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I'm just sweet <3

  • There is a limit to asking questions (level 7)?

    Okay, so I'm a level seven.

    If I'm correct, before the new Y!A, anyone past level 6 could answer an unlimited amount of questions.

    All of a sudden, I find out that you can only answer 80 questions.

    So my question is: why did they put a cap on the amount of answers for level 6 and over?

    And when did this happen??

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Are you going to miss Yahoo avatars?

    Yahoo is planning to discontinue its avatar feature on April 1st.

    Are you going to miss it??

    Have any fond memories of the avatars??

    6 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • where can I report a glitch about yahoo avatars?

    Hello everyone!

    I'm having a lot of trouble with my avatar on yahoo.

    For a few months now (I think it's two months now), whenever I dress up my avi, my icon doesn't change on my home page or in comments.

    The icon on yahoo answers is broken.

    I want to report the glitch, but yahoo help doesn't have a category for avatars, and the link to the 'help' category in yahoo avatars seems to be broken.

    Anyone knows where I can report my problem?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products9 years ago
  • Is kapersky antivirus a good idea?

    So, my recent antivirus is about to expire in a few days, and I'll need to get a new one.

    Right now I have Norton, but I'm not really satisfied with it, and I would like to try a new kind.

    I was thinking of purchasing Kapersky, but I'd like to know from people how good is it.

    Does anyone has any experience with the antivirus?

    Pros? Cons?

    Are there any other antivirus that you would also recommend?

    Thank you in advanced!

    11 AnswersSecurity9 years ago
  • My laptop keeps on crashing?


    Since Monday my laptop just keeps on crashing and restarting.

    It started on Monday night when it suddenly turned off, and the restarted all over again, but refused to show anything on the screen.

    After restarting it over and over it went back on, only to switch to auto-repair, and then went back to normal.

    Yesterday it was doing okay, but after I placed it on hibernate yesterday night it refused to go back on today.

    After that I tried to restart it again (I succeeded), but then the screen went blue twice and restarted.

    Right now it has turned on perfectly, but everything freezes.

    Is there anything I can do about this issue?

    On a side not: is there a way to clear space on the hard drive?

    So far I have deleted plenty of things, but the drive doesn't flinch.

    Please help?

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • delete old back up files?

    Hello all.

    So my hard disk has been filling up very fast recently, and I didn't know what was going on.

    I did some searching on my computer, and found that my back up files were quite big.

    Not to mention, I have old files dating back to 2009.

    So I was wondering if I should delete old back up files, and if so, will they affect any of the new files???

    Please help!!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers10 years ago
  • delete old back up files?

    Hello all.

    So my hard disk has been filling up very fast recently, and I didn't know what was going on.

    I did some searching on my computer, and found that my back up files were quite big.

    Not to mention, I have old files dating back to 2009.

    So I was wondering if I should delete old back up files, and if so, will they affect any of the new files???

    Please help!!

    2 AnswersOther - Computers10 years ago
  • How to spice down a meal?

    Okay, so I have a bit of a problem.

    I made a batch of bami tonight, and I may have tossed a bit too much pepper.

    I also think that the sauce was spiced as well.

    The problem is that now it is way too spicy to handle.

    I am really sensitive to spicy food, so my mouth is burning very bad.

    So my question is, is there any ingredient that I can add to the meal to tone down the spice?

    All I want is to get rid of the spicy taste.

    Because it tastes good and everything, it's just all that spice.

    And I won't toss it out, because it would be a waste of food.

    Please help me out?

    P.s: if you do not know what a bami is, I'll give a link:

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My laptop is lagging a lot?

    Alright, I have a laptop with vista.

    But lately it just seems to lag a lot.

    Most of the time, internet refuses to respond or shuts down completely.

    Same with other programs (words, etc).

    Is there a way to make it go faster?

    Also, I don't know for sure, but I could have something on this thing (malware?), but whenever I scan my laptop everything appears to be clean.

    So I'm not so sure if should look for something else that might make a better scan, and if I do, which should I get?

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Why do I keep craving chicken nuggets?

    I'm craving those things like mad right now.

    What are you craving right now?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What should I put in my ramen?

    Okay folks, I have a problem.

    I've got some ramen noodles I want to make in the weekends.

    It's shrimp flavored, so I only bought some shrimp and maybe an egg to add

    What other things can I add to the broth (vegetables or otherwise).

    Also, should I boil the shrimp or dry bake it to add to the broth?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do you like pancakes?

    If so, what do you put on them?

    I like my pancakes with cheese on top, or sugar...or just plain.

    What about you?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My sims2 doesn't like me?

    Okay, So I bought a Sims2 'double deluxe' game, but "m having problems with it.

    It takes forever to load, and whenever I create a new family it doesn't save it ( the game doesn't even respond!).

    So far, I've only managed to play once: I had to restart the game like five times, before I decided to uninstall it.

    Can anyone help me with it?

    Is there something I'm not doing right, or does my laptop not go well with it?

    4 AnswersPC1 decade ago
  • Any good products for scars caused by acne?

    Okay, so I have been having these scars for a long time, so I would like to kwo what product to use to clear them up?

    They're really ruinning my face and I'd like to make them lighter or jut get rid of them.

    Any help please?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago