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  • Fozzy Networks on my bank statement?

    Has anyone heard of this company, and what do they do? I didn't make this transaction, I will assume that my husband did. From what I can find online, they do advanced ColdFusion web hosting? My hubby isn't tech savvy and I highly doubt that he has decided to host a website. lol. Any information on this company would be greatly appreciated! (think he might be up to no good?)

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Fozzy Networks on bank statement?

    Has anyone heard of this company, and what do they do? I didn't make this transaction, I will assume that my husband did. From what I can find online, they do advanced ColdFusion web hosting? My hubby isn't tech savvy and I highly doubt that he has decided to host a website. lol. Any information on this company would be greatly appreciated! (I think he might be up to no good)

  • Fozzy networks on my bank statement?

    Has anyone heard of this company, and what do they do? I didn't make this transaction, I will assume that my husband did. From what I can find online, they do advanced ColdFusion web hosting? My hubby isn't tech savvy and I highly doubt that he has decided to host a website. lol. Any information on this company would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • Can a stomach virus cause a WBC of 23,600?

    My 14 year old daughter had a stomach virus last week. I ended up taking her to the ER. Routine blood work showed a WBC of 23,600. Her pediatrician says that the high WBC is indicative of the virus and nothing more. The ER Dr. told me to get her to a rheumatologist ASAP.

    So, I would like medical OPINIONS on if this is something simply caused by the virus, or if I should be worried. BTW, she is otherwise healthy, 103 lbs, on Methylin 10mg BID, and Ventolin as needed for activity induced asthma.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Looking for different breast cancer presentations... not just lumps.?

    I posted earlier, and have not gotten a single response, so I thought I would try it this way. I am looking to see if there is anyone out there that has/had breast cancer that presented itself by way of a line or string like mass instead of a lump? I have something very strange going on in my left breast and have no clue as to what it might be other than a cancer or lymph issue.... Is there anyone out there that has had breast cancer that wasn't your typical lump?

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Disequilibrium/dizziness... maybe inner ear?

    About 2 years ago I had a severe issue with what I called dizziness. It went away after a full year of daily dealings with it. I tried to get a Dr to figure it out, but they were concerned with another health issue I had (which, by the way, turned out to be nothing). This dizziness went away for the most of the last year, but it's back again.

    I had thought it was gone for good.... maybe something that straightened itself out. Now that it's back, I remember how discerning it is. It does not matter what I am doing, standing, sitting, lying down.... still there. It has no change with eating or not, and I have taken my blood pressure while having a spell and there's no change. I have not had any issues with my ears... I am not nauseous, and I do not have the common symptoms of passing out. ( not spots before the eyes, no ringing of the ears)

    I have no clue as to why it happens, nor can I tell when it's going to happen. The feeling lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, and it happens SEVERAL times a day. The room does not spin, it's not like when you get dizzy from twirling around. It's sooo hard to describe... More like my brain is on a permanent tilt to the left?

    So, I am looking for ideas as to what this could be, and if it's something that I should try to find yet another Dr to look at me. Oh, I should mention that the last time this happened, I had a folate diffeciency, and severe diarrhea that lasted for 16 months. The diarrhea they thought was colon cancer, but was due to a faulty gall bladder. I would assume that the folate problem was due to the diarrhea/ malabsorption issue. Needless to say, the Drs in my area are pretty crappy. If I am to go back to the Dr, I am considering driving an hour and a half away to a bigger hospital and going in thru the ER. That way my insurance will cover it without having to change my PCP, or to get referred to a specialist....

    Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Missing wedding ring.....?

    My husband *misplaced* his wedding ring several weeks ago. He told me some story about thinking that he lost it in the car on the way home from work. We have both looked a couple times in the car and have not found it, though we haven't looked too hard...

    He has since taken a week off from work and didn't spend a single moment of that week looking for the ring. I have told him a couple times that he needs to purchase himself another one, since I refuse to spend another $500 for a hand carved ring like the first one. He always says that he's going to look for it in the car, but of course he doesn't.

    Today he was going to go to Wal Mart, and I told him once again that he needs to just buy himself some cheap ring to replace the old one that he lost. He told me that he has one up in the bedroom, meaning the one that his ex-wife had bought him. I told him that I didn't want him wearing that one, and his reply was " It doesn't matter if it's from her or not.... right?" I said that if it didn't matter where it came from, that I would let him wear the ones that he bought me, and I would just wear the ones that my ex-husband bought me instead...LOL!

    SO.... what would you do in this situation? Am I over reacting about this whole thing? Do any of you have any good suggestions? Thanks!

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Peri-menopausal symptoms?

    I am 36 and thinking that I might be peri-menopausal. My period has changed from 5 days every 28 to 1-2 days every 28, and in those 1-2 days I can go thru a weeks worth of tampons. I am tired all the time, and having mood swings. Also, I have gained 20 pounds in the last year despite all the diets and exercise. What kinds of symptoms are you having, and have you seen a Dr in order to try to correct the issues? Is what I'm feeling the norm?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Unexplained leg swelling, pain, knee joint pain......?

    I have unexplained 10 lb weight gain, both legs swelling and very sore to touch, tibia pain, and knee pain. I run/walk 2 miles daily if my pain is tolerable. The only med I take is Questran for unexplained diahrrea. I had a strange week of coughing blood(100 cc's at a time, about 6 times). I have elevated CEA levels, but a clear colonoscopy. CT's and ultrasounds prior to the swelling have shown nothing that I can link to it.... I drink 2 liters of water daily along with other fluid intake, so I know it's not lack of H2O. I was trying to link all this together prior to the swelling/leg pains, and was getting nowhere. Now I have the new symptom of water retention, and it's going to drive me crazy!

    Is ther anyone out there that can give me a good guess as to what it is that's doing this to me????

    14 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is there a "House" in the forum today???

    I have no idea if any of this is related to the other, but thought I would try... I have always had low blood pressure with a high heart rate. My grandfather had heart disease, obviously I'm facing that also. I have had strange things happen to me medically with no explanation.... Blood coming from my nipples, had the ducts removed and no cancer found. I have small red dots, maybe burst arteries? on my hands, arms, and face. Been there for years, and never gone away. Arrythmia when I lay down. Now I have bloody cough. Not just streaking, but also hemmoraghic events with large amounts of fresh red blood. My MCV and MCH are high, but not too bad. I also have low folic acid.

    Can anyone out there come up with anything that might link these items together? My Dr said that maybe we need to look there instead of my lungs for the bleed.... Neg TB test, clean CT 6 mos ago/ 3mm nodule in CT last week/ clean chest xray today.... Things just don't add up and it's getting on my nerves! Any ideas?

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Coughing blood and 1st TB test neg...?

    I've been coughing blood since Thursday. I went to the ER and they gave me a TB test. It did absoletly NOTHING. They also did a CT and found a 3mm nodule in the middle of my right lung. After consult with my GP, they sent me home with orders for saline nasal spray. My GP is nuts! He thinks that the bleeding is coming from my sinus, when I am very aware that it isn't.

    I have had night sweats so bad for the last week, started before coughing, and since my GP sent me home, I started monitoring the amounts of blood that I cough up. The smallest amount has been 15ml, and the largest (guesstimate using actual measurement on different bout) would be about 100ml. I soak thru 4-6 Bounty paper towels.... bright red thick blood. I dispose of these in a sealed baggie.

    My question is this, should I have more TB tests run? I am going to get an appt with a pulmonologist, but figure it'll be a while before I can get in. What info can anyone share with me on this?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • Follow up to my last question about coughing up blood?

    After my last question I posted, I have searched the internet and found that it is more than likely that I have TB. I have at least 3 symptoms listed, and had no clue that something like night sweats could be indicative of TB. So, here's my new question.....

    Since I have to wait till Sunday for my TB test results, should I have my husband and daughter tested in the mean time? Or should I wait till I have a positive result? I have started coughing up blood again today, but not as bad as yesterday. For those of you that didn't read my last question, I started coughing blood yesterday, had a TB test performed, and a CT that found a 3mm nodule in my right lung. I am taking precautions for TB, coughing into a paper towel, and disposing of them in a sealed baggie. No more blood in the trash can...TMI. I know!

    So, should I just wait around for the results of my test? Also, if it comes back +, how far back should I go when considering whom to tell that they've been exposed?

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • coughing up blood?

    OK, here goes.... yesterday I started coughing up blood. At first it was just a streak or two. I checked my throat immediately to see if it was coming from there, and nothing. I blew my nose to see if there was blood there, and nothing. The streaks turned to pure blood immediately after these two checks. It was bright red, very thick and was happening so severly that I thought I was going to drown because I couldn't clear it quick enough. It went back to streaks/clotting after 10-15 minutes, and I went immediately to the ER.

    I am female, 35, a pack/day smoker, drink 3 drinks/daily, on Seasonal birth control, and Questran for Habba Syndrome. I also take otc folic acid. I was tested for TB and waiting for results, bloodwork seemed normal, and a CT was done. The CT showed a 3mm nodule in the middle of my right lung. My gp said nasal spray and go home. Still streaking blood if I cough. Any ideas as to what I should do next??? My gp is an idiot, & the hospital sucks too......

    8 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • How to stop thinking about wanting a baby?

    Can someone please talk some sense into me??? I am 35, remarried, and have an 11 yr old daughter. My husband is 50, and looking forward to retirement. He has a 30 yr old son, and a 10 yr old daughter, also from previous relationships.

    For some unknown reason, I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that I will more than likely NOT have another child. Guess it's the old clock ticking... I never wanted just one child, actually had a miscarriage with my first hubby that eventually led to the dimise of our relationship. My hubby has stated that having children was never his idea, but the ideas of the women that had his kids. That he supported them, and what they wanted, but that it was never his idea to begin with.

    Guess that statement alone tells me how he would feel about another child, but no matter how many times I remind myself of this, I still can't help but think that I want another. How do I get over this feeling, and move on without that baby?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How to stop thinking about wanting a baby?

    Can someone please talk some sense into me??? I am 35, remarried, and have an 11 yr old daughter. My husband is 50, and looking forward to retirement. He has a 30 yr old son, and a 10 yr old daughter, also from previous relationships.

    For some unknown reason, I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that I will more than likely NOT have another child. Guess it's the old clock ticking... I never wanted just one child, actually had a miscarriage with my first hubby that eventually led to the dimise of our relationship. My hubby has stated that having children was never his idea, but the ideas of the women that had his kids. That he supported them, and what they wanted, but that it was never his idea to begin with.

    Guess that statement alone tells me how he would feel about another child, but no matter how many times I remind myself of this, I still can't help but think that I want another. How do I get over this feeling, and move on without that baby???

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Brother in law has stage 3 nasopharengeal cancer?

    He is 48, a heavy drinker and heavy smoker. When he was diagnosed, he opted to refrain from any surgeries until he absolutely HAD to have them. After one round of radiation and chemo, he had lost so much weight that they stopped treatments. Only then did he have the GI tube put in.

    He has been very combative when it comes to treatments... refuses to take all of his oral meds, refuses parts of his nutrition, when he is fed thru GI we think he is dumping part out in the bathroom in order to make room for the beer.

    I know you can't make someone stop drinking or smoking. I have a sis with Barrett's Esophogus and a liver shunt. After 3 years of trying to get her to take care of herself, I have learned that you can't tell a person what to do. I just need some suggestions for the family members to help THEM deal with how he is acting. Everyone is about at wits end. I think it might be time for tough love.........any ideas???

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • My husband posted a question in men's health?

    The question was a bit personal...... about pre***. It appeared to be a ligitimate question to me till I saw that he had changed his settings so people could email and IM him on here...(We can get into each others email accounts, and this is how I found he had posted the question.) He had been having a conversation with this chick that said he was getting her hot..

    I asked him thru IM what he and this chick Toni were emailing each other about, and he was a little slow to reply. When he did, he just said "nothing". I looked in his email again real quick and the email was deleted. I went into his yahoo answers page, and he had deleted the question too....

    I got hacked off at him, we had it out, and he said that I was over reacting. That he wasn't doing anything wrong. That he was being a good boy at work, just that he got bored and posted the question for the fun of it.

    I want to know how you would have reacted, and how you would deal with the situation. Any suggestions?

    25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Effects of high level exposure to manganese?

    I have recently found out that the town in which I lived for 10 years tested at a three month average of .26 micrograms per cubic meter, airborn. The highest being .33 . The "safe" level of manganese is .05.

    My research shows neurological defects, Parkinson's Disease, tremors, hyperactivity, short term memory loss, learning disabilities, and such birth defects as bone malformations. My question is this.... If I lived in this town for a year prior to becomming pregnant, and continued to live there for another 8 years, could the inhalation of the manganese be the cause of my daughter's 1) left below elbow congenital amputation and 2) her ADHD? If so, is there any way to "dilute" the deposits of the manganese in her brain?

    I also show signs of inhalation of manganese.......

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Gastroenterologists' opinions needed....?

    My GP and gen. surg. are at a loss. Looking for ideas of what this might be. Had extensive bloodwork done 5-06. Had nothing to do with this case. This blood work showed these items not in norm. Test means in parenthesis...

    BUN 4mg/dl (5-26)

    BUN/creatinine ratio 5 (8-27)

    Iron serum 207ug/dl (35-155)

    Folates serum 2.7ng/ml (>5.4)

    IgE 684IU/mL (0-158)

    MCV 105fL (80-98)

    MCH 35.6pg (27-34)

    RDW 15.1% (11.7-15.0)

    CEA 5.3ng/mL (<5)

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Does your spouse contact people on answers?

    If so, how do you deal with it? What if they say that they are only talking about you to the other person? Would that change how you feel about it? Yes, I am speaking of people of the opposite sex. Kinda wondering if the chicks my husband talks to will unknowingly answer my question.... I can't stand it, have told him how I feel about it, yet I find all the time that he's still emailing thru answers or they are IM'ing him. Starting to get on my

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago