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Who believes in 2nd Chances?
I dont want to feel as if im missing out alot on my life, my boyfriend cheated "but no sex invovled i only know by talking to the girl who also didnt know i was his girlfriend. She seems nice and sensitive like me so i took it easy with her , no cursing or yelling. I broke up with him for that 1 day, slaped him n all but its hard for me because i love him, we've been together since 2OO9. Met in school, i was in foster care, at the end of school he moved to puertorico. I went back home to my family. We did a long distance with no doubts. He came down to visit me. I went to puertorico to visit him, first plane ride first experience. I met his other family over there. Ofcourse it was heart breaking to leave puertorico. But my best part was finding eachother in the airport. 3 months later he moves back so we can be with eachother , he moved into my house with my family. My mother always been unfit, think why i was in foster care. She wanted him out in a week for no reason. He went to a shelter. He found a job at wet n wild. I found my 1st job, i told my manager wat i was going through because she asked and she noticed. She let us move in with her . I worked hard, saved up $2500. Some girl at my job knew my boyfriend and told me she found another facebook of his that i didnt know about. I called him after work for the email and password. I got on and seen stuff i didnt want to see. i broke down. He didnt come home till 1 because he felt guilty . but once he did, i pulled him outside and slaped him and told him u cannot do that to me ever. I went hospital crazy, had an exiety , he stood with me over night, he was crying and said sorry he had to pu me through this. He lost his job the next day for not showing up. I stood together with him and gave him that chance. But i've been hated and harrassed at work by my manager whom i was living with and by my co-workers. so i quit. We went back to my moms, my boyfriend got stabbed for no reason. cops arrested my mother and her boyfriend. we used ower money and moved to a monthly pay hotel. in 4 months we couldnt afford it anymore. We moved to another roomate , didnt work out. Now here today as i write we'er sitting here at his friends house. with just 1 suitcase of ower things. i felt like going on facebook. i see that email he used :( i thought i deleted it forever. i asked him has he been on it. he said no. And i did delete every single person on that account so i didnt see why he wud go on. but the profile picture was changed. And he admit and told me he went on to change the profile picture. Right now we'er not talking idk wat to think. he tells me he loves me he tells me sorry, he does hold me ,, and still wants to be with me. anyone believe in giving 2nd chances? no rude comments plz
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoWhat are those beeds at the bottom of the drink? CHEWY BOBA"?
I havent tried one at all yet. i just see my friends drinking all kinds of it.
A purple drink ? it looks like medicine o.O
And then these beeds, or balls i guess u can say. At the bottom of the drink.
What does this stuff taste like? im picky to the top of the chart! If its not vannella or chocolate, i would not eat or drink it!
If i deside to try 1, do they have chocolate beeds? i thought those were chocolate chips at the bottom lol but i guess their chewy.. sounds creepy. Help?
3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years agoShould i quit Checkers if Panera Bread calls me in for an interview?
I Have an interview at checkers tomorrow. Its right infront of my house! They told me to come in. Im pritty sure i got it. But at the mall, Panera bread, Macys , or JC Penny" if they call me within this week, i would realy want a different job! But how would i tell checkers manager?
3 AnswersFood Service9 years agoWould it hurt if i take pregnantcy vitamins?
Im not pregnant. But i realy dont like these teen vitamins i got..they taste nasty to me, and their realy big . So i found these natural pregnantcy vitamins in the fridge, their chewy..coded in sugar, i guess u can say. They taste fruity . And i like them. I took 1 yesterday morning. and i took another 1 this morning. Would it hurt me if i eat 2 instead? lol im 18..not 12, and i dont take my regular vitamins. My fault.
2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoIs it still bad if i dont inhale weed?
OK, i've smoked with my guy friend. but i wasnt inhaling the smoke. I'll just suck it in my mouth and blow it out. Is it less harm than inhaling it? I dont realy look forward to getting high ,,i just do it my way and thats how i like it.
1 AnswerOther - Health9 years agoWhat is a good Facebook Timeline cover photo for haters?
Have u heard the quote "enemies visit ur profile the most" ?
Well whats a good "slick timeline photo i can "make/edit" ?
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoWhat are the requirements to get engaged?
sorry , not my yahoo account . its hers.
But this will be my first time and i want to make it right, so i have no experience .
Im not broke . I just need a little help on how to do this. I know i have to get a ring, any papers invovled?
4 AnswersWeddings9 years agoIm trying to get pregnant. Advice?
OK. Starting on the 4th of july i wont forget thats when i got my period.
Sucks i have irregular periods. But Im trying to figure out when should i have intercourse again.
Im still on my period as i speak/write. And remember it came on the 4th of july.
If i can afford ovulation tests, i wouldnt ask the question. I just want a little thought and advice
5 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years agoWhat are the requirements to work at a daycare?
HI im 18. I want to work with kids. And i know working at a daycare pays good money!
I dont have a g.e.d or high school deploma. Do i need that?
So i walked in a daycare and asked, and she told me if i took classes. i said no.
Does anyone know the requirments?
Thanx to those who are kind.
And any mean commments" theres no point of answering if ur not getting any points.
Or u can have a seat behind the ur computer screen and wait for me to give af*ck ( :
7 AnswersPreschool9 years agoWhats better? A Canon or a Nikon Camera?
Any differences ? Or whats better ?
Thanx to those who are kind.
7 AnswersCameras9 years agoWhat's better than a Canon digital rebel?
Thats my camera. But i see other people with different cameras and their pictures look better than mine.
Please help. If im wrong, and the Canon is the best out there ..Please let me know.
( i only use it to take pictures )
4 AnswersCameras9 years agoWhat is a money Order?
3 AnswersSmall Business9 years agoWhy is this happening to my teeth? And what is it? PLEASE HELP 5points?
I brush my teeth daily, though i eat candy, everybody does.
I love my teeth, their perfectly straight. but i've notice somthing different .
Between my 2 front teeth, deep in the center crack, i can see a brown spot, as if a hole if going to form. It looks like is gona creat a gap. As if somthing is eating up my teeth. You cant hardly notice it from a distance or when i smile. But what do i do? I have no medicade to see a denist.
1 AnswerDental9 years agoCan a 17 year old register themself in school ( ORLADNO FL) Help!!!!!!?
Im 17, just moved out my moms, shes in jail for bending my fingers back. Anyways, i stay with my sister now. Shes 25. DCF is involved ofcourse. My sister realy doesnt wan nuthing to do with this but can i regester myself in school? Im not talking about a regular school. The school id a florida virtual school. Computers! To get a free high school deploma. I' ll be 18 nxt month. But can i regester myself in that school?? Its a drop back in school . Its right up the street. Im currently not in school. its been a year.
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education9 years agoWhere can i get a free LYNX buss pass?
Its kind of an emergency , i dont have money because i dont have a job , but i do have interviews to go to and i cant go because i dont have transportation :( And i realy want to get a job and im going to!! I just need a monthlly pass. Someone please help
(Orlando Florida)
Would churches do it??
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships9 years agoWhere can i get a free LYNX buss pass?
Its kind of an emergency , i dont have money because i dont have a job , but i do have interviews to go to and i cant go because i dont have transportation :( And i realy want to get a job and im going to!! I just need a monthlly pass. Someone please help
(Orlando Florida)
Do churches do it??
1 AnswerOther - Cars & Transportation9 years agoIs SEAWORLD Close to international Drive?
I have an interview across the street from seaworld.. (Orlando Florida)
I have the directions , but im not familiar with the directions.
But it would help if you can tell me if its atleast close to international drive, I dont know where seaworld is. I say that because My7 boyfriend works at wet n wild Witch is on international drive ..i would need a ride home. THANX for answers.
3 AnswersOrlando9 years agoAre there cheap monthly motel/hotels in orlando florida?
Im looking forward to staying at a hotel/motel either one. Untill i get a little 1bd studio. I work.
But i want to know, are there hotel/motels that you pay monthli instead of weakly?? And cheap!!!?? I know some are ghetto but its better than nuthing
Plz list me some.. Im searching the web and cannot find. THANX for your help!
6 AnswersOrlando9 years agoDo you think im pregnant??
Last time i had unprotected sex was about 2 weeks ago. And for the past week i've been exsperincing headaches like crazy. I also been nausous but havnt thrown up untill 5 days after. And yes it was in the morning and nearly that afternoon. I went to the hospital the next day because my heart was beating fast . They gave me fluid through IV incase i was dehidrated & nausia meds through IV as well. SO today. Im still feeling nausous and tired. I havnt gotten pain in my stomach untill later this afternoon while grocery shopping, i was standing and a SHARP stabbing like pain. It last for about 2 Seconds! And right now , i have it but very very light , doesnt bother me at all! yesterday at the hospital i didnt have this . I woke up realy hungry.I barfed today after i ate some bread :( and only my left breast stings a little. I dont get my period untill the end of this month , and they ARE irreguler like crazy!!! What u think? not enough symtoms to considerded prego??
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoCould i be pregnant???????????????
Last time i had sex was , 2 weeks ago. And for the past week i've been feeling nausous , headache 7 days of that week! I open my fridge and i barf , i dont feel like eating , i eat a little. And i dont sleep late, i wake up at a normal time but my eyes tend to roll, i just feel tired but not tired enough to take a nap. My heart rate goes up, it scares me. Im realy tiney, just 104 pounds. theres no bump, and i dont have no pain wats so ever! I feel week i cant carry a gollon of milk. i just want to lay down. I have a history of being dehidrated and haveing enxiety. My periods are irreguler. My last period was torwards the end of march. But i never felt this nausous and anxious. What do u think??
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago