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Favorite Answers19%
  • Virbac knockout spray for flees?

    We used virbac knockout spray for flees and the rooms still smell despite time and windows open, it's been about 2 hours will the smell die down?

    5 AnswersDogs1 year ago
  • Where do I start to look for financial help d/t upcoming surgery?

    I live in MN and don't know where to start when it comes to my future financial situation. I will be out of work for at least 3 months (likely 6 according to surgeon) following surgery but it will likely be longer... Even up to a year if things don't go as planned. This is not a work related injury or accident related. I work for a smaller company. FMLA is only 12 weeks, unpaid. I don't even know where to start. It is likely i will need surgery on my other hip right back to back with this one. Short term Disability, unemployment, S.S.? I truly don't know where to begin but I know there must be options. Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance4 years ago
  • Need help, need social worker? Need advice? What kind of resources can help my family out?

    So my brother, lets call him "Joe" is going to be 34, he lives off of my parents and is causing a lot of family strife. We believe he has some serious mental issues and has been in and out of hospitals due to overdosing, self harm, and suicidal threats. He has never been able to commit to anything, not school, not a job, not anything. He doesn't care for himself very well. He basically needs to be parented on the daily. We can't do this anymore. He needs help all he does is sleep and eat our food. he steal our medications and abuses the ones he has been prescribed.We know he has serious mental illnesses he cannot cope with, and wonder if he may have obtained a TBI from his drug and alcohol abuse and seizures as a young child and infant. Joe is tearing our family apart and we can no longer afford to support him. We don't know where to turn, every time we have set up Joe with treatment or rehabilitation he drops out and has a million different excuses. We have tried everything and feel hopeless and helpless. where do we turn next. what kind of steps can we take to get Joe into a community or residential house where he can get the help he needs? please help!

    2 AnswersCommunity Service7 years ago
  • Could i be pregnant? Just off Birth control.?

    I recently came off of birth control. I put on birth control a few years ago due to heavy and excessive periods. However i quit taking my birth control last month after my cycle as i had tried many different varieties and no matter what kind i would have two periods. At any rate last month my periods were on the 11th and the 19th. I began using condoms before i went off to be extra safe, but i still have not had my monthly. I am getting a pregnancy test today but would like some opinions. thank you

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Coming off birth control?

    i just recently went off the pill. When i was on it i was having 2 periods around the 11th and the 19th, i still haven't had a period as of yet. I will be taking a test later today but would like to know if anything similar has ever happened to anyone else, could this be something as simple as my body adjusting to the lack of hormones or is it likely a pregnancy. thank you

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Blond stereo type ughh, oh boyyys?

    alot of guys like blond hair blue eyes, they all say it, so if you do like that type of girl does that mean your gonna over look the black hair hazel eyes fair skin... and what is with the obsession with C's, cmon guys B's are the way to go they don't sag!, haha and you should really look more at legs and bums thats what most girls have to offer... idk what is your ideal girl?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Big horse Big pad? hunter jumper?

    ok so i'm not used to REAL big boys i'm buying a wonderfull sweet boy who is a 17 hand american warmblood... i was wondering about saddle pads with my english saddle... should i just go average size or bigger? if bigger were can i get it??? thanks for your help =]

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • dental Hygiene xray technician vet... help?

    of these jobs which one makes the most money, has the best hours and requires the least schooling

    in your oppion wich would be the best

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • ick is this incest? ?

    so my dads sisters husbands brothers kid is trying to get with my brother is that incest i mean were not really related but we are kinda i mean they really like eachother but its weirding me out....

    is it wrong?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • are we really like related? ten points for best (or fastest) answer!!!!?

    ok so my dads sister's husband's brother's child

    like her dads brother married my dads sister

    are we related?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • twice a month? why could this be?

    i have been getting my period twice a month cramps are horrible last all ten days and the bleeding is real bad for eight out of ten days.... last time i only had eight days of freedom before i got it again... this is unusual for me... would birth control help balance out my cycles?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • videos slow online...?

    all my videos online are weird like when i was trying to watch youtube its going like screen by screen not at a good speed... i have used mcaffe scan and adware scan but i can't findout what wrong any ideas?

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • long distance texting?

    is there long distance texting fees on unlimited texting with verizon

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • why wont it work on my windows vista?

    i tried to download virtual horse ranch two to my computer it always gets downloaded but it won't start.... the thinger starts up and then stops ita making me sad what do i do?

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Show jumping attire?

    now i know what i'm supposed to where and what my horse is supposed to were until it comes to his legs...

    he is older and needs support so what do i normally see on the horses legs show jumping do you use bell boots, polo wraps? what what what? thank you best answer gets ten points

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • i want to be an equine vetrinarian

    i want to be a horse dr. i already have taken all the classes necisary in high school but i was wondering if taking this course would make me a vet is a vetrinary technicion the same thing what about this coledge its the one i like... is this a course that would make me a vet? here is the link tech/index.htm

  • a question i hate to ask but really need to know

    ok here it is when you have an old horse and it passes away what do you do?

    do you call the police? how do you move it?

    what if you want it cremated?

    =-[ its a sad question but i need to know thank you

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • pubic hair removal help

    ~shaving does not work my hairs are too thick, its never smooth i can still see and feel the hair roots. i'm not doing it wrong trust me i have tried all different techniques

    ~waxing i have tried many teqniques but i will not use wax that needs to be warmed by microwave or anything of the like because i don't need my parents to know... i have tried strips but that never is strong enough like i said this hair is thick

    ~sugaring yes i have tried it its no use its worthless unless done by a profesional

    ~spas no no no no privacy my parents would never bother paying for it and its humiliateing

    ~tweezing it takes to long even with automatic tweezers

    ~chemicals are not normally strong enough for my thick thick roots and hair i have tried

    any suggestions cuz i feel hopeless i don't care if it hurts as long as its quick and easy i would shave my vag. to the bone if it would work and not do more damage than its worth

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Should i give up please help?

    there is this guy i reeeeally like he is like perfect for me he makes me laugh and happy even tho i don't really know him that well.... and on the last day of school he gave me a big hug... he hugs every one so its no big deal but yeah.... so i have been trying to get him talking to me on myspace so i could get his number and then on the phone so we can get to know eachother but he never comments back.... he has been onling and he is talking to other people... normally i just ask whats up? but once i said he was an amazing dancer and sexy dancer but that was like cuz he put up a video of a dance off between him and his freinds.... he has not talked to muy cousin either but still should i keep on tryign... i have left him alone for a while but should i talk to him again....what should i say... i really want to hang out with him...i get my license pretty soon so we can be together more but if we don't talk idk i need help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago