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  • question for women who have had a hysterectomy?

    I was recently diagnosed with endometriosis and my OB suggested switching out my copper paragard IUD for the mirena as she felt that hormonal birth control could help ease the symptoms.

    Today the IUDs were supposed to be switched out in a simple procedure. I knew that my copper IUD had slipped down from where it was supposed to be. When she took the copper IUD out, one of the arms had broken off inside me. She said that this could be easily taken care of with a procedure that would use a camera to show her where it was and sent me for an ultrasound to get an idea of where the arm was stuck.

    After looking at the ultrasound she said that the arm was embedded deeply into the wall of my uterus and was positioned almost upside down. She said that we could still try the procedure but it likely wouldn't work and would perforate my uterus, she recommended a hysterectomy.

    I am 32 and am have not been planning on having any more children. It would be a laparoscopic hysterectomy to remove the cervix and uterus. I have had several treatments for abnormal pap smears over the years as well as the endometriosis. I am seriously considering the hysterectomy instead of trying the other procedure which will likely perforate my uterus and require a hysterectomy anyway.

    I'm wondering what the procedure and recovery is like? As I said I am 32 so she thinks that my age makes me a good candidate and said that my body should heal properly. Can anyone share their experience? Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Is catastrophic pet insurance worth it?

    I have 2 Aussie Shepherds and I'm wondering about pet "health" insurance? I never really considered it but a friend was telling me that she has illness/accident protection for $18/month with a $50 deductible and $8K annual cap.

    Does anyone use pet insurance? How has your experience been? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • I want to breed my teacup yorkie?

    I didn't even get these dogs yet but I'm positive that they're healthy. I found a vet who "specializes" in breeding teacups already and she gave them a clean bill of health before I even bought them, isn't that amazing? You know she must be great!

    Please don't warn me about all the potential problems of doing this, if you do, I'll just make another account to ask this question on and pretend I'm someone else.

    Everyone else is asking this question tonight, so I figured I would too.

    7 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • What do you wish every dog owner could know?

    People get mad at the dog section and think that the answers are "rude" (and maybe sometimes they are). I left yahoo answers many years ago because it was getting too depressing for me and only returned recently. I am sad to see that the same questions are still being asked. I'm so sick of people asking about breeding. Whenever someone asks about which designer breed to get, or how to breed their dog, or for instructions on whelping a dog when it's already in labor, I get really annoyed and probably do get rude.

    Which question drives you the craziest? What do you wish every dog owner would know?

    8 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Badly bred dogs vs Genetic surprises?

    I read a question that was just posted here about a womans aussie mix who is very small, and I noticed something that I commonly see. I know a little about breeding, but I am no expert.

    I am wondering why everyone assumes that slight anomalies in dogs mean that they are poorly bred? My Aussie is purebred from a very good breeder. Her parents are both standard size, and in excellent health with all genetic testing done. However, my pup is only 23 lbs at 6 months. The vet is guessing she will end up around 30 lbs, but also said that she is a very healthy and beautiful pup. Does this automatically make people assume that I bought her from a BYB? Just as two 5 foot tall people can have a 6'3" son, why can't there be random anomalies in dogs without people assuming that the breeder did something wrong?

    Just wondering your opinions.

    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Experienced Dog Owners, should I feed more?

    My Australian Shepherd pup is about 6 months old and on a slow growth diet. For those of you unfamiliar, basically she is on a high protein/low fat diet to encourage slow growth of bones and joints to prevent problems later in life. It encourages keeping puppies lean and fit instead of chubby. I'm not really here to encourage or debate about that though.

    She is on Taste of the Wild High Prairie Formula, which is grain free

    here's a breakdown:

    We have cut out most of her treats over the last few weeks because she got an upset stomach a few times and we wanted to know if it was her kibble or something else. She hasn't had any stomach upsets since then but she seems hungry. She's a lot more whiny than usual. She just stares at me and whines sometimes until dinner time. She is not ill, and yes I am sure. She currently gets 2 cups/day and she is staying very lean and fit (high energy breed) but not too thin. I'm wondering if I should increase that amount? I'm wondering if stopping the bones and treats created a calorie deficit and if I should increase her food? She is from working lines and is on the small side of the breed. She had standard parents but is only 23 lbs right now, slow grow probably has something to do with that as well. More food just seems like a LOT for a 23 pounder. Any advice?


    2 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Do you ever just get SO mad?

    I quit doing yahoo answers a few years ago and recently started back up. I hate some of the stuff I read on here about dogs. I hate it that people have very sick dogs and they "cant afford to go to the vet". Are there no vet clinics in other cities?? Does no one there let you make payments? I hate the people who are getting rid of their dogs for things like barking too much, not being house trained, or "being too hyper". Didn't you realize when you got a dog that it was a 10 or maybe 15 year commitment? Didn't you research the breed to see how much energy they have and how much exercise they need?

    I'm really not trying to be judgmental. I realize that situations can arise that are just financially devastating for a family and the dog has to be given away or put down, and I realize that sometimes circumstances change in a huge and unexpected way and the dog has to be rehomed. However, most of the situations I read about on here seem perfectly easy to solve with a little work and research. It' sickening to read about a litter of puppies with parvo and people who "can't afford" to take them to the vet. What were you thinking when you bred these dogs? Did you assume that everything would go so perfectly that you didn't even need a plan if something happened? It just makes me sick.

    This is more of a rant than a question I suppose, but does anyone else ever feel like their head is going to explode? I feel like I'm remembering why I quit coming on here...

    12 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How to help a dog without offending the owner?

    A friend of mine has a dog that I like very much. They are neighbors and I see and play with the dog almost every single day.

    He is a VERY kind to the dog and treats it very well, but I am concerned for some of it's basic health problems. I wouldn't nose in if it was not my good friend and I was not also very close to the dog. The dog doesn't get vaccinated, not even rabies. They have her on a poor dog food and she constantly has loose stools and sheds like crazy. I have NEVER seen a dog shed like this and I know that it's partially due to the food they feed her. She is also slightly overweight. She gets ear infections a lot and he just says, "oh she gets those, it'll go away".

    I know he has good intentions, but I feel bad for the dog. I've tried helping without saying anything, I gave him a coupon for a dog grooming (the dog needs her ears cleaned out and plucked horribly, her nails get so long that she sounds like she's tap dancing across floors, and she needs her anal glands expressed badly as well), I told him about a spay clinic that was going on that I got my puppy spayed at and even offered to take his dog, I gave him another coupon last night for a rabies vaccination for $10 and he left it here. I am always very tactful and just make it sound like I'm being casual. I gave him the coupon and said, "oh you might be able to use this, my dogs already have theirs".

    I suggested they try a different food when their dog became overweight, but didn't push. I feel like I'm being very nosy and should just stay out of it, but at the same time I know the dog doesn't feel good and I think they could help her a lot by doing a few basic things.

    Is there any way to bring this up without sounding judgmental or offending them? Or should I just mind my own business and let it go?

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago