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  • When should I apply for my next job?

    I've been applying to jobs for months. As a 16 year old, they're all retail/fast food related. Haven't been able to find a thing. But I finally managed to get a paid position in the City Controller's office. After my interview, I knew I had the job so stopped applying for other jobs. So in two weeks or so I start and this'll be my first paid position. The thing is: It's only a 6 week position and I don't think it being on my resume will help me laid a job in retail. Should I begin applying now so that I can have a better chance of having steady work as soon as this job ends? I worry about the "when can you start" portion of job applications.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • If I major in chemistry in college, will I be able to apply to Medical School?

    I've been doing some research and I've seen that majoring in "Pre-Med" or something doesn't matter and that as an alternative you can just major in a science field and still get in as long as you study the "prerequisites?" I'm a little unsure of what to do or prepare myself for if I end up wanting to be a doctor. I want to double major in chemistry and something else (I haven't decided) and then after I get the two Bachelor's degrees, possibly go into medical school. Can this happen? If not I'll just get the two degrees and try to build a career from those. Can someone really break down the doctor process for me in terms of what I need to study and how long I need to be in school?

  • Should I ask this girl to go and see Deadpool with me on Friday?

    I'm in 9th grade and we haven't been in school that long but I have made friends with a girl and her group and we (just her and I) have gotten pretty close I would say. We talk until about 2 in the morning sometimes, as she sends me funny pictures from tumblr and I found out that I'm the only one that she really talks to outside of school. I'm going to see Deadpool on Friday and I might go and see it with my bestfriend. But the problem is: I don't know if I should ask her because I do kind of like her but I don't want her to not be my friend if she thinks I'm asking her on a date. I could say that my other friend is coming or I could say that it could just be us but I don't know if I should even ask in fear of her being creeped out or just not wanting to go because of the friend. We are in the same advisory for the entire four years of high school so even if we do get different classes next year I will still see her all the time so just asking and risking it all really shouldn't be an option. I really need help. She likes Deadpool but I don't think enough to see it with me. Thanks.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What could happen to my teeth after exposure to vomit for at least 10 minutes?

    Today was my first day of school. I got up early and I got in the shower and got dressed ate only half of a yogurt (the kind I have been eating with no problem) and then I go wait for the bus. I feel fine waiting and I feel fine getting on. I ride for I think 10 minutes. Then I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach. I think maybe I still hungry. I can t be nervous. But then I get queasy. I know I m going to throw up but I think maybe I can t hold out until I get off in another 10 minutes. But I can t. It just come up. But I didn t let I out. I held it in my mouth for at least 10 minutes or more and then when I got to my stop I walked somewhere where there was a tree and spit there and then i bought some gum and water. But during the holding it in my mouth my teeth felt like i was drinking a Coke and i still have cuts on my tongue. And i can t eat salt or really anything except fruit juice. What happened and what might have happened to my teeth?

    1 AnswerDental6 years ago
  • If I run for 2 hours everyday (1 in the morning and 1 at night) everyday for 3 months, how much weight could I lose?

    I also would start to ride my bike for an hour every day in the afternoon for 1/3 months. Is this healthy? Or does it show commitment?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • How do I find out if this boy is actually interested in me? (I'm a boy, too)?

    Well, he s my very good friends brother. I ve known my friend for years and we re about to go to high school. Her brother is already in high school and should only be a year older than me. Now, no one knows that I m bi. So when he does the flirty things that he does I have to pretend I don t like them. So the problem is I actually really want him. Like so bad! Now my friend and I usually hang out on our step at night when no one is really walking about. No like he comes behind me and and grinds and stuff like that. He calls me "Daddy" and stuff when I walk past him and he slaps my butt and stuff. But he makes it seem like a game afterword and I know for a fact that he has had a girlfriend. What do I do to see if he really likes me?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • What can I do about this extreme constipation?

    It's like there's a big rock blocking the way. It's very hard and it hurts every time I try to go. It's been a whole week since I've went to the bathroom and I'm afraid to eat anymore. I can't go out with out having to go to the bathroom. I walk uncomfortably. There was no change in diet or how much I was eating. But maybe for a month now I've been eating less but that couldn't be it. What can I do to go? Help

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How can I find someone in jail and visit them?

    I live in Philadelphia and my god mother was murdered in 2012. I can't get it out of my mind. I need to visit him. Omar Johnson... I need to know why. I need closure. But the problem is I don't know what prison he's in or how long he has to be in there. He even killed the puppies... Janet Burgess was her name. Look up the murder. Help

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Is there a kind of virus I can put on a computer and then take it off?

    I want to sell this computer. But it's not mine. The owner won't sell it because it works. It has a crack in it. No one would want it for more than $75 but she wants to sell it for more than $100. It has a crack and black spots on the screen. So to make it not work and be worthless It need a virus. Maybe something that turns the screen black or makes the computer shake. Makes it so slow. And then she says I can have it, I take it off, and I sell it

    3 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • What is the average penis size for a 13 year old?

    I'm 6 inches and I'm not insecure at all. I really just wanted to know. I know it's gonna grom some more but is this really big for my age or is it normal.

    4 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Should I telm friend I'm bi?

    She's a girl so I feel like she would take it better than my male best friends. She is a close friend but not one of my best ones. She told me a secret of hers and it would only be right to repay her. We've been talking on Facebook for a while and I really don't know if she'll laugh, hold this over my head, or actually be okay with it. N o and I mean NO ONE knows this. I'm pretty cool at school: Loved by teachers, winning science fairs and awards, honor roll all the time, student body president, etc. But I really feel that If tell someone it would be a big weight lifted off of my chest... But maybe she isn't the right person to tell, maybe this isn't the right time, or maybe this isn't the right way... Help

  • How do I get this older girl to really like me?

    So I went on vacation with my best friend's family. We went to Atlantic City and it was actually SO FUN! lol The whole time we (Us kids without the parents) walked on the boardwalk together and did so much fun stuff. We all hung out and it was pretty cool and no one felt awkward. So my best friend has a sister and a while ago I realized she was pretty hot. On this trip I found out she was way more than that. She was funny, entertaining, and not afraid to have fun. So while at the resort in our room we watched TV. So a funny commercial came on every time there was a commercial break. It was about a new episode. The guy said "Dance with me" and we made that a little joke throughout the trip. I kept saying it and one time as we were walking out of the hotel I said it and she said kinda flirtatiously "Maybe when your in high school" I'm in 8th grade while she's a sophomore. I really like her and I think that this trip has made it possible for me to actually at least be friends with her. Before this trip there wasn't as much as a single hello when I went over to my friends house. But while on the trip we talked and shared. She always tried to tell me something so I think this'll be great. But how do I make her actually "Like like" me?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How would I gain revenue if I formed a corporation based on science?

    I know it's a long ways off and I know the idea comes from something silly but still, don't a be a dream crusher. I watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (I'm 13) the other day. Chester V.'s company LiveCorp had all types of things... So I know I would make money from cures that I make, software that we create, and other inventions but would that make the company enough money? I want to focus on all fields of science but they all don't really have a lot to sell. Now, hypothetically speaking of course, say all the things are successful. Do you think these things could generate enough capital to higher employees, buy supplies, and make me a pretty rich guy? I have a vision.

    1 AnswerCorporations7 years ago
  • How do I get this girl to go out with me?

    I mean I'm funny (Not just me who says it! Everyone even her!), pretty good looking I guess, successful (Student Body President, Honor Roll, Teachers love me). I don't understand! I've asked her twice now and I still haven't even got an answer. I told her I like her on Facebook and she always changes the subject because I ask our mutual friend to group chat and tell her things and says things like "Everyone knows he likes me, cdfupp" I mean she's pretty, I like the way she talks to me, not as much as her personality and the stuff she says to other people but I don't know. I don't know if she's right for me anyway but I still want her. I'm more sophisticated and she's more inner-city. We come from different world and I think she would rather have a guy who only thinks about the new "Jays" and wants to "pop a molly" I don't know why either.... Could yu guys help me? Thanks!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I get this guy to take interest in me?

    Now, I'm bisexual, and I've known this for a while now. He's straight but over the years I have had sexual encounters with people I guess either experimenting, testing their sexuality or just in the closet. But he is different. Unlike all the others. We have a bond. We like the same things and he has been my friend for a while. Today while at his house I actually went for his cousin who is how I met him. But the guy I want is closer to my age so it's no surprise that when I go there it seems like I abandon his cousin. I try to balance between the two but meh. Anyway, nobody was around all day. Cousin upstairs playing Xbox, Grandmother deep in movie watching upstairs, and aunt out getting groceries. I sat on the couch while he moved and positioned himself on the floor. Being above him I could see almost everything. He always had his legs open so I couldn't help but peek. We watched T.V. in the with the lights off and never turned them on when it did get dark outside. I think I saw him with a hard-on... It was just in my face. I couldn't help but think of grabbing it... Him ravishing me there. But it didn't happen. What do I do? I know it's a long shot but you guys have to help me out! Thanks!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I make a video and put a digital flag behind me with the presidential anthem?

    I want to run for student body president. And I've been watching Youtube and I saw this one video that was awesome. So I was thinking I would talk and record myself and put a flag behind me. And before it starts I want the song that comes on before the real president makes a televised speech. And then while I'm talking I want the Super Bowl song playing but not louder than me. So what do I do? What do I need to download? Is it safe? Thanks!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • How do I make a social network?

    I know how I want it I know what to do I just need to know what program to use to make it. I have so many ideas and I think it would be great to give them to the people and have them use something awesome. I truly believe I could make something better than Facebook

    3 AnswersComputer Networking7 years ago
  • How do I make an operating system?

    I've had some ideas for a while now and I just want to know how I would get a computer to do what I wanted it to do and look how I want it. My operating system is awesome and I want to know how to program this computer.

    4 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • What do I do to start my own company?

    Well I was thinking of starting my company out with a social network like Facebook and then moving on to bigger things, you know after the company acquires enough capital I'l buy other subsidiaries collect their ideas make them better. After the social network I'd go into apps and other things such as I that and then finally moving on to actual software and hardware. So how do you think I can do this? I have modeled after the greats: Gates, Zuckerberg, Nadella. I'm thirteen but I think this would really help me with my future ambitions while giving me a chance to connect more people with something I could make being better than Facebook if enough work is put in. So what do? How do I begin? I know I haven't even gone to high school yet but still, don't think I can't do this and please don't tell me to wait. I kinda want to take the Google guys place as youngest CEO. Thanks!

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • What does this bump mean near my penis?

    Ok so I'm thirteen and I randomly found a lump here before like the shaft I guess. It's small a little smaller than a raisin and if I touch it even the slightest it hurts. I found it this morning but it wasn't there yesterday. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I kinda... masturbate a lot and when I do I don't really clean up so maybe that's the problem. But It's not a series of bums just one. I don't want to show my mother or go to the doctor so if you could help me that would be great.

    3 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago