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I'm in Colorado. My favorite guitar is my Schecter C-1 Elite usually tuned to drop-C#, but I also have an Ibanez RG120 that I use for drop-B (cheap but it sounds great on the low tuning and holds it perfectly), a couple Ibanez 7-strings (one electric and one acoustic), a 30" OLP baritone, a Yamaha acoustic with a Seymour Duncan soundhole pickup, and an Ovation Celebrity A/E. Also have a Schecter Deluxe-4 bass that I can play very well. I use a Line 6 Spider II amp for guitars. A Behringer BX600 with a Line 6 POD for bass (and sometimes acoustic guitar). My musical endeavors can be found at: Favorite bands include Tool, Nine Inch Nails, Limp Bizkit, Yoav, Silverchair, Alice In Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Our Last Night, Dream Theater, Skrillex, Porcupine Tree, The Qemists, The Crystal Method, Jack Johnson... Also love my Xbox 360, tons of movies and TV shows, and my little dog named

  • Ladies: Musician, turn on or not?

    Is musical talent honestly a turn on? I ask because girls always say it is but then it seems to not matter unless you're a frat boy playing sensitive songs in the quad using the five basic chords.

    Just want an honest answer for kicks. :)

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • For my Bronies and Pegasisters, do you think FiM should end after Season 3?

    I've loved this show since I was introduced (very reluctantly) halfway through season 1, and season 2 was great. But, personally, I think they should take the 26-ish episodes of season 3 to introduce maybe a new story arc, but then wrap things up, including the CMC's getting their marks, and just tying everything up on a good note that says "everyone grows up and reaches their potential from the lessons they learn from life."

    It's a great show, but so many animated shows end up going on WAY longer than they should, and where this show is all about what you learn from life and friendship there's only so far you can go before you start to REALLY REACH FOR STORYLINES. I feel that one more season will be awesome, but after that I'm afraid it's going to start to milk it. Does anyone else agree?

    P.S. - And when searching through where this might be most appropriate (still not totally sure since there's no "animation" in the television section) I saw several posts from somebody asking "How do I clean semen off of a My Little Pony," and we will DESTROY YOU......WITH LOVE AND TOLERANCE! ;)

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Why is Nickelback so intensely bashed?

    I'm asking an objective question here because I've honestly never understood it. Now, to understand my point of view, "Photograph" is the worst song ever. By anyone. EVER! Justin Bieber, Celine Dion, Brokencyde can't f**king touch how offensively horrible that song is. And they've got a basketful of other despicable songs. "If Everyone Cared" and the unimaginably overplayed "Rockstar" are on my ultimate s**tlist as well.

    BUT they've also got a bunch of really kicka** songs that make up for the horribleness since in the modern age you can delete the songs you don't like and just keep the awesome ones.

    So, again, WHY are they so intensely bashed? It's my solid belief that the people who do slam them haven't heard anything beyond their radio singles. Never really listened to Curb, but The State and Silver Side Up were pretty solid albums. Here's the mix I made since then (when they started tossing the bulls**t in):

    1. This Means War (Here and Now)

    2. Something in Your Mouth (Darkhorse)

    3. Animals (All The Right Reasons)

    4. Flat on the Floor (The Long Road)

    5. Gotta Get Me Some (Here and Now)

    6. Next Go Round (Darkhorse)

    7. Savin' Me (All The Right Reasons)

    8. Everything I Wanna Do (Here and Now)

    9. Should've Listened (All The Right Reasons)

    10. Burn It To The Ground (Darkhorse)

    11. Side of a Bullet (All The Right Reasons)

    12. Because of You (The Long Road)

    13. Midnight Queen (Here and Now)

    14. S.E.X. (Darkhorse)

    15. Fight For All The Wrong Reasons (All The Right Reasons)

    16. Believe It or Not (The Long Road)

    17. Bottoms Up (Here and Now)

    18. Just to Get High (Darkhorse)

    19. Next Contestant (All The Right Reasons)

    20. Figured You Out (The Long Road)

    It's nothing groundbreaking, but still a lot of really decent hard rock with plenty of decent solo parts (DECENT! DECENT SOLO PARTS NOT GROUNDBREAKING TALENT TOPPING BEFORE YOU "TRUE" METAL FANS START THROWING HISSY FITS!).

    So why are they the embodiment of evil in the music world when there are so many more much more 100% talentless and more deserving targets?

    11 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Why are people saying The Hunger Games film is racist?

    The way I'm understanding this is...ummm...because Rue, Thresh, and Cinna are portrayed by African Americans (which is accurate given their descriptions in the books)...ummm...huh........are people actually throwing fits because black people are in the movie?

    Read the books first and loved them. Saw the film and loved it. Never in either medium did I even once pick up any racial issues! Not to mention that the people who are tweeting graphic racial attacks to 13 year old Amandla Sternberg (Rue, and she did an awesome performance) should have their fingers removed with a dull rusty hack saw! >:(

    Somebody please try to explain these racial issues to me!

    5 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Who else cheered when the little wooly caterpillar (pekingese) won the WKC Dog Show?

    Seriously, I was totally hoping he'd grab it after seeing him waddle around smiling like a rock star when he won his group last night, and I was ecstatic when I tuned in for the final judging an saw him win! I kinda want one just so I can name it "Bantha!"

    P.S. - Apparently he had 6:1 odds to win in Vegas. :)

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago

    When I think of hockey music, I think of either hard rock, metal, or high-energy electronic. None of that comes CLOSE to describing Outasight! >:(

    Besides the fact that the song is about as weak and wimpy as a song gets ( ), the guy's vocals were nasally and out of tune. Seriously, it was like having Radiohead to perform at Ozzfest.

    2 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • I have a question concerning the much hated Limp Bizkit?

    How are they so universally hated at this point while the Top 40 is mostly populated by a combination of auto-tune and corporate-constructed "artists"? At least they play their own instruments (Wes, Sam, and John are universally acclaimed for their skills) and don't fall back on auto-tune (except for the song "Auto-Tunage" from their latest album which was done for sh*ts and giggles) for the singing vocals! Yet they're under constant fire while manufactured pop-artists top the charts. So...why? (give me a realistic constructive answer more than "LIMP BIZKIT SUCKS!")

    9 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Does an external hard drive on the Xbox 360 arcade work well for games and expansion packs?

    My original Xbox 360 is (after a replacement and repairs) once again on the fritz (surprise surprise). If I picked up one of the new arcades (which only has a 4 GB hard drive) and hooked up one of the USB expansions, how would that work in terms of downloading games onto it and running expansion packs? I'm guessing that's the whole point of the USB drives, but I want to get some input before I dump the money. :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • My Xbox 360 is tweaking out! Why is it doing this!?!?

    Ok, check out the video I took of it:

    It'll be on for a few minutes before that happens. It sounds like a taser and then the screen freezes and gets kinda staticy. If I go through this a few times then I start getting the RROD. But then I leave it alone for a day or so and it'll turn on fine but do this again. It's a nasty little cycle.

    Does anybody know WTF this is? I don't want to do a RROD fix if it's not going to fix anything.

    4 AnswersXbox10 years ago
  • Can somebody explain to me what the Kia Soul has to do with dancing gerbils?

    If you watch TV in the USA I'm willing to bet you've seen the new Kia Soul commercial featuring dancing gerbils and dancing robots. I'm down with obscure shows/stories/topics, but that commercial is just f**king annoying IMO. Does anybody know where the whole concept stems from? What do dancing rodents have to do with a car?

    7 AnswersOther - Television10 years ago
  • How do you get rid of leftover files from a failed installation?

    I was installing F.E.A.R. on my computer and the thing froze in the middle of the installation. Now I've got a good 6 or 7 GB of files somewhere on my computer that are just hanging out. I ran an uninstall of the program, but there's still that missing space. Is there a program that allows you to find and remove the leftover files?

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • How much does a typical Vista installation take up?

    So I inherited this brand new computer from my grandma who just didn't want it. Vaio notebook, core duo, 140 GB HD, so not a bad machine (compared to this POS laptop I'm using right now until I can pay to get my Mac fixed).

    The thing I can't figure out though is what is taking up so much space on her HD. Out of that 140 GB she only has 95 available. She doesn't have any music, movies, or pictures, and her applications only take up about 5 GB. So where is that other 40 GB going? I know a Mac installation takes between 10 and 15 GB for an installation, how much does Vista take? And if that's not it, anyone have any ideas on what's eating up all that space?

    Any ideas would be welcome, because I'm baffled. :P

    And the reason I need as much space as possible is so I can install things like Photoshop and Reason and still have plenty of space for music and movies.

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • Why is my Blackberry's battery suddenly draining on phone calls but not on other usage?

    I've got a Blackberry Storm, and over the last few weeks the battery has suddenly been draining when I either make a phone call or use the browser (5 minutes from full to zero). Odd part is that I can listen to music for hours and watch videos without hardly any drain. And this literally happened overnight. A few weeks ago I was able to talk for an hour and a half straight and still have 1/3 of my battery left, then suddenly it was dead in 5 minutes. Anybody have any idea why?

    P.S. - I'm on Verizon. My mom is also on Verizon with a Droid X and she said that recently she's been having a similar problem. Anyone else on Verizon having a problem with smartphone battery life?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • Did they shoot two versions of the 1st Harry Potter film to fit with different titles in different countries?

    The book/movie was released in the UK as Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but in the US they were released as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone because they thought US kids were too stupid to go for "Philosopher". So a question that I've wondered for awhile is did they do two shoots of scenes where the stone is mentioned by its full name to fit the movie's title depending on the location?

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • How far back can the EtG urine test detect alcohol?

    I'm just curious for my own knowledge, because I've seen stats ranging from 3 to 6 days. Most of what I see says 80 hours, but does anyone have a credible/sure knowledge of what the correct time-frame is?

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Why do some people copy their guitar rig from a famous guitarist?

    Maybe somebody can clue me in to this, as I've never been able to understand it. I frequently see people on here who are intent on forming their setup to match their favorite guitarist/band. It makes absolutely no sense to me, as one of the awesome parts of playing a musical instrument is getting to form and develop your own sound and style. Copying another musician's setup seems to completely betray that freedom.

    So, why the hell do you think people do this? Or, if you've done it, explain why.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks Chris Brown faked it?

    I'm referring to him wandering around stage sobbing like a little girl who fell off her bike for two f*cking minutes at the BET awards. He's a tool in general, so I'm saying he was doing it for publicity. Thoughts?

    Vid if you haven't seen it:

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What are your 5 favorite albums right now?


    1. The Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

    2. Tool - Aenima

    3. Nine Inch Nails - The Slip

    4. Sun Kil Moon - April

    5. Limp Bizkit - Three Dollar Bill, Y'all


    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Lady Gaga's new video?

    I don't like Lady Gaga. At all. And this video is a perfect example of why. The video has nothing to do with the song, period. The lyrics don't match the visuals in any way (directly or symbolically). It's just 8 minutes of unrelated, pointless shock-value, which is what she craves. The kicker is I'm sure this video with be called "dark" and "edgy" and "bold" and "artistic" when it's none of those. It's like painting a pile of sh*t pink and calling it a flower.

    I have no problem with intense and controversial videos. I usually welcome them, but this one isn't controversial as a side effect, it's intentionally controversial. It's just there to spark controversy rather than represent the music in a visual medium.


    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Kenny (South Park) death?

    Mines from the episode where the girls make a list of the hottest boys. Cartman makes a comment early "Face it Kenny, girls don't want to eat pop-tarts for dinner when they get married!" Then later Wendy and Bebe are on a roof fighting over a gun. The gun goes off and it cuts to Kenny and his family eating dinner. The bullet whizzes through the window, nails him in the back of the head, and then pop-tarts pop out of the toaster! XD

    So, what's yours?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago