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You know something is up when your emotions can't relate to any form of music.

  • Men and video games?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years. Recently we just bought our first house. He has always been a hardcore video game player, and I knew that going into the relationship. In fact, when we first got together I tried to be a good person by playing games with him and acting interested in his hobby. However, now that we have a house I have other goals in mind like gardening, learning to cook, etc. He tells me when I complain about him not caring about anything related to grown up opportunities that I instead lack a hobby and need to get one. My question is simple, should this be a red flag that he makes no attempt to act like a grown adult and instead expects me to do it all while he sits and continues to go full force at his virtual life?

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • my boyfriend is always playing video games?

    I always knew my boyfriend played video games, but it wasn't until we started living together that i realized how much he does it. Today he played Starcraft for 3 1/2 hours straight until I came home, and then after I started doing things he decided to go back to it. I myself do play video games quite often, but only a few hours a day at the most and I stop. I try my hardest to get into the games he likes, watch him sometimes when he plays, and listen when he wants to discuss his recent achievement on one. It's just that lately it has really been bothering me, mostly because for instance he will skip out on meals if he's alone with his games, and he seems to have no sex drive. I have tried to talk to him about this, and he does say he is willing to do other things, but when I have tried stealing him away from his game but he always seems completely miserable.

    I'm not sure what to do. Why do I come second to these games?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why do I get a lower tax return if I've had two jobs in one year?

    I'm a little confused with my tax return. I am making very little this year. I worked at McDonald's for about 3 years before I just recently started a job last August at a medical center. When I first entered my w-2 from the hospital, I was at a fairly decent number, but once I entered the w-2 from McDonald's, I'm now down almost $500? Why is that? My friend had 5 different jobs last year, none of them lasting more than 3 months and she's earning more than I am?

    What's the catch here?

    2 AnswersUnited States8 years ago
  • What do I do if I just started my period once getting birth control?

    So I got birth control a couple of days ago, and I was set to start taking them today. However, yesterday, I started my period. I have not taken any pills yet - but should I go ahead and start taking them or is it okay to hold back for a week or so until my period subsides? I would call my doctor, but offices are closed because it's Sunday.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How much would it cost me to fix one crooked front tooth?

    A front tooth that I have is slightly crooked, it seems to be pushed out a little further than the other. It's not a major problem, so I don't want to pay thousands to get it fixed. My mother told me it would probably cost as much to get braces in order to have it fixed. Does anybody else think this is true? Or could anybody tell me how much I'd be looking into spending to have it fixed?

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Is this a spider bite?

    Three days ago I woke up and had a potential bite (i think) on my upper left arm. At first it was a small red bump, and then the next day I woke up I had a few more on the same arm. I also am now getting rashes on my back. The first bite is now the biggest, and it's a dark purple/red color. It almost looks like a bruise. It now seems like my arm is starting to develop a rash too. The itching won't stop no matter what I try to put on it.

    Do you think this is a spider bite?

    2 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • I'm a little confused about passports?

    Okay, so I'm scheduled to go on my first cruise (and first trip) to the Caribbean with Princess Cruises. A while back, I knew I had to get a passport, so I went to the post office and the lady there told me I could choose from a passport card or passport book. Since the card was cheaper, I went that way. From what I remember, she told me either would be fine for a trip to the Caribbean. However, now that I'm a few days before my vacation, I decided to review everything and print some things out. I came across some information about passport requirements, and it said I need to make certain contains blank pages for entry and exit endorsements. My question is, I never got these pages - am I going to get denied access to board my cruise if I don't have these, and how hard is it to obtain them? Would I be able to get some before I need to leave in 12 days? Should I even be concerned?

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • How realistic is it for me to be able to move out from my parents house into a house of my own?

    I've never lived on my own before. Is it realistic that I would be able to qualify to move into a house of my own, or will I have to move into an apartment/something else before I can?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Is my playstation 3 broken or just the game?

    So this morning I turned on my ps3, and everything seemed normal up until the point I put in assassins creed. The disk was acting as if it was having a hard time running (stopping <-> starting) and the screen turned black. I assumed that perhaps just the game was messed up, but then I tried to put in little big planet, and the same thing happened (I don't think it's likely this game is messed up because I haven't played it in a couple of months, and it worked fine last time I used it.) Then I put in call of duty, and it worked perfectly fine! Aside from this, I had just played assassins creed yesterday, and it didn't cause me any trouble. Another thing I'd like to add in is that after I removed the disk, the ps3 automatically shut off my controller, and went back to the opening screen (as if I had just turned it on.)

    I have tried deleting and reinstalling my game data, as well as restoring my default settings. None of this has helped me. Do you think there is something wrong with my ps3 or just the game?

    4 AnswersPlayStation1 decade ago
  • I've almost had my period for two weeks now, is this irregular?

    Prior to the end of last month/beginning of this month, I didn't have my period since last year. However, I started spotting two weeks ago, which increased to a heavy flow, into a pretty normal amount (I guess)? Any ideas what might be wrong?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Have you seen the movie Sucker Punch?

    I just saw Sucker Punch a few hours ago, and it has completely confused me. Even more so than Inception did. Can anybody explain it to me? I understand that Baby Doll represented the guardian angel - but was the brothel even real, was Amber, Blondie or Rocket real? Any ideas?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when you're 19 and haven't had a period in over 3 months?

    I really can't be certain how long my periods have been this way - but I know they have always been irregular. When I very first began having periods (in middle school) I remember telling my friends that I would skip having a period for a month or so. However, my period would eventually come (they always last exactly a week) and then continue on fine for maybe another month. Now that I'm 19, I feel like I never get my period. Up until today, I haven't had a period since last year. Today, like I said however, I started feeling cramps, and a small amount of blood appeared - but now it's gone. To add to this, I commonly get stomach pains that feel like this, without a sign of blood.

    Can anyone tell me whether or not I should be concerned? Do you think this means i'm infertile?

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Any creative birthday party ideas?

    My friend is turning 19 years old this upcoming Sunday and we need something to do! Any creative, fun or crazy ideas you would suggest? We are 18 and older, but we are still children at heart.

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Any creative birthday party ideas?

    My friend's birthday is this upcoming Sunday and we need a something to do for it. Any crazy, creative, fun ideas you can come up with? We are 18 and older, but children at heart!

    5 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • What are some creative things I can do for my friend's birthday?

    Any fun, creative, crazy ideas that my friends and I can do for a birthday? We are 18 and older, but we are children at heart!

    2 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to begin building your credit?

    I'll admit, that I know little of how to approach building your credit wisely. I'm an 18 year old who still lives at her parents house, and I want to move out - so that is why I'm trying to figure it out.

    So, what do you suggest I do to start building up my credit score in a smart manner? I will add that I do have a car loan however.

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How do I find out what specific utilities cost that aren't included with a rental?

    I'm sorry, I have yet to actually move out on my own, but as I was searching today through places, and I noticed that many of them do not include utilities such as electricity. So how do I go about finding how much this will cost me monthly?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What's the best way to approach moving out of your parents house?

    I'm an 18 year old who currently resides with her parents. I have been working steadily at the same place for a year now, however it is also my first real job. I have been saving up most of my pay checks, and putting them into a savings account. I also just recently (last February) took out a loan to get my first vehicle.

    My question is, what can I do to make sure that when I'm moving out, I'm doing so in a smart manner? Should I look into getting a credit card? I guess the better question is, what all should I be prepared for when I move out?

    As I stated before, I have been putting money into a savings account, I have also been collecting items I would need when I'm out on my own (for instance, I already have silverware, pots, cups, etc.) I have made a budget list, and I've already found a few apartments that fit it. However, is there anything else I can do?

    1 AnswerRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Help Remembering Movie Title.?

    I watched a trailer for a movie once but have unfortunately forgotten the title.

    Here's of the plot what I remember: A man gets out of jail and reunites with his girlfriend who informs him that during his time spent incarcerated she was pregnant with his child, but given the circumstances she gave the baby up for adoption. The couple consider that the child is rightfully theirs and decide to attempt to get him back.

    So, what I inferred from the trailer is that the gist of the movie is focused on a custody battle between the biological parents and adoptive parents of the boy.

    I also remember that during the battle, the boy looked to be around the age of four.

    If it may help, I also recall a social worker talking to the adoptive parents saying something along these lines; "first we'll call the ____ friends, then the other mommy and daddy, and finally, the truth." (_____: referring to the biological parents)

    In final helping detail, I do remember that both pairs of parents were Caucasian.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago