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I am an average person. I go to school full time and take care of my child full time too. I am majoring in Animal Health Technology to become a Registered Veterinary Technician. What else.... I love animals(obviously), riding horses, bowling, being outdoors, camping and spending time with my family and friends.

  • What is a Foundation Bred Quarter Horse?

    I know what it is but I don't know how to explain it to other people. Could you please explain it so I may explain it to others when they ask.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Why people seem to not understand....?

    How important it is to spay/neuter their pets?

    Why do they not understand that you should not breed your mix breed dogs?

    Why do they not understand that 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in the shelters because there are just not enough homes to go around?

    Why do they refuse to understand?

    I guess I want answers to an unanswerable question.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How can I help my grandma...?

    My grandpa died last year in September and my grandma has been trying to get her house clean. The house has over 30 years of things pilled up everywhere and yes after my grandpa died my family went through the house and cleaned a lot of it up but it is still unable to be clean and organized. I go over there once a week and help my grandma clean rooms but again it is still unable to be totally clean because there is so much stuff. I know for a fact my grandma would love to have a clean and organized room but she is 72 years old has back and hip problems and isn't able to do much without getting tired. She has tried hiring Molly Maids and companies equivalent to that but they just come and wipe things down and vacuum. So my question is... Do you know of any place that will come and go through each room and work with my grandma so she is able to get her house cleaned? I would love for her to be able to have company over and not feel ashamed about it.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • 11.2 fl. oz - 5% ALC/VOL....?

    What does that mean? I know its stating how much alcohol is in the beverage but how much alcohol is actually in the beverage?

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • What do you do with a neighbor who complains a lot?

    I live in an apartment complex I am on the lower level and the man, lets call him X, who lives above me complains a lot about the noise level around the complex. Granted this complex is over all a very quit complex even when the children are playing outside and the dogs barking but that doesn't bother me one bit. The thing that bothers me is X who every time there is a bothersome noise he comes down and complains to me like it was my family making the noise. When I leave my dog barks and today when I was leaving to take my son to his daycare X was leaving and he stops right in front of the window where my dog was and tells her to stop barking. I told X that he has no right to tell my dog to stop barking and if you talk to her she is just going to bark at you some more. I also told him because I am tired of his complaining that if he doesn't like the noise level around this complex, he should move.

    My question is do I have a right to complain to managment about him?

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Having a hard time deciding what career path to take... Animal Related...?

    I remember when I was (well I still am) into horses I was making a plan to go to college and major in Equine Studies. Then life happened and I fell off track then I decided to go back to college and become an RVT (registered veterinary technician) this has all happened in the last 6 months, so now I am in college doing my general education going towards my RVT licensing. Now I am thinking about changing my major to Equine Studies because I really want to work with horses. Now I can easily go and get my RVT license then do the Equine studies and get a job at a Horse Veterinary Office but I really want to open my own horse boarding stable... I just do not know what to do.... Any positive insight will be appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Need a horse stable owner....?

    To answer some questions for me

    I have to do this report for college on a job we are interested in doing.

    The person I selected is not answering my emails back and I need to hurry up and write this considering it is due this coming Wednesday.

    If you could email me at the email address on my profile I will send you the eight questions and if you could send the answers back to me ASAP I would greatly appreciate it. I will also include in the email the information I need from you such as your name and a way to contact you. (email phone number) and a stable website if you have one.

    Thank you.

    I promise I will not give out your information to the public unless it is ok with you. I just need to give your name and a way to contact you to my teacher.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse doesn't know the....?

    My friends horse (Rosa) was trained by a Thoroughbred trainer that only taught her to do her left lead. My friend has been working with her and she has gotten a lot better at her right lead but it is still very awkward. I suggested to my friend just to work her at the right lead for a while. What would you do or suggest doing to get this horse to pick up her right lead? Well actually she picks it up but the whole time she tries to turn around and go the other way.

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • My sons 3rd birthday....? in a month and I am gathering a list of all who is going to be invited. My mom suggested I invite all the kids from my sons daycare classroom. I don't know to me that seems a little werid seeing we do no activities with the adults/kids outside of the daycare setting.

    My question is how would you react or think if a parent invited you/your kid to a birthday party situation like this.

    I think it is werid.

    ***Please Note*** I do not expect them to bring gifts infact I hope they wouldn't.

    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Thinking of moving to Georgia......?

    What is the best town(s) to live in that have properties for horses, the best schools (k-12) and low crime rates.

    Thanks for your time.

    3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Every time after I have an orgasm...?

    I feel nauseas.

    The nauseas feeling only last maybe 5 minutes

    There is no way I can be pregnant. Just believe me when I say this.

    7 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • I want to get a tattoo of my sons name.....?

    He is going to be 3 in April, do you think when he gets older he will like it or will he not appreciate that I had his name tattooed on my body.

    9 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Any females that ride western anymore...???

    Seems like every ranch I go to all the females are riding english... any females still ride western and not just every now and then?

    34 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • can someone please interpet this dream please.....?

    My dream started out… I and 5-10 other people who I do not know in real life but in the dream were standing around waiting for the results of a pregnancy test from a girl that I supposedly got pregnant. (I am a girl also). Well I was so upset by this I decided to go for a walk and I am in this park-like place there is a big tree with a bench under it.

    I sit down on the bench then this guy who I actually know (In real life also, his name is Allen) comes up to me and starts talking to me, next thing I know we start kissing and after we stop we notice his current girlfriend (in real life also) looking at us. He gets mad at me and storms off with his girlfriend. I feel so guilty and bad afterwards.

    I then decided to walk back to the crowd that is waiting for the results of the pregnancy test and it turns out she is pregnant. I start to cry and every one walks away from me except for this lady and I say, “I do not want another kid right now, Its not even mine considering woman can’t get pregnant by other woman.” The lady says “I know.”

    And we go to her house... and she is making some food and I go outside to get some air and there is Allen and his girlfriend sitting on the bottom of the steps and her and I start arguing and then Allen jumps up and says… “Stop it, I can’t take it anymore I will choose who I want to be with.” Well he chooses me!!! In my dream I was excited I start to cry… then next thing I knew we were in a bed having sex. When we finish I kiss him. Then I wake up.

    **PLEASE NOTE***NOW I would have to say that this is really random dream because I haven’t thought about Allen in a long time. I actually am into this other guy right now but he is already taken so I just stay away from him.

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to take a Microsoft Word document and make it into a ......?

    Microsoft Excel Document


    323 Maine Street

    Reno, NV 89502

    to make it look like

    323 Maine Street Reno NV 89502 775-322-4663 775-322-8670

    with it properly lined up in the proper colums? like the address in the address column the city in the city column etc etc.

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Why won't stars show up....?

    on my myspace pages they just appear as boxes?

    3 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • My sons "father" is not in our lives but my son....?

    said to me the other day that he has a dad, and his dad is at work. My son will be three (3) in April. He has not seen his dad since the day he was born. I really do not know what to say or do. When my son said that I just kinda smiled at him.

    I am so afraid of the emotional and/or physical damage this might do to him when he gets older.

    Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Two questions...... about parental custody?

    1. Am I considered to have full custody of my son if his father hasn't seen him in almost three years, but has never signed over his parental rights?

    2. I live in California right now, thinking of moving out of state... can I legally take him (my son) out of state without the father knowing, he hasn't seen him in almost 3 years.

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • I drink 64 ounces of water a day and...?

    only urinate twice maybe three times a day.

    Is this to much or to less?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Valentines Day Catastrophe....?

    I have never had a significant other on Valentines except once, but then it wasn't even really one.

    We ended up breaking up because we started arguing because he didn't want to spend time with me; we had a gift certificate to this fairly nice restaurant I wanted to go have a nice dinner, etc etc. He wanted to stay at home and play his video game(s).

    Any one else have a Valentines Day Catastrophe...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago