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Lv 610,295 points

PacificHR S

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I'm a personnel &payroll administrator who enjoys video games, music, computers, and the internet. I've run restaurants and hotels in the past, and am always willing to help someone. I'm happily taken by a wonderful woman, and we live together in a middle class city, just the two of us.

  • RAM Compatibility for a Dell Dimension 3000?

    I have a Dell Dimension 3000, which I realize sucks. Anyway, I currently have 512MB of ram installed, which came with the computer, and although I only use it as my download workhorse, I feel it's time to give the rig a bit more RAM.

    I'm not totally computer illiterate, the thing is, when my friends have computer issues, I'm the one they all come to, and now that I'm having this issue, I'm lost..

    I know DELL is infamous for it's incompatibility issues with all things hardware related.. which is why I'm hesitant to just pop two 1GB sticks of any type and speed in the current slots...

    Can anyone advise me of:

    1: How to know exactly which type of RAM is currently installed, either opening up the case, or through some sort of software means.

    2: Which types of RAM are compatible, and what speed it needs to be. I don't know the difference between DDR2, DDR3, FSB, and all that terminology.

    10 points for the best answer, provided it is correct.

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago