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Lv 1108 points

Benedict HM

Favorite Answers22%
  • Any Aviation Universities in Hong Kong with a four year course specifically in Avionics?

    I'm migrating to Hong Kong next year. I would love to know some aerospace/aviation schools that offer at least a 4 year degree (specifically avionics) to take before I proceed to Aviation Technology major in Flying. Thanks and have a good day!

  • Can I go back to high school as a college student?

    Okay, I know a lot of you would find this question odd.. But I am a high shool graduate in the Philippines and am now a freshmen university student. Unfortunately, I was the last batch that didn t have the K-12 curriculum so I graduated high school as early as 16 years old (it s quite normal for students as early as 16 to start college here in the Philippines) my parents are divorced and my mom is from Hong Kong and she wants me to live with her because she finally has work and she s finally capable of taking care of me. I was just wondering, can I go back to high school even after getting my HS diploma? I don t mind going back and having 2 more years of High School as long as I can graduate from a K-12 curriculum school.

    So yeah, that s my question! I hope you guys help me and sorry for any wrong grammars. I m not that fluent in english as you can see. Have a good day!!

  • Any good strategy/adventure games on the iOS?

    Hi, I'm looking for strategic games for my iPhone. I really enjoy games which includes building/crafting stuffs (I already have minecraft :D) kind of like, survival games. Any suggestions? Recommendations? ^^

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Will I have my singing voice back after puberty?

    I took singing lessons at the age of 10 and my family said that i was pretty good. I can still reach high notes and stuff. As time passed by my friends thought I was gay for singing a lot so I stopped my singing lessons and never sang ever again. after 4 years I transferred school and ironically my new friends were addicted to singing so when I started singing again, my voice was SOOO bad. My voice is like, already so deep and now I can't reach high notes. It's because I'm on puberty I'm 15 yrs old right now.

    Will my real voice be back again after my puberty ends? I really regret that day when I stopped singing. Help please

    8 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • Basic Cantonese Conversations?

    I'm traveling to Hong Kong in about a week and will be staying there for about 2 weeks. Please give me some basic conversations from english to cantonese. THANK YOUU!! <3

    1 AnswerChina7 years ago
  • Hong Kong/ Chinese culture?

    Hi! So I am traveling to HK next week and I am going there alone, but I am a minor. :p I am only 14 years old and my aunt from HK told me if I wanted to visit and bond with my cousins there and I said of course. I've been to HK many times since my mom always goes there for business and she brings me with her but that was a looooong time ago when I was like, 5 - 10 yrs old. So yeah,

    I just wanna know what the culture of HK is like. Is it somewhat like Korea? Where you have to bow your head to elders and something like that? (I live in Korea right now so pardon my english hehe) I'm staying there for about 2 weeks and I'm really nervous. So yeah help me out please haha thanks guys

    4 AnswersChina7 years ago
  • Should I be a Chef or Pilot?

    I'm a Junior and shortly after 2 years, I will already be in college (I don't feel like going to college yet huhuhu) I am 15 years old, Male.

    So these are the reasons why I want to be a chef: I enjoy cooking. In fact, I LOVE cooking. Cooking makes me happy for some reason and I sleep late at night so before sleeping I usually cook food (Usually pasta) I don't really like baking though. And I feel like I want to take my cooking to a new level but I'm not sure though if being a chef is what I want to be for the rest of my life. My aunt is a chef and she said she would recommend me jobs if I wanted.

    For being a Pilot: When I was a kid, my mom usually travels a lot. And when I reached 6 years old I've already been to Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, etc. And I just ENJOY every time I travel. Not just that, but I enjoy being in different other countries. I love enriching myself in different cultures. I also LOVE learning new languages. And I also LOVE eating food from different countries. My uncle from hong kong is actually an airline pilot of cathay pacific. And he told me that he would help me out if I wanted to be a pilot. But yeah then again i'm not sure yet.

    So yeah that's it. So heres a few things about me,

    * I'm quite lazy

    * Not really a morning person. I wake up 10:00 am to 12:00 pm without alarm

    * I sleep VERY late. 12:00 am - 1:00 am on weekdays and 2:00 am to 5:00 am on weekends.

    * I am physically fit (I am a volleyball varsity player) <- if this has anything to do with being a pilot or a chef xD

    * I dislike hectic schedules

    * I love gadgets

    So yeah please help me out thankssss

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Hot Pepper Paste Recipes?

    Hi! So I am feeling a bit adventurous today and I wanted to try and cook Korean foods. I have a Korean friend who sent me "Hot Pepper Paste" or "Gochujang" and I kinda tasted it and it was good. So I was wondering what Korean recipes I can make with Gochujang? It doesn't matter if it's a dish or a soup. Haha thanks and please add the recipes for the dish thankssss

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years ago
  • How to have longer stamina particularly in Volleyball?

    Okay so i'm new to Volleyball. It's only been 2 months since I joined Varsity for Volleyball here in my school. I was just playing normal volleyball with my friends and the volleyball coach asked me if I was interested because he saw a potential and I gave it a shot and i'm loving it so far!!! My position is blocker and spiker probably because of my height lol (I'm 5"11 male btw) and the only problem my coach told me was I get tired REALLY REALLY easily and it's true. Only 10 minutes of blocking/spiking my energy will drop low and I need to like, take at least 1 minute break just standing so I would regain strength lol. My teammate which was like my height he has ALL positions from block, spike, receive, toss, etc and he said he doesn't get tired at ALL maybe after 30 minutes. He isn't muscular at all. He's a bit fat though. Chubby.

    So yeah next month, it's our tournament vs another school and our school NEVER LOST yet and i'm gonna be playing for my school and i'm afraid i'm going to get tired easily or something. I need to show my coach i've improved my stamina but how?? He might replace me because the other varsity players (Bench) trained for like a year and a half and I only trained for 2 months!!! :/

    What do I need to do? Do I have to eat breakfast? (I don't eat breakfast before going to school lol) and I sometimes eat lunch. I get only 6-9 hours of sleep. Do I need more?? I get tired easily doing our exercise before training and run out while training. Is there a certain exercise I need to do to improve my stamina? Heeelp!!

    2 AnswersVolleyball8 years ago
  • Life of Royal people in England?

    I am really curious! Like what is the purpose of the Queen? And the prince and princess? Do they only like, lead the country? Don't they use gadgets like iPad, iPhone or stuff like that? Do they have social networking account? (Like President Obama has twitter) Or do they live like the past where there are no gadgets and stuff like that? And do where do they stay? Do they go out and like go shopping or something? (For this question i'm referring to the prince or princess) Because they are young etc. But yeah omg I have so much more questions but yeah that'll do.

    5 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • I ate raw salmon. Is it okay?

    Yesterday, I made this salmon dish and all it needed was to season it and put mayonnaise, cheese, etc. on it and put it on the oven. It said to wait until 30 minutes but when I was waiting the topping of the salmon was almost burnt so I took it out and decided to eat it. (It was only in the oven for 10 minutes or so) then I noticed it was still quite raw because the salmon wasn't hot, only the topping was but it was yummy so I ate it all. Then a while ago my mom scolded me she said why did you bake the salmon you shouldv'e just cooked it because it might had parasites or whatever and now I'm really nervous. I feel fine today but idk was it safe? Oh and it was a branded salmon fillet it was frozen so I just uhm, defrosted it with warm tap water and yeah.

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • Any good Foreign Exchange Programs?

    Hi, so i'm currently living here in the Philippines and I'm really really interested about studying in South Korea. Is there any Foreign Exchange programs on Asia that you guys know? I don't really mind how much as long as it's safe and yeah.. I know only YFU (Youth For Understanding) Are there anymore?

    BTW, i'm looking for like, either an academic year or semester. Not the secondary ones.

    About meeee:

    * Male

    * 15 years old

    * Currently in 3rd year high school

    * I'm fluent in english, only basic in Filipino (Since I am from a british international school here) And basic Korean

    Yeah that's all. :)

    3 AnswersStudying Abroad8 years ago
  • Why can't I fall asleep at night?

    I have this huge problem where I would ALWAYS sleep at like, 1:00 - 2:00 am and wake up at 5:30 am (For school) and I will still feel sleepy and tired and after school (which is 4:00 pm) I go home, I WILL BE SOOOO SO SO SUPER SLEEPY but I don't want to sleep at like, 4 in the afternoon cause then I'd wake up at like, 12:00 am. So yeah I wait until 8:00 pm to sleep but the problem is, when it's 7:00 or 8:00 pm already I DON'T FEEL SLEEPY ANYMORE. Like, what happened? :/ So then I would sleep again at 1 - 2:00 am cause that's when I feel sleepy again. I'm like an owl haha.

    Other infos:

    * I am only 15 years old. :(( Will this affect me later when I grow old? :c

    * Even though I am so dead tired in the afternoon, I fight the urge to sleep and when it's actually sleeping time, I CAN'T SLEEP ANYMORE.

    * I only rarely drink coffee (like, once a month)

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Is getting a vocal coach worth it?

    I really want to be a singer. :/ and like, I just can't really do things on my own. I need someone to help me. My voice is average. I want to improve. I want to be able to expand my singing skills more. There's a yearly audition here in my place and I "tried" auditioning once (I backed out) and it didn't go so well because I wasn't confident in my singing.

    I had a VERY VERY strict music class on my school. The teacher was just so mean. When it was our class' first meeting, she made us ALL stand up and let us sing one by one our school hymn. I was actually the only boy who stayed inside the class (along with 7 other girls) because she made all our other classmates (we are 31 in all) go out of the class because she said they had bad vocals but we (me and the 7 other girls) were naturally good. That's the time I was inspired and took tutorials on the internet. The only problem is I just don't know if I am doing good or bad. I need an expert to teach me and correct me. Is it worth having vocal lessons? Because I WILL get one. Btw my mom doesn't really mind paying as long as I am serious in what I am doing and I AM. So financial stuff aren't a problem.

    Other infos about myself:

    * I am a boy

    * 15 years old

    * I am now undergoing puberty :(( before when I was 12, I could hit high notes but now, I am kinda struggling. I have a deep voice.

    * I am inspired by a singer called Jessie J. She is so good. :))

    3 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • Will I have my singing voice back after puberty?

    So a little intro about myself, I am a boy, 15 years old, and when I was like, 12 years old I had a REALLY high pitched voice. Like I would order mcdonalds and when I say "for delivery please" And EVERY time they would always say "okay ma'am can I have your name and number please?" I would always be mistaken for a girl on the phone :/ my cousin is a singer so I lived with her for a year with my aunt and uncle because my mom had to work overseas and since my cousin took singing lessons, my aunt made me take singing lessons as well. And not to brag but I sound good and I could reach high pitch easily and perfectly. But when I went back to my mom, I didn't have singing lessons anymore and stopped singing. As time passed by, I hit puberty my voice was deepening and I was happy cause then no one would think i'm a girl anymore lol. (My voice is really really deep now) But then I got into singing and now I want to be a singer. when I turned 14 SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH MY HEAD VOICE :(( I could reach high notes but it doesn't sound good at all it's sounds husky and like, i'm whispering and it doesn't really sound good but I really did sound good when I was 12 :/ what happened?????? When my puberty will end, will I have my head voice back? (My high pitch voice)

    So yeah my questions are basically

    1.) Right now, I could reach high notes but it doesn't sound good. But I could reach them perfectly but it seriously really doesn't sound good. Is this normal? What happened?

    2.) Will I have my singing voice back?! :/ it's stopping me from making my dreams come true.

    3.) next year, there will be a singing audition here. Next year I will turn 16. Will I be better then? If not when will my puberty stop??

    Help please.. Thankss!!

    Singing8 years ago
  • I want to be a pilot. What course should I take?

    How do I become a pilot? Right after I graduate high school (which is 2 years from now) What's the name of the course for pilots?? Just like for example Culinary, Engineer, Architect, etc. and do you guys know any good pilot school in america? Doesn't really matter if it's a boarding school or not. Thanks.

  • Can puberty change your voice from bad to good?

    *in terms of singing. I have this friend who said he sucked at singing when he was like, 14 and he started singing again at the age of 17 and he was shocked that he actually sounded nice. He recorded some songs he sang when he was 14 and yeah it didn't sound nice it sounded like he was just talking but now he's like doing covers of songs and he is really really good he just said puberty made his voice sound good and it's kinda hard to believe cause I think when you hit puberty your voice will deepen but the tone will like stay the same. But in his case, it wasn't :O i'm confused. Lol

    1 AnswerSinging8 years ago
  • How can I widen my vocal range?

    I'm a beginner at singing and when my school started adding like singing to our music subject, our music teacher told us to sing notes individually (with her piano) and when it was my turn, I was singing (I think it was like, la laa laaa laaaaaaaa laaa laa la) descending to ascending! And then she was like, "you have a voice" and yeah I was shocked cause I never sang because of my shitty confidence :(( lol. But since then I was like, singing songs and when I started to sing adele songs, I noticed that only sometimes I can PERFECTLY hit the high notes but most of the time it's like only air coming out and it starts to sound like i'm wheezing. :| i'm a boy btw.

    So yeah that's it please teach me how to like, activate my head voice. I recently want to become a singer lol. :(( and can you guys give me like basic tips on how to sing properly? Thanksss.

    3 AnswersSinging8 years ago