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Lv 2925 points


Favorite Answers22%
  • Easy 10 points!!!!?

    I'm in college and currently there's nothing better to do than to answer 12 year old's questions about penis length. Is there something more productive I can be doing?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers4 years ago
  • Easy 10 points!!!!?

    I'm in college and currently there's nothing better to do than to answer 12 year old's questions about penis length. Is there something more productive I can be doing?

  • BDSM community: My boyfriend want me to be a dominate. Any tips?

    My boyfriend and I are both 16 and we've been dating for a year (if that matters). The other day he asked me if I knew what bdsm was and if I wanted to maybe dominate him to fulfill his fantasies or whatever. I'm pretty vanilla so I've never thought about it before and I was a bit freaked out. He told me he thinks I'm a natural dominate, but I barely know what that means... I'm willing to try, but I don't know if I could stand hurting him. Does anyone have any tips to help me get started? We're hanging out on Saturday and he's kinda expecting a show from me :P

    We have a pretty healthy relationship as well as good communication and he's not making me do this. It's my choice.

    By tips I mean like a basic routine that doms do or something. Nothing too extreme. Also, I've talking to him about it and he likes anything except penetration, wax, blindfolds and knifes. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do find what origin account my xbox live account is connected to?

    I'm trying to import my gameface but when i tried to connect my origin account to my xbox account it says my xbox account is already connected to a different origin account

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • Looking for a really small desk/vanity (under 2 feet wide)?

    I've been looking around for a table of some sorts that i can use for my vanity. I only have 2 feet to fit it in and i need it to be kinda short because i need my makeup case right next to it and it's kinda short. I cant nail a piece of wood to the wall and call it a desk either :(

    Anybody have and/or know of a writing desk/ vanity that will fit in my tiny 2 foot space?

    BTW it doesn't need drawers off any kind but i don't care if there are.

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Divide this polynomial! please help?


    24x^2-9x^3+12-27 by 3x-5


    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Factoring polynomials. please help!?






    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Write a rule for the function please help!?

    x: -2 -1 0 1 2

    y: 5 25 125 625 3125


    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Algebra: excluded value of an expression?

    How would i solve these?

    4x^3 - 12x^2 over 8x^2


    132x^4 over 55x

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • algebra factoring homework help?

    how would i do this:

    solve the equation:


    how would i solve this equation?

    thanks much

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • bifocal contacts for teenagers and pupil dialation test?

    I am 14 and my eye doctor gave me bifocal not sure why she said it would help me read better but i read fine....the bifocal almost make me read worse. I told my eye doctor that and she said i'd get used to them but i havrnt. also i asked for night and day contacts but she refused to give them to me?

    she wants me to come in next week to have a pupil dialation test...she said i wouldnt be able to see well for 4 hours afterwards...ive never had this test before so why do i need it now?

    Is this eye doctor form target real or does she just want my money?...anyone know what her deal is?

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • what should my username be? (easy 10 points)?


    Must include the world 'ivy'

    No spaces

    8+ charaters(numbers anf letters)


    Username is for minecraft

    Im a girl

    Idk the more creative and strange the better

    Im 14

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Oily and flaky skin?!?

    It sounds strange but i have oily and flaky skin i use a clairisonic to exfoliate ans i always use mousterizer. Yet i still cant put any concelar or foundation on my forehead because if i do it looks all flaky and gross. I use to have acne on my forehead but it all moved to my cheeks

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • What's thE title of this old movie?

    I was watching this old movie at this one place and i cant remember the name of it...its about a girl who is trying to reascue her baby from a guy with bleach blonde hair who in real life is a rock star this guy is king of the dwarfs os gobins something like get her baby back this girl has to go throught a maze to get to the castle only if she stays there to long she will turn in to a dwarf thingy. Their is this one scene where she is walking through the forest and these pink fluffy creatures start singing and dancing around her and taking off their heads and other parts of their body. And there is a monster thingy named luddo or luppo or something that can move rocks when he yells.

    I hope someone can idenify the name of this movie...i kmow the title is short like 1-2 words

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • if Your Legally Blind Can You Get Lasik eye Surgery?

    Im 13 and have -6.5 contacts. im afraid im going to be legally blind by the time im 18 could i still get lasik???

    5 AnswersOptical10 years ago
  • Algebra honework help?


    I keep getting a strange answer...

    5 AnswersMathematics10 years ago
  • Ibuprofen, aspin, and tylonal together?

    Please excuse my spelling...:/

    I took 1 reg. Dose aspin at 9:00am and


    Then i took an ibuprofen at 3:00pm

    Then i took tylonal at 6:00pm

    Now i feel like im gonna throw 13 and i dont take many drugs...i had a terrible headache all day today...and i guess i just want to kno if im ok ish

    Oh and its 11:00pm righy now

    1 AnswerMedicine10 years ago
  • tips on being a good lawyer?

    in class we are doing a mock trial (7th grade). our trial is on the gunfight at the ok corral around tombstone, arizona in 1881 (as seen in the movie "tombstone"). I am playing the part of Lyttleton Prince a state attorney who is trying to prosecute Wyatt Earp for the murder of Billy Clanton, Tom McLaury and Frank McLaury.My witnesses are Sheriff Behan, Martha King and Ike Clanton. The other sides witnesses are Wyatt Earp (defendant), Josephine Marcus and Doc Holiday. Wyatt's brothers are both law enforcement people and Wyatt took a gun from them (it was illegal to have guns if you weren't law enforcement) and shot the 3 men listed earlier now i have to convince the jury that wyatt is guilty.

    The student who are on my side are not the sharpest needles in the hay stack by a long shot and the other sides members, 2 of them were in debate club and the rest aer really smart nerds so i need to find any possible way i can to try to win this trial....

    Please help if you can like at all im only in 7th grade

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Tricks to remember stair and stare?

    Any tricks to remeber stair ang stare for a 7 year old

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago