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Can we please just allow gay marriage and get on with our lives?
However, once we allow gay marriage, I want all of the special legal perks that go with being gay to be abolished. No more preferential treatment when getting a job/apartment/contract, no "hate crime" laws that make it worse to attack a gay than a straight person, no gay pride parades because you are now accepted as much as anyone else. Just live life like the rest of us.
Are the gays willing to make that compromise, or will they always find a way to be a victim and demand special treatment under the law?
9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years agoWhy do liberals see the world upside down all the time?
I asked a question about why some people thought it was ok for people to assault Glenn Beck while he was trying to watch a movie in the park. Several responses included that, since he took body guards, he was provoking the situation.
What kind of messed up liberal logic is that? Am I encouraging criminals to rob my home because I lock my doors? Is the bank encouraging robbers because they keep the money locked in a vault?
I'd like to see those liberals face an angry mob and see how they'd react. Oh, wait, conservatives don't get together in angry mobs and assault people over political differences. I guess we'll never know how they'd react.
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years agoWhy is the left so filled with anger and rage?
A man and his family go to the park and sit peacefully on a blanket to watch a movie. Those around him don't like his well-known politics (which he is NOT voicing at the time). What do they do? They attack him and then write to a newspaper and lie about it.
The man has proof. He got screen prints of the attacker's twitter account before she blocked it.
I thought the left were the tolerant ones. I thought they accepted everyone just as they are regardless of their skin color, religion, sexual orientation, etc. I guess the this is just more proof that the left is the most intolerant group in America.
It's not just this one idiot woman. Many there harassed him, and no one stood up to the attackers. This is a showing of how the left behaves.
Lefties - Don't prove me right with your hateful replies. Show some courage and actually defend this woman's actions and lies.
7 AnswersPolitics10 years agoIs this how we can make everyone equal?
How about if we give every single person in the country today enough money so that they are a millionaire? Then, we'd all be rich and people could stop hating the rich because they'd be rich themselves, right?
Everyone could afford health care, a house, a car, a college education, etc.
Except, what happens tomorrow? Some would invest the money, some would buy a house, some would buy a car, some would spend it on gambling or drugs. Then, tomorrow, once again, not everyone would be equal.
You can't make outcomes equal, only opportunities. Why is it that liberals think they can demand equal outcomes? Liberals please let me know - how do you propose to guarantee equal outcomes when people have free choice? If hard work is not rewarded more than sitting on your butt, how many people are going to choose to work hard?
12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoShould Harrison Burgeron manditory high school reading?
If you've never read it, it's a short story by Kurt Vonnegut about a future in which the government makes everyone 100% equal on all accounts just like BO and the Dems want to do.
Unfortunately, the only way to do this is to handicap everyone to the lowest level. Graceful ballerinas are made to wear weights on their legs. Smart people get a chip in their head that scrambles their thoughts every few seconds. Stuttering people give the evening news.
It's very short. Check it out and let me know.
3 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoIs anyone actually impressed by the $100MM budget "cuts?"?
Here's a similar scenario:
Your kid wants to spend $360 on a pair of sneakers. You tell him you can't afford that luxury and he needs to find something different. Idiot kid comes back with a pair of shoes that costs $359.99 (literally one penny less). That is the same percentage of reduction that our government is taking out of their $3.6 TRILLION budget.
Do the math. This is an insult to anyone with even half a brain.
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoIs a black man really bringing back slavery?
Have you heard of the "GIVE act?" It is three years of mandatory slavery to the government for every adult.
Search on the GIVE act (HR1388). It's terribly frightening. We don't demand that our welfare leeches do anything to get their checks, but we working, tax-paying citizens now have to "volunteer" our time for causes which the government deems worthy?
Check out the parts about having uniforms. This is nothing less than Hitler's brown shirts. It's starting down a VERY scary road. Why only three years of service? Why not 15 or 20? Where does it end?
If you aren't terribly upset and frightened by this, you're not paying attention. What happens when liberals are no longer in office and some conservative takes over? Do you really want to be forced to volunteer at a pro-life rally? Think about it.
2 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoDo you know the truth about PETA?
From July 1998 through the end of 2005, PETA killed over 14,400 dogs, cats, and other "companion animals"?
13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago