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Pete Zahut
Basically, I'm a guy from Canada. I like to listen to Classic Rock and Electronic music(particularly House and Drum & Bass), and I hate most mainstream pop/rap with a passion. In real life, I'm not exactly the best looking person, but my confidence and sense of humor make up for it. Also, I'm very clever and intelligent, but I don't really apply myself that well when it comes to schoolwork. I believe in God, and I respect everyone, no matter what gender/sexuality/age/race they may be. And as always, I am obsessed with Rush, the best band ever(IMO). I used to come on Y!A all the time, but one day, I just got bored of it and stopped coming on. A few months passed, and as of January 4th, 2013, I'm back. And I don't plan on leaving anytime soon...
Things to do or eat in Aquitaine?
I've got this project in French class where a part of it involves examples of attractions and food from the Aquitaine region of France.
So, can you guys help me out and give me some examples of either? Even one or two would be awesome.
1 AnswerOther - France8 years agoWould there be any consequences if I faxed Lt. Governor Dewhurst some gay fanfiction?
Basically, the guy's an asshole, and I just thought this would be a good idea, what with the whole Wendy Davis thing.
But I don't wanna wind up in jail or anything cause of it, so I'm just wondering if there would be any consequences.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoNeed to know how to sell fruit (Mostly bananas)?
So, I have this project for school where I have to create sort of a small business. (Not in reality, of course. Just through paper and documents and stuff.)
My idea is to create a frozen banana-selling business consisting of a single stand from which bananas are sold. (Thank you, Arrested Development!)
I tried Googling how to sell bananas like this, but to little helpful results.
So, if anyone has any information about how to sell bananas, (Like what kind of licence I may need, what kind of budget is required, etc...) then please share it with me. Of course, this could also apply to other fruit.
And remember that little info is better than no info, and a tiny piece of it could potentially make a huge difference in this project, so just give me whatever help you can, and I'll be grateful if you do.
1 AnswerSmall Business8 years agoEver asked someone out/gotten asked out before?
About a month ago, I met a girl who was cute, nice, and a bit shy.
I noticed that she was glancing at me a lot, and she was acting really shy around me, so I inferred that she was getting a bit of a crush on me.
After a few days, I finally gathered the courage to ask her out, so I approached her and initiated a conversation.
Even though all my nerves felt like they were about to explode, I still managed to formally introduce myself to her, and after awkwardly stumbling over my own words for a single moment which felt like eternity, I finally asked her out.
She's still pissed off about it to this very day.
So, do any of you have any stories about times when you've tried to get further with someone, or when someone's tried to get any further with you?
Did both of you begin a relationship, or was there any painful rejection involved?
Doesn't matter if it's touching, heartbreaking, or funny. I'd still love to hear all your stories about this kind of stuff.
BQ: What song are you listening to/is stuck in your head at the moment?
BQ2: Do you start school again in the morning?
BQ3: What's a musical genre that practically no one would expect you to like?
BQ4: Do you prefer waffles or pancakes?
BQ5: At what age did you get/do you think you'll get your first kiss?
BQ6: Last movie you've seen?
BQ7: What's the nearest CD to you?
BQ8: What is the title of the 4th song on said CD?
BQ9: What'd I miss while I was gone from Y!A?
BQ10: Ask me a question. I'll eventually answer it in the additional details.
10 AnswersAdolescent8 years agoAn interesting idea I had.(REPOST)+BQs?
I asked this question a day or two ago, but I only got 4 answers, so I'm reposting it.
So, I've noticed that every time someone posts a link to a song on here, particularly on "What are you listening to" type questions, nobody clicks it because they're not interested and/or don't have the time to listen to a song they'll probably never listen to again.
This gave me an idea.
Post a link to a song, but give us just 5 seconds of it to listen to. (e.g. 1:27-1:32) They should preferably be a very awesome 5 seconds.
This way, you can share your favourite songs without wasting too much of others' time.
To save us some trouble, you can click Share, then Options, and check the "Start at: (part)" box.
Caravan - Rush (5:17-5:22)
BQ: Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?
BQ2: Last movie you've seen?
BQ3: Has anything interesting happened to you recently on Y!A or in reality?
BQ4: What are you currently craving?
BQ5: When's the last time you've hung out with a friend/friends?
BQ6: What's your favourite pizza place?
BQ7: Are you excited for school?
BQ8: What do you think of what Speak In Code is currently going through?
9 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoAn interesting idea I had. +BQs?
So, I've noticed that every time someone posts a link to a song on here, particularly on "What are you listening to" type questions, nobody clicks it because they're not interested and/or don't have the time to listen to a song they'll probably never listen to again.
This gave me an idea.
Post a link to a song, but give us just 5 seconds of it to listen to. (e.g. 1:27-1:32) They should preferably be a very awesome 5 seconds.
This way, you can share your favourite songs without wasting too much of others' time.
To save us some trouble, you can click Share, then Options, and check the "Start at: (part)" box.
Caravan - Rush (5:17-5:22)
BQ: Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?
BQ2: Last movie you've seen?
BQ3: Has anything interesting happened to you recently on Y!A or in reality?
BQ4: What are you currently craving?
BQ5: When's the last time you've hung out with a friend/friends?
BQ6: What's your favourite pizza place?
BQ7: Are you excited for school?
4 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhat song are you currently listening to/is currently stuck in your head?
And give us a line from that song, if possible.
Me, I'm listening to Clockwork Angels by Rush.
"The people raise their hands, as if to fly"
BQ: Do you prefer pancakes or waffles?
BQ2: When's the last time you've left your house?
BQ3: Last movie you saw?
BQ4: Ask me a question.
19 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhat are you listening to right now?
I'm about to go to bed, so I'm just finishing off my day by posting this question.
Me, I'm listening to Vital signs by Rush.
I'm not going to bother providing a link for it, because I know that nobody'd click it.
BQ: What's your all-time favourite TV show(s)?
BQ2: All-time fav. band/artist?
BQ3: Has anything funny/embarrassing happened to you recently?
BQ4: Look to your right. What was the first thing you noticed?
BQ5: What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? (Not counting music)
BQ6: How well did the last school year go for you?
BQ7: What's one thing (can be physical, intangible, or an event) which could really brighten your mood right now?
BQ8: Give me a line from any song.
BQ9: What's on your mind?
BQ10: Ask me anything.
I'll answer the BQs + your questions when I get up tomorrow.
Good night, guys!
13 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoHow did you discover your favourite band/artist?
One day, I heard a song by Rush in one of my favourite TV shows, and I liked it, but didn't have any incentive to search it up on YouTube or anything.
10 months later, I was on a plane which went halfway across Canada, and on long flights like these, there's almost always some kind of touchscreen entertainment device in front of you, so I inevitably checked it out. I didn't find any interesting movies or TV shows to watch on there, so I decided to see what kind of music was on there.
I didn't find any albums by any artists I knew on it, aside from an album by Rush which contained that same song I heard 10 months ago. I thought "why not?", plugged in my headphones, and pressed play. I didn't really like most of the songs on it at first, aside from a couple, but the rest took a very short time to grow on me.
When I got home, I started to occasionally listen to Rush, and stopped liking them for a while, until I saw a link on TvTropes to one of their songs, which rekindled my love for their music, and I started to discover various other songs by them on my own.
I didn't really become the hardcore fan I am now until a few months ago, when I bought the album I heard in the plane ride on CD, and bought their newest album a couple weeks later.
What about you guys?
BQ: Do you know anyone in real life who hates/also likes that band/artist?
BQ2: What's your favourite song by them? (You don't have to tell me why, but I'd love it if you would)
BQ3: Have you ever heard one of their songs somewhere you wouldn't have expected to hear it? (For example, you're in a fast food place, and you hear a song by them playing on the radio in the background)
BQ4: Do you have any funny stories related to your fav. band/artist?
BQ5: What's one memorable thing that's happened to you this Summer on Y!A or in reality?
BQ6: What was the last thing you ate?
BQ7: What was the last movie you watched?
BQ8: How's your Summer so far?
BQ9: Tell me anything that's currently on your mind.
23 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWho wants to ask me some questions?
Basically, like so many questions before this one, you ask me stuff, and I answer said stuff in the ADs.
You can ask me anything you want, just nothing too personal, like what my address or phone number is.
11 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoAnyone else feeling a bit down?
Me, I'm going through a bit of stress right now, but it's nothing too serious.
Basically, I found out that some girl I like(d) has a boyfriend, and she recently became quite mean to me on Facebook for no apparent reason, and all her friends just cheered her on. She used to be so kind...
Also, I'm quite fed up with this Summer already. It's so boring, and I have barely anything planned. And if July was only half of it, then August is going to be just as miserable.
I've felt worse.
So, does anyone else have anything they need to vent about?
After you're done with that, then...
1. Say something you like about yourself.
2. Say something you like about a fellow Y!A user.
What you say can be as long as you want it to be.
Something I like about myself is that I own a knee-length black wool coat that makes me look like a total badass during the colder months, which up here in Canada are a decent chunk of them.
Something I like about Schrodinger's Cat is that she isn't afraid to open up about her personal life on here, and trusts us all as much as she would trust a true friend in reality.
12 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoIs there a song that reminds you of...?
...Someone you know?
...Something you're going through?
...Anything in your life?
BQ: Don't you hate it when you're chatting/texting with someone, and you instantly respond to everything they say, but they take 10 minutes to reply?
BQ2: What other tabs do you have open right now?
BQ3: What are you listening to right now?
BQ4: How's your Summer so far?
BQ5: What's on your mind?
14 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoDescribe yourself in 3 words?
I'm currently pulling an all-nighter, and all my friends and family are currently asleep, so I decided to post this question out of boredom.
As for me: Outgoing, Intelligent, Classy.
BQ: What time did you wake up today?
BQ2: What song are you listening to right now/last listened to?
BQ3: Describe that song in 1-3 words.
BQ4: Type along to a line in that same song.
BQ5: How many tabs do you have open right now?
BQ6: What was the last TV show you watched?
BQ7: Last movie you watched?
BQ8: Speaking of watches, are you wearing one right now? On which arm?
BQ9: What was the last song that put tears in your eyes?
BQ10: When are you planning on going to sleep?
19 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoAre there any song lyrics that...?
...You can truly relate to? And why?
BQ: What song are you listening to right now?
BQ2: Type along to a line in that song.
BQ3: What's your favourite song? And can you tell us why it's your favourite? (It's alright if you say no.)
BQ4: Do you want to dedicate a song to anyone? Why did you dedicate it to them?
15 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoYour top 10 favourite bands/artists?
Of course, by artists, I mean musical artists.
I'm going to bed right now, and I'll post my list when I get up.
12 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoEver have any weird dreams?
Last night, I had a dream where I became friends with one of my favourite YouTube users, and I went out for lunch with him and some of his friends. Then we went back to his house, and one of his (thankfully, female)friends began flirting with me and him. After that, we were about to go to the park, and I unfortunately woke up.
And a couple nights ago, I had a dream where I was on an elevator themed ride at an amusement park with my mom, a girl from my school, and some Jamaican guy. I fell out the door, and panicked for a bit(It was a very high ride) before waking up.
What about you guys?
BQ: Do you have any nightmares you wish to share with us?
BQ2: Have you ever dreamt about your crush?(Come on, every single teenager has one!)
BQ3: Have you ever had a dream that was so happy that you became so disappointed when you woke up, and just replayed/continued it in your head?
14 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWho wants to ask me a question?
So, this is one of those questions where you ask me stuff, and I answer said stuff in the ADs.
Ask away!
8 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoWhat to do when you're bored?
This is probably one of the most boring Summers I've ever had.
Because of my younger siblings, my family can't ever go out unless there's a babysitter with them. I just tried calling every last one of my friends, but none of them are answering. And the most exciting things within walking distance of my house are a convenience store and a park, which is no fun if I just go there alone.
My only solaces are sleep and Yahoo! Answers. But I've had serious insomnia recently, and Y!A is starting to lose it's appeal to me.
Anyways, is there anything I can do to make this Summer go by faster?
BQ: Have you ever had a Summer like this?
7 AnswersAdolescent9 years agoA question for Rush fans who have purchased Clockwork Angels?
On the back cover of the CD case, does it show the correct times for all the songs?
On my copy, it shows 0:00 as the time for all of them.
Weird, huh?
2 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago