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  • Using a digital camera to send in proof of qualifications to a university?


    I have been given a placement for one of my universities providing I show proof of the qualifications submitted on the UCAS form. I have been given an email for me to submit the copies to.

    My question is whether I can just take pictures of them using a digital camera (as I'm unaware on the differences that show up).


  • Voluntary job interview question?

    I have an interview soon for a position in a charity shop but I hear that bringing a rucksack is a no no (or is there any exceptions for this kind of placement). I don't know how else to bring the required documentation etc in other than to take a rucksack with me. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersCommunity Service8 years ago
  • Is a cv required for voluntary work in a charity shop?

    I have an interview tomorrow in a charity shop but I do not have a cv to take with me. I can possibly complete a rather basic cv by the time of my interview (mid-day) but I would prefer not to worry about this right now.

    Also when they ask inevitable question of "Why I have chosen this position", would simply to gain experience be enough? and what other types of questions would be asked in a position like this.

    I know it is only voluntary work but I HATE interviews, so I like to be a bit prepared.

    Thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersCommunity Service8 years ago
  • Question claiming Jobseekers allowance?

    Due to various things coming up and that will need to be sorted in the coming few days I wont be able to meet the conditions. Will this require me having to apply for a new claim or do they just skip this payment (which would be first time since signing up).

    4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years ago
  • Recommendations of some good Japanese/ Korean Horror movies?

    I've watched a fair few horror movies from this part of the world so preferably none of the more renown ones.

    Just a list of some of the films (series) that I've already watched:


    Ju On

    One missed call (Forget original name)

    A tale of two sisters


    The quiet family (also the Takashi Miike's version)



    Whispering corridors





    Battle Royale

    Dark Water

    Anyway, thanks for any suggestions you may give!

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Anyway to disable laptop keyboard?

    Laptop: Medion Akoya

    When certain keys are pressed on my laptop keyboard (left shift, left ctrl, space-bar, B, N, Enter (not num pad), F10, F12) my computer will repeated insert "-" and to stop it repeating the dash I need to press a key that isn't causing triggering the issue.

    After cleaning underneath the keys I manage to get it working for a couple of days but it is now occurring again. I've recovered it to factory settings, scanned and cleaned again since but cannot manage to fix this issue.

    So understanding it is probably an internal hardware issue I've connected an external keyboard which doesn't trigger any problems. However I'd like to disable the laptop's integrated keyboard as I see it causing problems. Anyone know whether this is possible?

    1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Songs with powerful and epic drumming?

    Drums that stand above the rest of the instruments. Fast powerful but not just spamming the same drum (blast beats or whatever), something more than that. Preferably in Power or Symphonic metal.

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Rate these random bands?

    I don't why just do it! :)

    Ok.. /10




    Iron Maiden


    In Flames

    Dream Theater



    Fleetwood Mac

    Cradle of filth

    Guns n Roses






    Blind Guardian


    1-10 or NA if you don't know

    BQ: Favourite and least from the list

    8 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Aion 4.0 new characters?

    On the NA Aion I have 40 Sorc and 52 Sin. I just starting to play again and created a gunslinger. Is there much difference between Sin apart from the range? ...Also are Bards a good character worthwhile starting fresh on?

    Could you please explain why you'd choose one of these characters or why not.

    Thank you

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Most talented metal band?

    Which metal band do you think comprises most talent?

    15 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • What In Flames albums would I like best if I prefer?

    I have listened to various songs from the band but pretty much all of Come Clarity and Reroute to Remain I like. Which album is most like these two in sound?

    BQ: Favourite songs from the band?

    BQ2: Favourite album from the band?

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Email file size limit?

    I'm trying to send a zip file (through Hotmail) which is 24.7MB but it was bounced back (mailer daemon) saying I've exceeded the limit which I believe is 25MB.

    Is this normal and anyone know a more accurate size limit?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Any acoustic songs like this one?

    With a lot of emotion and power in the vocals

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Your favourite music from video games?

    As this question probably has a more relevant category but I'd like to post it R&P fans, please tell me your favourite VG songs.

    Forget some of the names but for me there is -

    Final Fantasy:

    One winged angel

    Tifa Theme

    Aerith's theme (Flowers blooming in a church, I think)

    To Zanarkand


    Gerudo Valley

    Zelda's Lullaby

    Astral Observatory

    Midna's Lament

    Song of Storm

    Milk Bar

    Clock Town songs

    Song of healing


    Forgotten Sorrow

    (The middle eastern style song that occurs in the south of Altgard)

    Might and Magic - Mandate of Heaven:

    New Sorpigal Theme (This one deserves a link as probably no one that reads this would be aware of the great track)

    Lost Kingdoms 2:

    Title theme song

    Battle Theme

    MU online:

    Lorencia Theme

    Lorencia bar theme

    6 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Songs you would like another band to cover?

    Name both original and the band you'd like to cover it please.

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago