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  • 4 weeks pregnant, are cramps normal?

    I found out I'm 3-4 weeks pregnant and I'm having some cramping. Not all the time and not severe. Very tolerable. Just definatly there. No bleeding at all. I'm just really worried about miscarriage. I miscarried about 9 months ago and and so afraid it will happen again. Is cramping a bad thing??

    3 AnswersPregnancy3 years ago
  • My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 8 weeks, will it happen again?

    Last March I found out I was pregnant. I carried until 8 weeks when at the first ultrasound there was no heart beat and I hadn't even noticed, no bleeding no severe cramping. Nothing. I was devastated. Now 9 months later I just found out I'm pregnant again, only 3 or 4 weeks along, the signs were obvious so i knew early. But now I'm worried to death that I'll just end up with another miscarriage. I want so badly for a baby. I'm trying to stay stress free but it's so hard when that's in the back of your mind. I've also been having mild period like cramping. On and off all day....and I'm only 3 - 4 weeks so I'm pretty worried. Anyone have any advice? Am I more likely to miscarry again? Is the cramping a bad sign?

    7 AnswersPregnancy3 years ago
  • Can they sue me for this?

    In June of this year I took pictures of a wedding for an "acquaintance". I had known her for a few years and she asked if I'd be willing to take photos. I agreed and she said they would pay me a few $$. It was all verbal agreement. No contracts were signed as I was doing it as a friend. I spent the day at the wedding and reception taking photos. When I went to edit them they were corrupt on the SD card. I gave her the picturesame that I had through Facebook messenger and told her that some of them didn't turn out..possibly due to the rain and maybe the card got wet. I asked if there was an address to send the flash drive to with no answer back. It's been 5 months and now her mother in law messaged me on facebook saying they would take legal action if I didn't get the photos too them asap. I explained to her what had happened and that the only half of the pictures turned out. She states that they tried and tried to contact me but I have not received any text or messages. Can they sue me? There was no written signed contract. What do I do?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • How long is too long to wait to file abuse charges?

    I was married to my husband for 6 months. He had always been a little pushy.. It recently got worse. We had some altercations and he had started accusing me of cheating and he would get angry and push me around. He would drag me outside and lock me out of the house with no keys or phones, no way to get in. It was freezing cold out. He would slam me into walls, He shoved me off of our Front porch over the railing. One time he choked me. I have a voice recording of the whole fight and you can here me telling him i couldn't breathe and he clearly says i hope you choke.. There's also more hes done. But i don't really have other proof. I left in him in October 2015. We filed for divorce. I was afraid to press charges. But hes being rude to me again... is it too late to press charges?? Please help! No rude stressed enough.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Is it too soon to Love?

    I have had a really rough past few months. My ex was sort of abusive, things went south and i got divorced. I have since gotten my own place, my own vehicle and made new friends. I feel like im finally getting back ontop after being down for a few months. I have been hanging out with this one guy alot lately. Hes so sweet and helped me through out everything i was going through..and kind of still am. I feel like im getting pretty attached. We have been seeing each other for about 2-3 months now. Not long at all i know that. But im starting to have pretty strong feelings for him. After my past and the abuse it just feels so good to have someone who cares and is so sweet! I just LOVE being with him, LOVE everything about him..but is it too soon for that? Too soon to LOVE someone else? NOT in love, but i love him... just not sure if i should really be feeling like this..

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Is it too soon to move on?

    I recently moved out of my soon to be Ex- husbands house. He filled for divorce in October. We havent seen each other or had contact since unless it was to get some of each others belongings back. Its been 2 months. He asked another woman for sex the night i left. He had her staying with him a week later.. I had a mutual friend who was also going through a divorce. We have kind of connected.Talking each other through our divorces. Hes really sweet. A great friend. And I am starting to develop some feelings for him. Just like new relationship feelings. I don't "love" him or anything.. But if my ex can move on in a week is it wrong for me to let whatever happens happen? I feel that I will always love my ex husband.. but we split because we fought really really bad. And hurt each other. So is it too soon to move on??

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • How to get rid of stretch marks??

    Hello, Im 21. I weigh around 160. 5'6 tall.. No kids. But over the last few months i have been dealing with alot of stress and i have noticed i started to get some stretch marks...i have been around the same weight only different by about 10-20lbs in the last 4 years. ( I am bottom Heavy) big butt...and i noticed that my thighs and under my butt now has pink stretch marks. what can i do to get rid of these or at least reduce them??? Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you! Will vote best answer.

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Hes telling me I cant see my Family?

    I was with my husband for 6 years before i married him. We got married last April. We had some issues and seperated. We decided to try and work things out. Things were absolutly amazing for like 2 weeks. Now he is telling me i have to stay off of facebook. He says i cant text. He wont let me talk to any of my family. Im not allowed to go to there houses or text them. He says that they will run me into the ground and ruin my life. That they are all pieces of s*** . He says that if i talk to any of them i have to leave. What do i do? I love him. I want our marriage to work. and YES i have tried to talk to him. He wont even listen. He says that im just dumb and cant see it. Help...please..

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships6 years ago
  • Women s help center? Where can I go?

    Long story short..My husband and I have been married for 6 months. I left after a fight and he wanted to talk. I came back . But he had terms. I can t talk to my family at all I can t go to any family functions.. and he pushes me around. Is mean all the time. Is never home. But I can t do anything. Or talk to anyone. I can t just leave I have no where to go. I have two dogs. I have been having bad thoughts. I sometimes feel like taking my life is better than being stuck here like this forever. My family is upset that I went back to him after the things he did to me. So I am unwelcome in there homes. I don t know what to do. I live in centre county pa. Does anyone have help numbers I can call. Or a place I can go to get help? I don t know what else to do.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • How do MEN like it shaved?

    Weird question but I have always wondered...How do men like their women's down there shaved? My Husband never stated that he liked or didn't like a "style" that I tried..

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Really confused about my life right now. Please help.?

    Hello I am 21. I have been married to my 24 yr old husband for about 7 months. I love him to death. But hes not always so nice to me. He downgrades me and my family he calls me names. We never go out together. We don't hold hands or hug. Not very much intimate moments anymore. I feel depressed and unwanted. I have tried talking to him. He blames me and says that I need medicine. Maybe I do. But I have a friend that ive known for a long time. Hes helping me through all the rough times. Hes so sweet and I feel like he really cares. Hes younger than me. But he has offered to watch my dogs if needed and give me a place to stay if anything happens. He calls me sweet names and brought me flowers after my husband and I fought. He does a lot of little things that make me happy and not feel depressed anymore. We have hung out a few times. He is a family friend. We just sat and talked around a camp fire. It was fun. I felt relaxed and comfortable. Happy. But now im not sure what to do. If there are sweet guys like this out there why am I suffering with my husband. What should I do?! I am so lost..tired of being depressed.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • I need advice.. We dated for 5 years before this. I'm confused..?

    I am not sure about being married.?

    My husband and I got married in April. But it's nothing that I expected. He's so mean to me. We never talk..he doesn't come home until late. And we are both just rude to each other. Things are so different. I thought they'd get better not worse. I'm now double thinking my choice. I don't know what do do...advice? I'm 21, hes 24 have my whole life ahead of me..I don't want to be miserable for the rest of it...he down grades my family and parents all the time. He never attends any of my family functions. And if he doesn't he just tells me afterwards how much he hates my family. I can't take it anymore. He's just not nice .he doesn't even try to communicate with me. What do I do?!

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • I am not sure about being married.?

    My husband and I got married in April. But it's nothing that I expected. He's so mean to me. We never talk..he doesn't come until late. And we are both just rude to each other. Things are so different. I thought they'd get better not worse. I'm now double thinking my choice. I don't know what do do...advice? I'm 21, have my whole life ahead of me..I don't want to be miserable for the rest of it...

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce6 years ago
  • I rescued a 1 year old German Shepherd..Need advice!?

    Last night i rescued a 1 year old female German Shepherd. Her owner claims that while away a friend left her deteriorate..she is bone thin, had some bad behaviors, was infested with fleas, and has a rash all over her body, even inside her ears. She scratches all night long. I need to find out how to get her fattened up and what i can do to train her. We need to break her bad habits. What training devices and techniques work best? Any advice on the rash and itching until i can get her into the vet? I am going to call them to see what they suggest. She plays rough with my dog..chasing her and biting her behind as shes running, not exactly mean but not a nice play either. Any one have any advice? Right now she is walking back and fourth back and fourth pacing and imagine that's because shes in a new environment with no one that she knows? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

    6 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Ovarian pain? Please help.?

    I was on the depo provera shot for 3 years. I quit it about two years ago and have not had a normal period since. I would spot for weeks..I would have nothing at all for weeks..and some times I'd full on bleed for weeks upon weeks. I went to my doctor and had ultra sounds and what notd done..they put me on a hormone pill. But that was it. So I haven't gone back. My husband and I have unnprotected sex every time. Not worried about getting pregnant. But in the last few days both of my ovaries have been hurting..a dull achy pain and then if I bend of stretch or push its like a stabbing pain..and also an achy back. Does anyone have any idea whats going on? Has anyone had these issues? Please help..I am so desperate! Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Do I have depression?

    I know this is a stupid question.. But I can't bringyaeld to talk toy friends or family about this..and I don't have insurance that covers a Dr for it... I'm just wondering if I have depression or if just stressed.. Please help. It's easier to ask random strangers..I'm constantly mean. I just can't contain my self when I get mad. I say things I shouldn't and get grumpy towards my husband. Then he says some not so nice things..which why would he after I was mean..and I just get in this funk..I start feeling sick..I'm not hungry..I think about my best friend who passed aaway and how it would be so much better with her here..I'll sit in the tub with the water on..for an hour an a half..not moving..I sleep for hours..I'm snippy..I lie and tell others I'm just not feeling well. I've often thought of how much easier it would all be without me and the only reason I don't just end it is because I want to see my 6 year old sister grow up..I forget things all the time.. I cant remember what I ate for breakfast. Sometimes I don't remember driving..just weird random things when I get in these funks. Some times they last a day or two..sometimes its weeks. Help please. I need advice.

    2 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Gyno. what's going on?

    Hello. I am 21 years old. I am going to apologize in advance for tmi (too much info) any ways. I was on the depo provera shot for 3 years. I quit the shot in may 2014. I have no had a normal period since. I have to wear a panty liner every single day. If not more than that. I had a full period for 6 months straight. it seemed to get a little better after I went to my gyno and they did an ultra sound then put me on a hormone..they weren't sure why I was having irregular periods. Well now. About 5 months later..the irregular periods are back. The pain is unreal..heavy bleeding for 7 days straight..then light bleeding in between. Or bleeding only when I pee. (Not in my urine)just enough that when I wipe there is a lot of blood but only a spot or two on the liner. I have been feeling really sick to my stomach. Headaches. Pain in my lower back and abdomin. Hot flashes. Fatigue. Ect. I don't want to go to the drs and rack up another bill I can't afford for them to tell me everything is fine I just have a hormone imbalance.. I've been off of the shot over a year now..and have felt miserable since. My husband and I want a baby soon..but don't see that in our future with this issue . please help!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Can my parents co-sign on a mortgage for me?

    I am 21 and my husband and i are looking to buy a house. Between us both we had a bad past and our credit suffered due to it. We are doing what we can to get it back to "decent". We have been renting for a few years but need to upgrade. My parents have agreed to co-sign on the mortgage for they know that we have been making our 900$ a month rent on time. We do know the risk so please dont explain to me how it can mess up their credit if we are late..believe me.. i know. We have steady jobs and are saving up. Just want more info on co-signing morgages.

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • First time home owners?

    My husband and i are looking into getting a first time home buyers loan through our bank, First National Bank of Pa..but neither of us have good credit. He has student loans and a car loan that a few months ago he got behind on and i have limited/low credit. Does first time home loan services work with you? Do you need good credit? please help..

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate6 years ago
  • how can I get rid of this?!?

    I am 21 years old and still have horrible acne. I have tried a lot of facial treatments..and only really wear makeup on the weekends..I don't get can I minimize the acne?!

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions6 years ago