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  • I'm planning to spontaneously move to Portland, Oregon with around $2000?

    I'm extremely unhappy with the environment that I live in, so for the past few months, I've been taking steps in preparation to move. The thought of moving away is seriously the only thing that has gotten me out of bed every morning. Well, moving day finally got here, a couple of days ago. Destination: Austin, Texas.

    The problem is, the transmission in my car went out JUST HOURS before time for me to leave. I cant express how frustrated and defeated I really feel. I've already quit my job here! Already said goodbye to all of my friends. I will look like an idiot when people find out that I'm still here.

    I'm thinking about buying a one way plane ticket to some place with good public transportation. I'm thinking Portland, but I'm open to other suggestions too. I know a bus system exists in Austin, but I also know that using it as your primary method of transportation would make your life tedious.

    I'm young, so I want to be somewhere where I can make friends and have a good social life (I was turned off of Seattle because of the whole 'Seattle Freeze' concept).

    I have three and a half years of hotel front desk experience. Can I simply go somewhere, Portland in particular, with two grand and be okay? With no job, no car, and no permanent residence... Also, I can stay in a hotel for up to two weeks for $25 per night.

    Thanks for your help,


    2 AnswersPortland9 years ago
  • I really need help. Is this salvageable? Have I completely ruined it? I will give pts, please really help me.?

    Ok. I'm 21 and I've never really been in a relationship. Which is kind of odd because I've got an unbelievable social life and I'm really athletic/good looking. I'm really picky (the least slutty guy you'll ever meet), and when i find a girl i actually like, I'm always either too shy or not assertive enough...

    Anyways. There is this girl that has been coming to parties at my house (I have parties more nights than not). I REALLY started liking her over the last week or so. She cuddled on the couch with me, but that meant nothing -she did the same with a friend of mine, she's just a cuddly girl.

    I had car trouble the other day and she volunteered to take me shopping in the next town over (where I needed to go). We had a good time for sure; I bought her dinner. She started teasing me and flirting with me a bit, and about that time, a switch flipped in my head. I got really shy and nervous..... and it was obvious.

    Then she started noticing other guys and pointing them out.... which kind of threw me off.... was she trying to tell me she didn't see me that way? Or maybe letting me know she's looking for a guy, here's my opportunity? I said nothing... and it felt weird......

    We got back to my place, and she helped me set up the party lights and draw homemade posters that I'd gotten. There was definitely an uncomfortable tension then. Then she said that her mom was making her go home (she's 18, still in high school).

    I saw her the next day and she said she was on her way to see an old ex, and she was dreading it. I asked her why she was even going if she didn't want to. She blushed a little and said she actually wanted to.

    The next night, I got off of work and came home. My friends were already there partying, and she was there too. I heard her say that she was back in a relationship with her ex, and I was CRUSHED on the inside...

    she didnt stay long after i got there.

    later that night when I was completely wasted, I sent her a msg on facebook that told her that it depressed me that she just got a boyfriend... And told her I guess I'm just a shy dude, and she scared the **** out of me!

    She hadn't replied the next evening, so I sent another msg telling her that I was trashed when I sent that, and I was sorry, I didn't have any business touching a phone or computer that night. She replied simply "haha okay". -Is she totally freaked out by me now???

    My friend told me that her current "relationship" has no chance, and probably wont last long.

    Do I have any chance in hell with this girl if she becomes available again? What can I do to make things comfortable again?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I just bought a Samsung SGH A177, I cant connect to my computer?

    I want to put ringtones on it, but when I plug in the USB cable, my computer wont even acknowledge it..... How can I get this to work?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • I'm writing a book, and I need help starting a side-plot?

    I already know how it will end up, but I need a reason for some things to happen.

    What are some good reasons for two people to love each other but not end up together?

    Thanks for your help, ten points to best answer tonight.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Being a personal trainer, but not an employee of that gym?

    I want to be a personal trainer, but I want to do it on my own. How should I go about this? Can I just require that all of my clients get a membership to the same gym, and simply meet them there? Is this legal? Or do I absolutely have to have my own premises? Please dont answer if you have no idea, thanks.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I restored the factory settings on my HP laptop, but it seems even slower now!?

    I have a pretty new HP laptop: its about a year and a half old, 3 GB RAM, 120GB Hard Drive, 2 GHZ Cpu...

    Anyway, i accidentally downloaded viruses to it, so I restored the factory settings. For some reason, it is VERY slow now. Even with the viruses, it was fast before I restored it. Could it still have viruses on it? What can I do to make it faster???

    This is really driving me nuts, it has such a bad lag........

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What are some good movies you could watch with strict religious people?!? 10 pts to best answer tonight!?

    My mom is very religious, and is VERY strict about what she watches. I wasn't allowed to watch PG-13 and even some PG movies until I was out of the house! I'd like to get my mom some movies that we could watch together for christmas... Here are the guidelines:

    -No sexual content, humor or dialogue in any form, no matter how tame.

    -No talk or humor about body parts, and obviously no nudity.

    -Very little language will be tolerated. I'd say no more than 6-8 cuss words the entire movie.

    -Violence is the only thing that doesn't really matter.

    Its VERY hard to find movies that fit these guidelines and wont put you to sleep.

    The Patriot is a great example of the type of movie I'm looking for.

    Please recommend some movies!

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it hard to get a job in Manhattan Kansas?

    I live in the Dallas area right now, and I want to move to Manhattan this summer. I'm just afraid if I go up there and get an apartment, I'll get stuck with no job -a long ways from home!

    I'm 20 years old. I just need a common restaurant job or something of that nature; anything as long as it guarantees 40 hours a week.

    And what is your opinion of the Manhattan area? How are the people?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • why cant i keep my RB's in the game in Madden 10?

    I'm playing madden 10, using the ravens in franchise mode.

    My RBs wont stay on the field. Willis Mcgahee takes like 5 carries and he's gone. Then its Ray Rices turn, and after a few plays he's gone too. Then the 3rd string back (who really sucks balls) comes in and plays the rest of the game.

    I cant even substitute Rice or Mcgahee back in at the play calling screen. They dont show up as injured in the medical center, and my depth chart hasn't been changed.

    How do I stop them from switching out??? or how do I at least put them back in the game?

    I'm so frustrated with it, please help!

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Is there a program i can download to edit movies?

    Something that would let me edit the content...... so I can make a Rated R movie like a PG movie.

    And is it hard to figure out?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • I cant work out because of my chest, PLZ help.?

    I try and work out, but it hurts my chest. It definately isnt my heart. Its more like my bone structure.

    It feels like my breastplate is folding over on itself, and tearing itself away from my ribs.

    This lingers for a couple of months, and then i feels good as new.

    But when I try working out again, it doesnt take long for it to come back.

    I've been through this cycle over and over again for the past 5 years or so,and its REALLY frusterating. I want to keep myself in good shape worse than anything, but this keeps me from doing that.

    I cant afford to go to the doctor............. please help me.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How to get a really messed up family down to earth? 10 pts?

    First off, my entire family is as dumb as a rock. My parents are extremely religious (and there's nothing wrong with being religious), but the way they do things just doesn't make sense. Because of their strict religion, I cannot watch PG-13 movies; even some PG movies (I'm 19 years old)!!! But on the other hand, they look the other way when I drive home drunk four nights out of the week!

    Thats only the tip of the iceburg. My sister was 15 years old and got this boyfriend my age (19). My parents were ok with that; a little bit TOO ok. Two weeks after they had been dating, my mom came to me and said that I might be getting a new brother-in-law! It turned out to be illegal in our state at her age, so they had to wait for a few months, and they were married a few days after my sisters 16th birthday.

    Let me draw you a picture of my sister. She is 16 years old and still saying things like, "I'm not a kid anymore." or "I'm getting to be tall!". She is the most immature person I've ever met, and I'm the only person in my family who seems to notice it. She is a MAJOR drama queen. She is completely two-faced about EVERY person in her life. When she's with my parents, she would run down her husband. When she's with her husband, she'd run down my parents. When I had friends around the house when I was younger, she'd pretend to listen to rock or rap, or whatever we were doing, she would act like she was a life long fan. My grandparents listen to Bluegrass music, so when she's around them, she likes to talk about "that rap crap". I dont consider her a person at all; She doesn't seem to have a legitimate personality.

    It shouldn't come as any suprise that my sister filed for divorce last week (her husband must have gotten tired of her talking behind his back). The marriage lasted about 6 months. She is going through a divorce before most kids are driving! The big thing is, my parents dont seem to feel any remorse about signing the papers that allowed her to get married. Everyone treats it like its no big deal, and being divorced puts my sister on the biggest power-trip you can imagine! Its like she's proud of it! Like it makes her feel sophisticated or something!

    Any way, this family is becoming too much for me to deal with. What can I say to strike some since into these F***ing idiots???

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • I've got a pretty big tattoo across my upper back, is it ok to shower?

    I've kept a thick layer of A&D ointment on it at all times and its just getting to the peeling stage. I've been showering, but not very well because of the area of the tattoo. I'm starting to get really bad back acne!

    i'm afraid to mess it up, because the shading already doesn't quite look right. when is it ok to just go ahead and shower normally?

    any other tips for helping preserve the tattoo will be helpful.

    6 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • how do i set separate ringtones for phonecalls and text msgs for my blackberry?

    Its a blackberry 7130c. I've been trying to figure it out for hours and i'm really getting frustrated.

    Thanks for helping!

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • how do you download ringtones to a cellphone?

    when i connect the usb cable to the computer, nothing autostarts. How do i get ringtones to my phone?

    I have a blackberry 7130

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What college classes should I take to become an NFL coach or Scout?

    Usually, NFL coaches play college football... i'm 5'9 160, and I'm white, lol, so thats not an option for me. I love football though, and I know more about the game than anybody else that I know... I understand complex strategies and know what to do against just about anything. I dont want to be a teacher, so that rules out High School coaching... What classes should I take for chances in the NFL?

  • What college courses should I take in order to get a job as an NFL Scout or coach.?

    Usually, NFL coaches play college football... i'm 5'9 160, and I'm white, lol, so thats not an option for me. I love football though, and I know more about the game than anybody else that I know... I understand complex strategies and know what to do against just about anything. I dont want to be a teacher, so that rules out High School coaching... What classes should I take for chances in the NFL?

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Question for girls (not a perv question)?

    I'm 5'9 (kinda short right?). I'm in awesome shape, I've got cut arms and a pretty nice 6-pack, but I'm always a little self-conscious about my height.Is it a big deal to girls if theyre a couple of inches taller than a guy? is that a big turnoff?

    22 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Which is better? Regular Dvd upconverted on xbox 360 or a Blu-ray Player?

    I have an xbox 360 already, and obviously i know blu-ray is better, but is it worth buying extra? I have a 42 inch 720P LCD. How much difference will I notice between the regular upconverted DVD and bluray? Thanks!

    4 AnswersHome Theater1 decade ago
  • Anybody know what Netflix titiles are streaming in HD on xbox 360?

    I have an HD TV and fast internet but I havent found any HD movies. Anybody know of a list?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago