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Patriot first , conservative second and Republican third . Love Vivaldi and fine cigars . I believe that a copy of the Constitutuion should be in everybodies home right along with the bible . I am a walking contradiction . I am a man who loves his wife and kids . My music tastes run the spectrum between classical to hard rock and industrial metal !

  • Fallout New Vegas. Enemy glitch. HELP!?

    I'm not really sure how it happened but ever since yesterday where ever I am a random NCR ranger spawns and tries to kill me and Rex when we eventually kill him he will spawn again with full health and will keep repeating this until he kills me. PLZ HELP

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Why couldn't the Dems pass the budget when they had the majority last year ?

    Now they are trying to blame everybody else besides themselves if the govt shuts down ! How come they don't have the cajones to cut spending ? They are used to bullying to get their way , so why couldn't they just do that again ? Oh wait that's right , America hated they way they pushed Americans around so they got booted from the House ! It is obvious that they do not know how to govern , that is why Obama keeps passing the buck on everything !!

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • IS it ok for the DOJ to force schools to spy on kids on Facebook?

    Its all over in the news and if you do not know it then you have your head up your booty ! And don't give me crap about the patriot act this is a question about Facebook and the govt .

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do libs and atheists always drop the word Theory ?

    From Big Bang and Evolution ? A theory means it has not been proven ! IF either of those had been proven then they would be laws ! Also they try and demean Christians because they believe in God and say that they are closed minded and ignorant for not believing in what they believe ! Now wouldn't it also go the other way and saying the atheists are closed minded and ignorant for not believing in any other theory of creation ? They say Christians can't prove God does exist but yet atheists cannot prove God doesn't !

    29 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do libs always ask for links ?

    If they were educated about the issues they wouldn't need links about every question . The have a holier than thou attitude and think they are the smartest ones in the room but yet do not seem to know whats going on in politics . Just like the attacks and death threats against Rep WI congress .

    22 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • SO when are Libs going to let Americans use their own resources?

    There are govt reports stating that the US has the largest reserves of oil and natural gas , surpassing Russia, China and the Middle East ! If allowed to drill , prices would eventually come down and would provide 2.2 million jobs within two years directly from drilling along with another 3-5 million jobs related . Now I am sure someone will say "got a link " ? Its called doing research on your own instead of the usual lib Motis Operandi of letting some else do the work . That is one of the major differences btwn Libs and Conservatives , Conservatives read more and do their own research and Libs well...don't . Do not make excuses or insults , just answer the question .

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does the left defend Muslims so vehemently ?

    when Muslims hate gays and women , two of the lefts favorite "victims " ? They execute gays and stone women who show an ankle . And blame the woman when she is raped ! Its the only religion they will defend . They hate Jews and Christians , and that cannot be denied , at least with a straight face ! This question is about the love affair the left has with Muslims , not about Christians and Jews doing something bad in the past . Just a straight answer to the question and no insults ! I doubt though the libs can follow as I ask .

    26 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • When libs demonize rich people how come...?

    They never scream about millionaire actors and actresses or millionaire musicians ? Is it because libs are hypocrites or is it something else ? Is it just the rich who don't agree with them ? Just intelligent truthful answers will do , no insults please . They demonize the Koch Bros but not Soros who's hands are very dirty . I and anybody else can follow Soro's money to just about any left wing blog and socialist group . These people actually put their donors and partners on their websites . So it just takes a little snooping and fact checking to see that Soro's is one dirty SOB ! Now remember this question is about Libs not Conservatives , but I am sure I will get a few misdirected questions .

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Please explain to me why my wealth isnt mine and who decided too much is too much ?

    If I earned it shouldn't I be allowed to keep what I earned minus taxes ? I give to charity on average of 14% a year ! Why do libs think that my earned money is theirs to give away ? I am sure I will get insults from libs .

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If unions are so great then why are you forced to join ?

    If unions were really for the worker then a person should be allowed to make a choice on the jobs that have unions . You are forced if you wanna work in certain states for certain jobs . Plus if they actually cared about their members they would more than likely be donating to Reps because blue collar workers are more apt to be conservative or independent !

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why can't Liberals differentiate between news and opinion?

    Fox has news then they have opinion shows like Hannity , O'Reilly and Beck . News and opinion are different . Now MSNBC on the other hand has opinion in every part of their network , they are the Obama network . Jeff Immelt of GE is in Obamas back pocket ! GE owns NBC , Jeff Immelt is CEO and one of Obamas financial advisors ! Come on libs no excuses just trying to understand your thought process !

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Obamacare were so great why is he exempting groups ?

    Most waivers have gone to unions and allies of Obama . I would think any of his allies would think Obamacare is the greatest and would want to be included .

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How can people say Obama is a genius ?

    When there is absolutely no proof he is even intelligent , maybe he is pseudo-intellectual . He cannot go off the teleprompter without sounding like an idiot . He has blocked all records of college so no proof ! Plus a truly intelligent person knows that there are limitations to intellect and mans power , Obama is so full of himself I'm surprised he can fit in the Oval Office ! I am willing to bet no true answers and there will be Bush bashing ! Remember this about Obama . Oh cannot forget Lib insults because they are soooo intelligent !

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If liberty is the root for liberalism ?

    Then why do libs want more govt intervention into our lives ? Liberty is freedom from govt , not having big brother in every orifice ! They try and tell us how many guns to have ,how much salt to have in my food , whether I can smoke or drive a gas guzzler if I want ! And trying to force me and my company into govt healthcare !

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Libs get their wish to ban smoking and make everybody switch to electric cars ?

    Where would they get the money for taxes once cigarettes and gas guzzlers have been eliminated . Im sure just like every lib idea they never see the consequences to their actions !

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Libs , how much money is somebody allowed to make and who will decide the amount we are allotted ?

    Since Libs support redistribution of a persons hard earned money going to people who are zero liability voters , where is the limit to the govt taking rights away ? Conservatives don't mind paying taxes if they are at a decent rate and going to the govt programs within its enumerated powers . Please answer with a real answer not an excuse or an example of govt overstepping its boundaries . Oh and the stereotypical lib answer with an insult !

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do libs want socialism when its been shown worldwide that it does not work?

    Can't say Europe because they are imploding , can't say any commie countries , no freedoms . Look back in history and it has failed anywhere and everywhere . Goes to show the intelligent world that libs hate history unless they can change it !

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do libs think that Jesus would want healthcare at the tip of a roman spear ?

    The govt forces you to pay for somebody elses healthcare at the end of a gun ! The argument will be "they don't force you at the end of a gun " But , if you don't pay taxes , what happens ?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that conservatives have fundraisers for the military and the libs don't ?

    Could it be that libs, no matter how they hide it , really do hate the military ? It is obvious just how much the libs hate the military because as soon as they get into office the first thing they cut military spending .

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is the Xbox 360 Slim's Dashboard the same as the previous Xbox 360?

    I was just wondering because I am probably going to get one for my son.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago