the question. It's a waste of your time. :D

    3 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Minor surgery mole removal: Is it supposed to hurt this much?

    About 8 hours ago I went to the doctors to have my mole (which I've had for 3 yrs) removed with a minor op and the doctor discovered that my mole went much deeper than he initially thought, so he had to cut it out and put stitches...he said to come back in a few weeks to remove the stitches. But I'm pretty worried, because it really stings on the spot (I mean of course it should hurt because tissue has been cut out) but its been hurting for 8 hours...should I take pain killers?! Or will the pain go tomorrow?

    Any helpful answers would be greatly appreciated! :)

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Charisma: do you have it?

    What's your sun sign, ascendant, moon, venus, mars etc.

    BQ: What does charisma mean to you?

    BQ2: Which sign in your own opinion, excluding your sign, has the most charisma?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • Sagittarians: In your opinion who's the funniest out of all 12 zodiac signs?!?

    I've noticed sagittarians have quite a natural humour to them which can be contagious and make em seem like comedic geniuses...but who do YOU find funny?


    And why?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What do you think a date with each sun sign would be like?

    ...And how would each sun sign act like out on a date?

    It can be stereotypical or from your personal experiences...

    You can do it for only man or woman (depending on your gender) or both.













    What do you think?

    Plus whats your sun sign etc. :)

    2 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago