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  • My sister is extremely negative..especially about my first pregnancy.?

    I am 30 years of age and extremely healthy. My hubby and I decided to get pregnant and we did right away. We have been so excited and I am 5 months along.

    My sister has two boys and is due to have a third this month. So far, she has never said congrats and has even made comments on what this baby will look like, negatively. Shes said I will get fat but I dont even look pregnant. She has even asked us if we are "sure" we are ready for this. She is five years older than me.

    My husband and I have worked very hard and our home is paid for. We have nothing holding us back. So we are very ready!

    What is her deal?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I am approximately six weeks pregnant. We're first time parents, both 30 years of age. What to expect?

    Had the vomiting early on and now I am fine. I am not showing and currently on prenatal vitamins. My first appointment is on the 19th of this month. Just curious as to what I should expect at this stage of pregnancy. We are extremely excited but nervous since everything is new!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • The bastard put a gun to my head!?

    My boyfriend (now ex) and I just got into a fight. We've been together 7 years. We live together. Lately, he has been wanting to go to church and stop drinking. I was happy for him and encouraged it and even go with him. Tonight, he snapped at me for no reason whatsoever so I ignored him. After trying to get me to talk he got frustrated and started calling me names and telling me "F*ck You." So, I said, "F*ck You" back to him. He grabs my cell phone and breaks it. Then he gets a gun and puts it to my head. Weirdly, I wasn't scared and kicked him in the balls and hit him in the face with a bronze statue (King Tut).

    I put his *** out but his stuff is here and his dog is here. He will have to come get his crap soon. We shared everything. How do I do this amicably considering that I am angry enough to bash his head again.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • HP Laserjet 3 in 1 Causing me hell!?

    I have the HP Laser Jet 3055 and it keeps stating "no printer cartridge". There is a printer cartridge in there and it doesn't need to be replaced. What the heck?

    2 AnswersPrinters1 decade ago
  • How long can a vehicle be held for "Investigative Hold"?

    In a prior question, my sister was involved in a hit and run accident (she wasn't caught driving) but she was the culprit, car was left at the scene and then towed. She never changed the title when I sold the car to her. That's a whole other issue which I am bytching her out for.

    I called to retrieve the vehicle and it is being held for "investigative" purposes. Wondering how much longer can they hold the car? I want to get the car, sell it, and pay those damages she caused so they don't come after me.

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Hit & Run..need help.?

    My sister has a vehicle which I gave her to drive since she didn't have a car. She never switched over title. I get a frantic call from her this morning that she was driving home drunk, hit a car and kept going. However, the car she was driving had a flat tire and she had to leave it. I know the police are going to come looking for ME!! I am the registered person on the car. How can I stop this from affecting ME? I want my sister to get punished. I don't want to deal with it.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Any Insight to Lazarus Averbauch?

    Chicago History here. I was wondering if anyone could let me know if his family was ever located and where is he buried?

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Horchata? Question.?


    I have the rice flour part down. Just need to know all of the seasonings that go into the drink. I have cinnamon, what? Sugar?

    3 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Drugs on a whim? What do I do?

    I went out with a co-worker, who at work, is a good person. Her attitude is light and airy and she gets along with everyone. This is exactly why I didn't see a problem hanging out with her one evening.

    I was sitting in the back seat of the car..another co-worker of mine was sitting in the front. Next thing I know, the driver (lady from work), pulls over and pulls out a crack pipe. I get out of the car and run into the restaurant as if I am in a hurry to get out of the cold.

    Finally, the co-workers catch up with me and we go in and have a fun time eating at the eatery. I tried to just push what I saw out of my head. And when she dropped me off, I thanked her for the good time, etc..

    Now, at work, it is extremely weird. Also, I have just received a management position that will place me as her boss. I don't know how to handle this.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Dysfunctional Family..or sister, rather..?


    My sister and I are five years apart, myself being the youngest. We've always had a good relationship and as adults have maintained that relationship.

    However, I have noticed, that my sister..when pregnant, becomes violent toward me. Last night, I came to help prepare for Thanksgiving dinner at her home. I had just gotten out of work at 7:45pm, drove home, changed, and when directly to my sister's home. We were having a good time playing uno and watching movies while we prepared the food.

    At about 1:45 am, I was so tired that I wanted to get home and sleep a few hours before I had to come back for Thankgiving Day.

    I said, "Ok, everyone, I am tired..gonna leave." My sister says, "You act as though you are the only person who is tired." I asked her if there was anthing else I could help with and she said, "No, but you could continue to keep us company."

    I said that I was tired and I have a house and family I need to tend to as well so I told her I didn't have time for this. She says, "Well, it's all about you..whatever you want to do, *****."

    So, I called her a ***** too and started getting my shoes on to leave. So I see her reaching for a hot pot of gravy and I duck as she throws it at me. It ruins her wall and white carpet.

    Then she charged me. Grabbed my hair and tried to pull it out. I had my head near her stomach and I didn't want to hurt the baby so I stood there as she pounded my head. After a few seconds, I couldn't take it anymore so I reach up and punched her square in the face. She let me go and we argued more and I left. My mom (who was there) left as well and agreed that my sister started the fight. I told my sister that this is probably the reason she has miscarried 2 times in the past. She took that hard but I explained to her that it isn't normal to delibrately put yourself in a situation that would most likely cause harm to your unborn child.

    Something all to similar happened a few months prior when I was helping her move into her house. She was pregnant and she asked me to come help paint. I came after I had finished cooking dinner at my house, cleaning.. However, my sister hit the ceiling because I didn't show up right away. She tried to fight me then but I walked away from her. 2 days later, she lost the baby.

    When she was pregnant with my nephew, she was the exact same way..abusive to me..trying to fight. Fortunately, my nephew made it to term.

    As a family, we all think she has an issue that is beyond the regular hormonal changes of pregnancy. Her husband has mentioned she has been violent with him as well. My nephew seems to be used to her being this way. My mother has fallen victim to her verbal tirades as well.

    So needless to say, I won't be celebrating Thanksgiving at her house this year. I am visiting with friends instead. Has anyone had any similar experiences? What do you suggest?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My dog pees on this spot often..asked this before.?


    I have a year old miniature pinscher named Sofie. She is a great dog overall but she has a small problem. I take Sofie out frequently to potty but when she is in the house, she'll pee on the floor in my living room (one time per week roughly). It is a wood floor and I take pride in it. When she has these accidents, I use the urine remover, mop and then re-wax the floor. I do this to kill the scent but she goes right to the same spot and does it again a few days later!

    It has gotten to the point where I confine her to the kitchen just to avoid it happening (she doesn't have accidents there). I feel bad because I know she wants to come out to the family room but I can't trust she won't pee in that same spot.

    I got some answers before that just didn't cut it. Some one went as far to say I shouldn't own a dog! People! Ha..

    Anyhow, I just need some sound advice. What are your suggestions?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • People with braces, question.?


    I have braces and I have had them on for about 10 months now. People are always telling me that my teeth look straight. However, to me, they don't look straight at all. I am wondering if I have a clouded perception of my teeth (or myself) that I don't notice any improvement. Have any of you noticed this with yourselves?

    8 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • I love Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Flavored Coffee. How can I replicate the taste at home?

    I love the taste of Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Flavored Coffee. I would really like to know how to make it at home. Quick, easy..and cheap!

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • My miniature pinscher keeps having an accident on one spot of my floor.?

    Ihave meticulously that spot and she goes there on occassion anyway. No matter what I clean with, she'll poop there one time per week. She goes on the puppy pad too AND outside.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I want to find the correct eyebrow shape for my eyes.?

    My eyes are sort of slanty but not like the Asian eyes (I wish). I was wondering if my eyebrows should be round..or angled?

    16 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Isn't the Yahoo Spell Check A Little Sarcastic?

    "Wow, looks like you are using a lot of punctuation."

    "Looks like you've left the CAPS lock on."

    "Ooops looks like you have 1 misspelling(s)."

    Anyone else wanna tell spell check to shut up?

    Sounds like my mother. Jeez. LOL

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I have "amber' colored makeup?

    My eyes are sort of a reddish-brown (if you can imagine it). My mom calls it amber. What sort of makeup should I use on my eyes. Pink doesn't do so well..neither does gold. What do you think will work for me and flatter me.

    5 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • If you could go back in time...?

    who would you slap the hell out of?

    I would say my ex boyfriend.

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago