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I study Zoology, and have a special interest in Ichthyology and Herpetology, I am the proud owner of my own purpose built fish house and reptile house that contains over 50 fish tanks and 25 reptile tanks I also so keep my amphibians there. I have bred so many species of fish, to many to list, from your common livebearers to your odd balls, I love killifish annuals and non-annuals as well as labyrinth fish.I study and film fish behavior At the moment I'm trying to breed Archer fish ( Toxotes jaculatrix ) its a tough one, as I'm having to build a type of tidal Aquarium from scratch in which I can change salinity levels to imitate variation in salinity from the rainy season and tidal variations I have been on collecting trips to the Amazon and at the moment I'm working on a paper about parasitic fish as well as fish pathology. I prefer to let science talk and use scientific methodology in answering questions and in my research I go to great lengths to gather and record correct data

  • Can an internet connection only effect msn?

    Strange one this,

    OK so my msn will not load from my pc or mac, none of my accounts, yet from work or using my phone I can access my email on msn, but when I use my laptop I get nothing just shows the loading bar and sometimes this message Ref A: bd38a4d49d7f48449cd3606960ccd22b Ref B: CFF944B3DCD09C3A07EB608B516C0E88 Ref C: Thu Jan 03 04:50:40 2013 PST

    Ive tried another browser the same problem.

    It is only my msn and I cant get into and only from home, I thought it was my internet,but how can it only effect msn ?

    1 AnswerMSN8 years ago
  • Why can't I read m msn messages after changing s cable :/?

    I only have one telephone socket, I used an adapter to make it into to two.

    One was used for my phone, the other I connected straight to my router.

    How ever constant interference on my phone line caused me to put a DSL filter on.

    I plugged the adapter into the filter and changed the cable to a modem cable for my router and connected it to the DSL through the modem hole.

    Every thing works fine except my MSN I can see my emails but they will not open I tried again through a mac the same problem, I tried another MSN account and it has the same problem.

    How can a cable cause only problems with only MSN emails ? :/

    1 AnswerMSN9 years ago
  • So Culturally Speaking?

    Just that Culturally speaking, urm yeah so Culturally speaking

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Well done America, think 99% of the world is a safer happier place?

    Well done America, its not a question I know, but well done to the Seals, from an Ex British Army Solder

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hello I hired a van that broke down?

    Hello, advise please, right i hired a van, when I was driving the hand brake light came on then off, then an hour later the same thing happened, I was on the motorway and continued for about 5 minutes, as I saw a sign for the services, but then it made a funny noise, so I pulled over onto the hard shoulder, the AA came out and said something had locked up it began with a c, is this now my fault, or could it of been an existing fault, I am 100 % positive the hand brake was fully down. I just have a feeling they are going to say it was my fault. I am sure they don'y check these vehicles before handing them over, as I hired from them before, and one person brought in the van they gave it straight to me.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I hired a van, that broke down.?

    Hello, advise please, right i hired a van, when I was driving the hand brake light came on then off, then an hour later the same thing happened, I was on the motorway and continued for about 5 minutes, as I saw a sign for the services, but then it made a funny noise, so I pulled over onto the hard shoulder, the AA came out and said something had locked up it began with a c, is this now my fault, or could it of been an existing fault, I am 100 % positive the hand brake was fully down. I just have a feeling they are going to say it was my fault. I am sure they don'y check these vehicles before handing them over, as I hired from them before, and one person brought in the van they gave it straight to me.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • The world has lost it ! Went to a party today, for a baby boy, he goes to the same child minder as my girl.?

    So my little girl is two years a two months, he is 1 year old, we got there and wanted to take some pictures, well only to be told we cannot take any, because other children were there, for god sake is this the law now in the UK ? What complete madness if it is, so my child has to suffer and have no childhood pictures because of what ? You can google every day pictures of kids babies playing, why are not these everyday pictures not deleted from the web then ? I think we are taking away from our kids when such things are done, madness ! So tell me is this the law or is it just over protective parents ?

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Freelander Steering has gone all heavy, does any one know where I could top up the steering fluid ?

    are there any other causes that it could be, while drive down the road a black rubber ring the size of a plate but very thin, and a metal object I believe fell off may be, and will I be causing any damage by if continue to drive it, thanks for you help

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Question about race, and please nobody get offender, I promise its not meant to be?

    Slavery was a disgusting event in human history, and it was not just blacks forced into such things, Arabs took Europeans, so did the Romans, also wars completely horrific, even if you are on the wining side, as all sides families are destroyed, mothers who have nurtured loved watch their children grow cry and love all loose some one, and not matter what religion or race you are its Just as devastating to the loves ones for all peoples, now comes the controversy of the question, and again please do not be offended.

    If the slave trade never happened the chances are we all would not be here, as our parents would never of met, so with that in thought, if you could have one wish slavery never happened, would you wish for it, knowing that you and all your loves would not be alive, as your ancestry line would of never met, what do you think, would you be happy of yourself ans relatives never ever being alive.

    One more question, your relative needs a life saving operation, you find=d out the cure research was done by Nazi doctors who done live experiments on others who had no choice, would you be happy willing for your relative to receive the treatment after knowing how the treatment was brought about.

    Please do not get offended by any question, I swear to you its not meant to be.

    I as white British feel slavery should never of happened, at the same time I know the British put an end to all, because they knew it was wrong, countless English men called an end to slavery.

    But I also know if history had not played out as it was, none of us would be here, others would of taken are place, are ancestries met because they were brought together because of such things, whats your take on this ?

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of us of an Individuel being here, looking writing and thinking to day?

    For you as a person you have survived the odds, what do I mean, well out of all the millions of sperm that could of fertilized that one particular egg that joined with that one sperm millions, is 1 in ten billion, part of you was grown in your farther just at the right time when your mother released her egg, now if we continue down this line, the same went for your parents their parents and so on for thousands of years , if at any time another sperm that fertilized the egg, your relative mum not been her and as that, you would not be here ether.

    for thousands of years , if at any time another sperm that fertilized the egg, your relative mum had not made and another did, you would not be here, somebody else would be, taking all that into the equation it makes you one in a trillion chances that you would be here, now go further say to your reptilian relative, the same thing only they were at risk from being eaten by some else, if you reptile grand parent got predated on be they even met bred, you as individual you would not be here, some body else would, now go to the fish even more unlike your family root surviving, we have to add things like your fish ancestor meeting,if your fish ancestor met do to breed, and remember it had to be that one individuel sperm out of billions meeting with that one egg to Create your own individual egg, so if you try work then figures out they become imposable calculate the chance of you ever being here self aware as a person yourself, any part of the link being broken, you would never of existed, say 25 million years ago your great xxxxxxxxxxxxx 10000000 grad father did not get to breed or met you grand father or mother from 25 million years ago, you would not be here.

    Don't you find this mid boggling eminence a thought, what do you think ? On a whole trillions of sperm had to of met though out our own ancestor line , just for you to be here.

    I hope that makes sense, or am I wrong and if so how ?

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Doctor pepper advert ?

    Ok the one where he says do you like wrestling son, the guy in it has big side burns, is that some sort of religious statement, like Mormon, or just a fashion statement, I'm from the UK and just curious.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I went to buy something on credit but was turned down, any ideas why?

    OK went into my local electrical shop to get a net book, after looking at the mobiles deals( mobile broadband) they wanted 40 pounds a month for 24 months, but I would get the net book for free which would work out almost 1000 pounds, over two years, the net book it self is only 430 pounds, so I was put off paying for a 24 month contract, the guy in the shop said it would be cheaper if I got on HP and as long as I pay it of within 12months I would not be charged interest, short of it all I was turned down for credit, but I don't know why, I have 2 houses one is paid of in full the other has a mortgage, I have no defaults, so why would they turn me down ?

    I thought it might be because the ID I have is for the house where I live and not mortgaged house, could this be the reason ?

    Ive never been turned down before !

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to get back into maths ?

    Where and how do I start ? Over the last 20 years my knowledge of maths has been in decline, I've forgot almost everything that my teachers worked so hard to install in me, to the point I even have difficulty doing simple calculations.

    Anyway I want to address this problem, so how and where should I start, any advise will be greatly appreciated.

    By the way I had an O level in maths when I left school, but if I am really honest, if I had to sit a maths test for 10 years, I would crap myself, that's how far I think I've declined !

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Susan Rae, does any body know what the name of the evolution program she narrated for Discovery channel was ?

    Does any body know, what the name of the series that was aired on Discovery channel, every episode was about animals, from Dinosaurs to saber toothed cats that had evolved in the past.

    Here in the UK I thought the program was called evolve and it was narrated by Susan Rae, but I can't find any information on it. Have I got the name of the program wrong ?

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • Is this price fixing?

    Why is the Apple iPhone 3GS so expensive in the UK compared to the US !?

    Here in Britain in the apple store, it costs 549 pounds for a 32G, (880.09 US dollars)

    In the US apple store it costs $299. (186.52 British pounds sterling)

    So if I had 800 Dollars and went to America I could buy almost 4 for the price of one here in the UK.

    Are you being ripped off or what, that to me is price fixing,

    So can any one tell me why its so expensive here in Britain ?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is the Apple iPhone 3GS so expensive in the UK compared to the US !?

    Here in Britain in the apple store, it costs 549 pounds for a 32G, (880.09 US dollars)

    In the US apple store it costs $299. (186.52 British pounds sterling)

    So if I had 800 Dollars and went to America I could buy almost 4 for the price of one here in the UK.

    Are you being ripped off or what, that to me is price fixing,

    So can any one tell me why its so expensive here in Britain ?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Can a mac book be hacked and is it immune to viruses ?

    I bought an a mac book, the guy in the shop said I don't need to buy a firewall program is he right, do I just leave it like that, as it came, with no protection against viruses ?

    7 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Does any one else feel, that black and whites, masquerade as other races on here.?

    They then post racist questions, knowing that it will just stir up trouble, I personally feel if you are black or white, and you pretend to be another race and then post a racist question, then you must be one sad mother. I'm not saying all of them, but quite a few.

    So am I alone in this thought ?

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago