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Singer/songwriter, guitarist, artist (painter), poet, dancer, photographer, etc... Now a soon-to-be-Mom! Life has changed in ways I never imagined! Follow my journey so far on my new blog: If you want to check out my music... You can still get my Pop Indie CD "Magnetic" on CDBaby. It features many upbeat, empowering songs about believing in yourself and going after your dreams. If you're a fan of my Answers (and interested in the Law of Attraction), you'll love "Magnetic!" And if you want to check out my art: I haven't been here in a long while. Can't believe I'm still the top philosophy answerer in Canada! Thought I'd have been dethroned by now! My life has taken a very unexpected turn but I'm happy & grateful!
Are you on myspace or Youtube?
I've recently put a profile on myspace music:
and on youtube:
keyword/search: ann marie pincivero
Check it out & tell me what you think!
10 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agoIs it someday yet?
We all have dreams, things that we want to accomplish, but often we procrastinate them. We say that "someday" we'll travel, write that book etc. But "someday" never actually comes. You have to do it now. Today is the best day to start. I'm beginning to put my dreams in motion. I'm working on a CD. I have a site on myspace music:
I have videos of some of my songs on youtube:
I'm also on Facebook.
I also want to put my artwork on ebay. Still have to do that....I've been busy!
I'd like to say to all of my fans/contacts, thank you for your kindness and encouragement last year. I used to be in yahoo answers philosophy quite frequently (obviously!) Then I lost my internet access for a while. Now I have the net at home & have been busy. Say hello if you're on FB, Myspace or youtube...Let me know your yahoo nickname so I'll know you!
ann marie pincivero
12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHave you made peace?
With yourself & others?
Can you forgive those who have hurt you?
Can you forgive yourself for past mistakes?
Can you let go?
It's liberating...
Wishing peace to everyone!
19 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoIs it OCD for even your wrapping paper to match your tree?
Ok I did a turquoise and silver theme on my tree this year & I love it. But I didn't stop there. I only bought silver and turquoise bags, tissue & gift wrap. So my entire living room is an explosion of silver and ocean blue...
People have told me it's beautiful. They've also told me I'm obsessive compulsive...
I'm a purist. What can I say?
Ok even my t-shirt & sweater are turquoise...perhaps I do have a problem!
Merry Christmas!
6 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade agoWhat would you do if you got what you really want?
They have that saying "careful what you wish for, you might get it" for a reason. Sometimes people think they want something until they get it & it comes with a set of circumstances they hadn't bargained for. I heard of a woman that won the lottery & it ruined her life. Her family all disowned her because they didn't think she gave them enough. She ended up in debt because she spent all the money (it wasn't a massive win. Yeah it would be hard to spend 30 million but you could spend 1 million in no time if you weren't careful!)
So, have you considered the consequences if you did win your heart's desires?
Sometimes we may fear success as well as failure. Change can be scary. When your wishes come true, your whole life may change...
Decide what you want and focus on it.
Dream big!
& don't be afraid once it's in your hands.
Embrace change...
13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoDo you dare to leave your comfort zone?
Do you tend to stay with what's safe & familiar or take a risk and go out on a limb...?
It can be a little scary but very rewarding...
It's all new to me but I'm going to dare to put myself out there...
I've changed my avatar (from the little red-haired cartoon version of me to a real photo), did a 360 page and I'll be posting my music soon on myspace, artwork on ebay etc...and maybe I'll check out this facebook everyone's been talking about...
Finally entering the 21st century...tee hee...
15 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoDo you procrastinate? Do you know why?
Is Procrastination the child of Fear and Laziness?
I finally have the internet at home. Woo hoo! I kept putting it off for months. Funny how we can always come up with excuses to put things off (even things we want, especially our dreams). Financial excuses, time management excuses. The most common one is "I can't find the time." Time isn't something you find like a penny on the sidewalk. You have to make time. It can be a challenge in our complicated modern lives but we must make time for the things that are important. Prioritize. Find just half an hour a day to work on your dreams.
I'm going to have a site on myspace for my music. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks (let's see if I procrastinate!) I also want to put my art on the net, have a video on youtube etc. I've taken the first step & gotten on the internet...
Excuses just mask our fears (of failure, success, change) and laziness (hard to get out of a rut and make the effort).
Seize the day!
6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHow are you?
and what and where and when and who are you and most importantly why are you?
Do you know?
I miss yahoo answers...just a few minutes here at the hotel and wanted to say hello but have to go soon. I will have the net at home soon & then I'll be back. I will also have a myspace place so fans can also check out my art and music...
Coming soon to a webspace near you...
Don't you forget about me...
Gotta fly...
Peace out.
18 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat do you really want...?
Ok, speaking on behalf of the Universe (God, whatever you choose to call him, great benevolent ball of Energy etc) let me tell you that it is possible. Whatever you want, it can be yours. All you have to do is ask, believe it's possible and be grateful for it. Feel the joy of having it already.
No matter how dark things look from where you are, I promise you it will get brighter. Don't let negative forces around you affect you. Don't focus on what you don't want. There may be cruel people. Ignore them. Don't give them power over you. There will be mistakes. Don't dwell on them. Focus your attention on the beauty of life. Believe in your own power. You are a divine being. In the image of God. Your mind is a powerful tool. It creates your future. Visualize what you want your life to be. See it clearly & it will happen. Be patient. Don't lose faith. Don't give up.
No matter how impossible your dreams seem right now, I swear to you, it is possible. You only have to believe!
6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoAsk and you shall receive...knock and the door will be opened...?
The secret has always been there right under our noses but why did we not see it? The Bible, Shakespeare, Emerson, Einstein, Walt Disney even! When you wish upon a star your dreams come true...
Ask God, the universe, your genie, guardian angel, higher self. Ask!
Negative for much of my life I didn't understand the law of attraction & how I often brought about my own bad luck, by focusing on what I didn't want. Now I understand that I can focus on what I do want and attract the good things.
Now I don't get stressed when I drive. Cars move out of my way when I just gently wave my hand. At work, I no longer have to deal with a difficult co-worker. My romance is better than ever. I've been on the radio, have an art show & now I am starring in a short film!!! I believe in myself, I radiate positive energy. I feel joyful, grateful and loving and wonderful things continue to happen!
No matter who or where you are, you can have what you want. Ask. Believe. Receive.
The Secret.
12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoDo you honestly think God cares about semantics?!?
Ok I asked a question about the universe & the secret & I didn't get to pick a best answer because I no longer have yahoo at work & don't yet have internet at home so I rarely get to use answers anymore... Anyway, I am disappointed with the best answer that was chosen since it went on at length about atheism, satanism & God knows what & I disagree with it completely!!!
For the record, I'm a Catholic. I believe in God & Jesus and I love them. I don't think that spirituality has to be narrow-minded and limiting. If I refer to the universe, the secret, quantum physics or our own personal power it doesn't mean that I don't believe in God!
The bottom line is that there is something greater than us. There is a powerful force, an energy from which we came, an energy that is within us & when we tap into it, miracles happen. God is a word that represents a divine being, you could substitute the word nature, energy, universe, love & I don't think God would be offended! Just my opinion!
6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHave you asked the universe for what you want?
And do you believe you will receive it and do you feel the joy that it brings?
Do you know the secret? Are you living it?
It's far so good.
You really can have anything you want...believe. Live with passion. Wonderful things can happen!
16 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoCan you let it go?
If someone has hurt or wronged you in some way, can you let it go? Can you forgive? I heard that forgive literally means to loosen or untie, like letting go of the anger or pain that binds you. That is the only way to be free.
It's taken me a long time to learn this. I used to hold grudges. I resented those who abused me in some way. But now I can let it go. I realize that when someone mistreats me it has so much more to do with them (with their own unhappiness, self-loathing and insecurity) so I almost feel sorry for them.
Someone was bullying me at work. For almost a year, I put up with it. Hating my job. I finally began asserting myself. Standing up to her. I told her how I felt. At first she apologized and I thought it was a breakthrough. But nothing changed. She went right back to being abusive. Now, thankfully I've been transferred. It's nice to be free of her! Unfortunately she retaliated by getting me removed from yahoo. Still bullying in her way. It's ok. I let go! :)
12 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHave you ever laughed at your enemies?
Have you ever had someone try to knock you down but you see right through them and you realize it's their own envy & insecurity making them try to tear you apart? Because they are so small (minded if not bodied!) and they recognize your greatness? Because you have so much potential & they have none?
Have you ever had a moment of clarity when you recognize a bully for the coward he/she is?
Have you ever just smiled, shaken your head and thought "Oh well, sucks to be you..."?
& isn't it a great feeling when you don't care anymore? When their cruelty bounces off of you because you like who you are and they obviously don't like who they are or they wouldn't have to attack you?
What a longwinded question! Tee hee...
Cheers cats...
13 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat do you think are the most important qualities in a partner?
I have a list of seven S's for the ideal mate:
sense of humour
Rare to find a human with all 7...
What would be on your wish list? Or do you have one? & are you willing to settle for less?
11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWould you rather love someone who is...?
passionate, intense and exciting but who can be difficult (moody, stubborn, irrational) or someone who is more moderate, even-tempered and dull who is easy to get along with (agreeable, pliable, rational)? Would you choose excitement or safety? Ecstacy & agony or middle of the road?
19 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoDo you believe in the concept of a Mr./Miss Right? & have you found yours?
Do you think the reason the divorce rate is more than half is because most people don't wait for their soulmate but settle for something less?
16 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHow do you get through the day...?
when it feels like your heart & stomach have been carved out...when it's hard to take a breath...when you can't eat or sleep and the stress & the sadness are unbearable & it feels like the ground is crumbling beneath your feet & you're stuck at work so you don't even have the luxury of being able to curl into a ball & cry...?
11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat causes an insect phobia?
Is it because they're ugly, creepy, multi-legged sinister faceless freaks? Is it because they represent some nameless fear from my subconscious? Is it because they're evil intruders who can sneak into the crevices of your home without warning?
I'm not afraid of pretty bugs -- ladybugs, butterflies, fuzzy bumblebees but ugly bugs -- like spiders, earwigs, centipedes etc -- terrify me. Some people aren't bothered by them at all. Why are they so scary to me?
Any ideas?
Incidentally, I am not afraid of mice, snakes, lizards or many other creatures that other people are scared of. These animals are cute to me. I think because they have faces. I think it's the fact that insects have no face (at least none that I recognize, no conventional eyes, nose & mouth) that freaks me out and makes me think they're evil. I can't trust them...
10 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoHave you had your heart broken? How did you overcome it?
How long did it take to get over it & move on with your life?
& if you had it all to do again, knowing the outcome would be painful, would you still do it...?
25 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago