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Lv 55,410 points

Dragon L

Favorite Answers48%

Hey all. Little 'bout me. I'm a gamer, have been such I was a kid. I'm also a huge nerd. I also love CreepyPasta. I spend a LOT of time on YouTube. I don't upload anything though because I have no idea how to use this camera XD Oh well, I'll figure it out. Not much else to say. If you have a question, I hope I can help. BYE!!!

  • What anime should I watch next?

    I've been looking for a good anime I could marathon. To give you an idea of the kind of shows I like, here are some anime I'm a fan of:

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

    One-Punch Man

    Mob Psycho 100


    RWBY (If that counts as an anime)

    Basically anything with a good story and decent action scenes. Can anyone offer some recommendations?

    2 AnswersComics & Animation5 years ago
  • Dueling Network Won't Let Me Use My Decks?

    So I'm trying to experiment with different deck on Dueling Network, and I've made at least three thus far to experiment with different archetypes; Genex, Flamvell and Ally of Justice. Thing is, out of the three, whenever I go to the Duel Room, it only lets me use my Genex deck. I've even set Flamvell as the default, but it still won't work. Help?

    3 AnswersCard Games6 years ago
  • Help me come up with ideas for a time-based character?

    So in a story I'm currently writing, there's a character who has the ability to wield time magic. The problem is, I'm having a little bit of trouble coming up with abilities for his roster. Like, there's the generic stop/slow/rewind/fast-forward to consider, but I was hoping to give him some powers related to time-based concepts.

    For example, on ability he has to shoot a blast of sand that temporarily freezes enemies inside a giant hourglass. I'm thinking about maybe giving him something related to seasons as well, but I'm not sure...

    If you can help me think of anything, feel free to do so!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Mythological creatures that live underground?

    So I'm a bit of a self-proclaimed writer, and I've had an idea for a story I want to start writing. Long story short, I need to know: are there any mythological creatures said to have lived underground? I know there are things like Dwarves and Elves, but I was looking for something a bit more... animalistic, if you catch my drift. I guess if I have to I can just write something along the lines of "giant worm" or "mutant rat," but I'd much prefer if it was an actual creature from mythology. Thanks to any help in advance!

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Why won't Pokemon Y play?

    I took a road trip to visit some relatives a couple of weeks ago and ever since I got back Pokémon Y version won't play. Every time I select it on the menu screen I simply get an error message saying "The SD Card could not be read. Please remove the game from the slot and try again." What's weird is that this isn't happening with any other games I try to play. The cartdridge doesn't really look like it's dirty. Anyone know how to fix this?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Gear7 years ago
  • Pokémon X & Y- How to use my Master Ball?

    So I recently beat Pokémon Y's Champion and I did a bit of research on the post game stuff. Apparently there are several Legendary Pokémon scattered around the Kalos region, and since I still have my Master Ball, I was wondering which one I should use it for. I was thinking of catching either Zygarde or MewTwo with it, but I was just wondering if there are any better choices to use my Deus Ex Machina Pokeball on.

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Idea for internet fighting game?

    So I was on YouTube the other day and saw that a game based around a popular gaming critic called "The Angry Video Game Nerd" was undergoing development. So, I thought to myself "How come more popular YouTubers don't have their own games?" And then I got an idea: what if there were a fighting game starring several popular YouTubers as the cast? Now I know there would be a lot of issues with actually MAKING this game (such as getting the YouTubers' permission) but I wanna know: do you think a game like this could be successful? And who would you want to see in the game? Also feel free to list other ideas such as moves, stages, etc.

    Here are some of my picks:


    Nostalgia Critic


    Ian and Anthony (from Smosh)

    Maybe someone from RoosterTeeth?

    I was also thinking each character could have like an ally summon or something. Like PewDiePie calls Stephano into the fray or something. Again, I know there would be some issues with the game, but I just wanna know what you guys think.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • If you could have a weapon from any game, what would it be and why?

    Title says it all. BUT, there's a catch. It has to be something that YOU are actually capable of using without altering it. Like how only Link from Zelda can weild the Master Sword? Or how Samus is the only one who can call forth the Power Suit? It can be any weapon so long as it doesn't have restrictions that prevent you from weilding it, such as only being usable in certain scenarios or by certain people. And no, something like the Prizmod from Spectrobes, or the Digiwatch from Digimon (I have no idea what it's called since I've never actually played Digimon lol) that can summon creatures do not count. But other than that, you can pick any weapon that's usable without alteration.

    9 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Who is your fav. League of Legends Champion?

    So I've recently gotten into LoL and it's pretty fun. I love playing as Cho'Gath, with Fiddlesticks being a close 2nd. So who's YOUR favorite Champion and why? And what specifically do you like about them? (Backstory, moves, voices, etc.)

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Where can I watch Dr Who online?

    So I've heard a lot about Dr. Who. It looks like an awesome show. Here's the thing, I can't find any full episodes anywhere. I mean I was able to find a full episode of Blink on YouTube but I can't find any other episodes anywhere. I can find lists of episodes, episode highlights, lists of the doctor's reincarnations, even a brony Tumblr blog called "Doctor Whooves." But I can't find any actual episodes anywhere. I don't wanna download or pay for anything, I just wanna watch the show. Also where in the series do you reccomend I start? Should I start with the 1st Doctor or can I jump to say the 6th Doctor without getting lost? It looks like a great show but I don't know where to watch it. I know it comes on BBC America but they're already on the 11th Doctor I think. Any Who fans out there who can help me? Just reccomend a site with the episodes and where you think I should start. Thanks in advance. PS Don't blink...

    5 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • What do you think of the 8th Gen of gaming?

    Not neccesarily whether you like the Wii U or not. And don't just judge on whether or not you like motion controls. Do you think other companies will come out with new additions to their home-console family, like Sony makes a PS4 or Microsoft make a new X-Box? Or do you think they'll stay and work on the 7th Gen a little longer. I know we're at the start of Gen 8 but it's not really whether you like it right now, so much as what you think might happen. Possible new consoles, who will do well, who will do poorly, etc. Not asking you predict the future, just wondering what you think the 8th gen will be like.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What's going on with my IPod touch?

    So yesterday I was messing around on YouTube. Nothing unusual, then I go to a video and it never loads. I refresh the page, and I get an endless loading screen. I try some other videos, endless loading screen. I shut it down and start up YouTube again. Endless loading screens. The page will load, comments, suggested videos, etc, it's just the videos won't play. And it's happening with every site I go to that has videos., won't load videos. SideReel, won't load videos. SmoshPit, won't load videos. (This is beginning to sound like a CreepyPasta lol.) It loads the websites just fine. I'm typing this on my IPod. Last night I went to sleep trying to load a video. I wake up, STILL loading. Anyone have any idea what's happening? I wanna catch the latest episode of RvB tonight :(

    3 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds9 years ago
  • What game is scarier, Silent Hill or Amnesia?

    Just curious which game gives more people nightmares. :P So which game do YOU think defines horror?

    6 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Is Dr. Who a good show?

    I know it's about a time traveling scientist, and I know Weeping Angels are scary as hell, but that's about it. I wanna know if you think if it's a good show, and if so, why? Also if you could explain the plot a bit that'd be nice. ^_^ I may just start watching it. (Thing is I can't find any episodes online other than Blink.) :/ Thx for your time.

    2 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • What do you think of Miyamoto's retirement?

    As some of you may know, Miyamoto, the head of Nintendo, is stepping down. In his own words, he is not retiring from videogames, just as the head of Nintendo. Kinda like demoting himself, I guess? Well if you want the details you can look up the interview. What I wanna know is what you think of this. Do you think this will have a very big impact on Nintendo as a whole? And who do you think SHOULD take over as Nintendo's new boss?

    I personally think that there isn't much to worry about, but what about you guys?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What is the plot behind the game Dear Esther?

    I SERIOUSLY don't get it. I know it's supposed to be based of a ghost story but we can't all go out and try to find the book just to understand the plot. I get the dude is stranded on the island but why? What exactly happened? And who's Esther anyway? His wife? I know the game's meant to be atmospheric but I just can't take it srsly when I have NO IDEA what's going on. Thx for you time.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What's your favorite videogame genre?

    Just a little poll I guess. Title says it all :P

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • What's your favorite song from a videogame?

    Videogames are filled with AMAZING music. From awesome instrumentals, to incredible lyrics, one of the things games are praised for, even the worst of them, is the music. So, which one is your favorite? You can pick ANY song from ANY game, be it rock, soft rock, metal, or scary music, I wanna know, what's your favorite tune? Mine would probably have to be either The main Zelda theme or What I'm Made Of from Sonic Heroes.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Who's your favorite Houscarl in Skyrim?

    Any companion at all. Mine's Marcurio. It's so fun to slice someone while your friend electrocutes them. :D

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Which is your favorite game for each of these consoles?

    Wii (you can also list a Game Cube game)

    XBox 360


    DS (you can also name Game Boy games)


    I know you probably haven't played ALL these systems but you don't have to in order to have a favorite game for them. Like maybe you saw someone do a playthrough for MGS4 and even though you don't have a PS3 it's your favorite game for the system. This is just a question about your opinion so you don't have to name one for each system just as many systems as you can. Bye :D

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago