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  • Am I entitled to back wages?

    I work for the University I attend. I was due an evaluation for a longevity raise of $0.50 at the beginning of this semester. I informed my direct supervisor and she told me that she was "looking into it" Well here it is the beginning of March and I still haven't had my evaluation in order to get my raise. I finally have one scheduled for this week and I'm wondering if I'm entitled to the money I would've earned had they done my evaluation when they were supposed to? Its a longevity raise so there is really no disputing it so I figured that I was entitled to the extra money.

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Can An Employer Reduce Scheduled Hours?

    I am a Student Assistant at a University in Texas. Today my employer stated that in order to stay under budget they were cutting shifts. Can they legally drop a person to 1 hour of work per week without giving them proper notice? And do they need to have some sort of discernible pattern to reducing employee's shifts?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Can My Employer Reduce My Hours?

    I work for a University in Texas as a Student Assistant. This means I go to school full time and work part time. Can my employer go in and reduce the number of hours employees work without giving them a decent notice and without any discernible pattern? Some fellow employees lost all but 1 hour of their shifts, and some like myself lost none. Can I get some help on this ASAP we're trying to figure out what we can legally do to prevent this.

    4 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Craps Game Source Code in C++?

    My problem is I really suck at getting started. We have to use a pointer for the Player class and we have to input/output each player's (up to 10) name, balance, and how much they gained by playing the game (i.e their original balance + total winnings) from/into a txt file. I already know the rules of the game and all that because we did a simpler version of it already, I just dont get how to set up all the classes and how to change the Player class into a pointer type. HELP if you can!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Law & Order SVU 11/27/07?

    What did yall think of the episode tonight? Two words come to mind for me...HOLY HELL!!!!! That was probably one of the best episodes I have seen in a while. All the greatness was in the last like 15 minutes. Truly a great El and Liv episode, and dare I say a good Kathy and Liv episode.

    7 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Heroes 11/26/07?

    Ok I had every intention of watching this last night but I got a migraine and ended up falling asleep/passing out like right when it started. Through my migraine stupor I was lucid enough to catch the part where Claire is going to spread her dad's "ashes" over that cliff and Elle shows up. Claire smashed her fist into the side window of Elle's car and threatened to expose herself so everyone would know what she was capable of. Thats about all I managed. So if you could fill a sista in on what the heck happened that would be great. 10 points to the one with the most descriptive answer and who appears to have actually watched the show. No internet copy and paste please.

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Casey's Fiance?


    I am very much ashamed of my lack of knowledge on this but have they mentioned this schitzo fiance named Charlie before? For some random reason I want to say they have but the way Casey had to explain the situation with him is making me think that they havent. If they havent then has she mentioned having a fiance before because maybe thats what I'm thinking of. Once again I am sickened that I dont know this information seeing how SVU is pretty much my life but, what can I say.

    And have they mentioned Jack being the new DA on SVU before this episode? I cant remember.

    O yeah and let me say the confrontation between Casey and Liv was AWESOME!!! My 2 favorite characters getting pissed off at each other makes for a great episode.

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Mrs. Petrelli's Power (Spoiler for 11/12/07 ep.)?

    Does anyone else think her power has to do with manipulating people's thoughts? I mean the way she kept touching Nathan's wife when she was telling her that Nathan was completely off his rocker was just odd. I mean what mother in law strokes their daughter in laws hair as she says that her own son is insane? Just seemed a little too odd for the situation

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Allstate Teen Car Insurance?

    Does anyone know the title and who sings the song on the Allstate Teen Car Insurance commercial where they drive away and never come back? I swear I've heard parts of it on something else and its driving me insane.

    8 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Tonights SVU?

    Why am I not being graced with the presence of a new SVU episode tonight? As much as I liked last seasons finale I would prefer a new episode.

    3 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Casey Gets a Badge on SVU?

    First off let me say I'm excited that Casey is the main pic for 3 of this new seasons highlights on the NBC website. But as for my question...I believe it was in the episode Impulsive that I first noticed it but did Casey have a badge when she was trying to barge her way into that JuVe guys office? I think that was the episode, I'm not too certain but I know she had a badge in atleast one of the new seasons episodes. Has she always had a badge? I mean have I seriously been sleeping through all the other episodes where shes shown a badge or was this the first time shes ever showed one?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Heroes Plug in SVU?

    Did anyone else think that the ad on the bus that the boy got off of before going into the motel was an ad for Heroes? I could've sworn that it was the eclipse image from Heroes. I could be wrong but if anyone can get a freeze frame on that and prove me right or wrong it would be great.

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Law & Order SVU?

    I am extremely OCD when it comes to Olivia's hair on the show and I was wondering if anyone else noticed the switch in her hair for next weeks episode? I mean granted they've done this before where they have her hair one way for the first few episodes and then it changes, but theyve NEVER gone from short to long in a matter of an episode. Its just bothering me. Anybody have any idea why they did this? I mean they could've shown the episodes in a different order if they were going to change her hair. Like I said, Im OCD....just thought I'd ask

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • House New Season Episode 2?


    That was a nice little twist. Who would've thought Chase and Cameron were at the hospital the whole time. Or that House wasnt completely dillusional when he was seeing them there. Although He did see Foreman so....What are your thoughts on this episode? Do you think all will return? And what about the preview for next weeks? (House should know metal and electrical outlets arent your friend)

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Does Anybody Know Why....?

    I haven't seen Wheeler on any of the Law & Order CI previews? I can't remember any of the season finale so I don't know if she left then, but I dont think she did. Anybody know for sure? And if she did leave who is Logan's new partner?

    2 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else just completely LOVE the season premiere of Law & Order SVU?

    *!*!*! Spoilers !*!*!*

    Holy crap that had to have been one of my favorite episodes. Liv's hair was annoying and Munch was a complete ****** when he was in charge, but over all WOW. I'm still geeking out! I was just counting down the seconds for that meltdown in court. I wasnt expecting Case to get choked though. Added to girl's crazy though. Who would've thought it was a sham though. Pretty damn good acting!

    9 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Did anyone feel the almost unrelenting need to stab someone after watching L&O: SVU, cuz I know I did.?

    SPOILER!!! If you did not watch season finale of SVU and you want to DONT read anything after this....

    What the f***?!?!?! We have Craigen possibly resigning, Stabler's daughter gettin arrested, Stabler himself havin issues with IAB, Benson (lord knows what she was thinkin) turnin herself in to IAB. Casey might be losin her job. The whole team is gettin dismantled and lord knows I dont have the patience to wait till next season to find out what the hell is goin on.

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Who is Walter Herrmann and what is Yahoo's definition of hot for fantasy basketball players?

    I truly have bever heard of or seen Walter Herrmann until today looking at the Whos Hot fantasy thing. He kinda reminds me of Fabio though. Anyway I was really trying to figure out how unknowns like this kid get on the hot list

    1 AnswerBasketball1 decade ago