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Lv 31,981 points

Mookie D.

Favorite Answers14%

I am a mom to 2 boys and 3 girls.

  • Removing Gentian Violet from babies skin pores?

    My baby is 4 months old and we had to use gentian violet for thrush. The stain cam off fairly quickly from most of her skin, but she has been left with several little dots where the pores around her mouth and on her chin took the gentian violet. Has this happened to anyone else's baby? Does anyone know how to get rid of them or is this permanent? It looks like she has a bunch of blackheads on her little face. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Removing Gentian Violet from babies skin pores?

    My baby is 4 months old and we had to use gentian violet for thrush. The stain cam off fairly quickly from most of her skin, but she has been left with several little dots where the pores around her mouth and on her chin took the gentian violet. Has this happened to anyone else's baby? Does anyone know how to get rid of them or is this permanent? It looks like she has a bunch of blackheads on her little face. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breastfeeding and getting a tubal, help!?

    Hello all. I just had a beautiful little girl on January the 6th of this year. She is my 5th baby and my last. I am going to get a tubal at 6 weeks post partem. She is breastfed, and I am not sure what to do. Will she be able to nurse that day as well, or will she have to have a bottle for a few days? I don't want to stop nursing her, I am just not sure what to do. Has anyone else been through a situation like this? It is driving me nutty stressing about it. Please help, any advice is greatly appreciated.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I am 32 weeks, has anyone else experienced this?

    Hello all! First of all, congratulations to all new Mommies!

    Recently I have been feeling my little girl move a lot while I am walking. She moves pretty hard during these times and has almost made me fall a couple of times. I still have 8 weeks to go before my due date.

    She is my 5th and final baby and I have never felt this type of movement with my others. I was just wondering how many of you ladies have felt this?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My quad screen results were a high ratio, help!?

    I am 24 weeks along with a baby girl. My quad screen came back high 1:57. An ultrasound showed that she looks to be fine and the doctor who performed it said he thinks she does not have downs syndrome. I had to change OB/GYN's and they think the number is way to high and want more tests to be ran.

    Has anyone else had a high ratio come back and the baby be born without Down's? Thank you all in advance!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Need advice to help my husband get to see his kids more.?

    I am in need of serious advice. My husband and I have 8 will be 9 kids in January between us. He is an awesome step dad to my kids, a wonderful dad to our baby, and a good dad to his 4 from his past marriage.

    Here is what I am having trouble with. He has joint custody of his kids, but the papers are very vague as to visits. It simply says liberal and reasonable. His ex will not let us have the kids for very much time at all. The last time was a year ago. He gets to talk to them on the phone and by mail but that is it. We can not afford a lawyer, and desperately need advice on things he might can do to be able to get them more often for visits. We live in Kentucky. Thanks to all in advance!

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 12 weeks pregnant with abnormal pap smear help!?

    Hello! I am a little over 12 weeks along and my doctor called this morning to tell me my pap smear had came back abnormal. She wants to schedule another pap smear and a cervical biopsy. Does anyone know how risky this could be to the baby? A lady at a local drug store told me her ob/gyn wouldn't do one on her when she was pregnant because there was a chance she could bleed to death. Either way it is scary. I don't want to hurt this baby, and I have 4 others I have to think about if it were to be cervical cancer and I let it go to long. Does anyone have any info or help? Thanks so much.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it a false positive?

    I took a dollar store test today (I am only one day late) and it was not with the first morning pee. I only saw 1 line immediately which would be negative. I just left the test laying and a couple of hours later when I went to toss it, there is definately a second line. It was fainter than the first but it is there.

    I just took a second one and within 5 minutes there was an extremely light pink second line. It is very faint. But I did check it within 5 minutes. Any ideas? I feel sort of stupid even asking but I am sort of flipping out

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it a false positive?

    I took a dollar store test today (I am only one day late) and it was not with the first morning pee. I only saw 1 line immediately which would be negative. I just left the test laying and a couple of hours later when I went to toss it, there is definately a second line. It was fainter than the first but it is there. Could this just be a false positive? Thanks!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • False positive? Help!!?

    I took a dollar store test today (I am only one day late) and it was not with the first morning pee. I only saw 1 line immediately which would be negative. I just left the test laying and a couple of hours later when I went to toss it, there is definately a second line. It was fainter than the first but it is there. Could this just be a false positive? Thanks!

    7 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Safe cold remedies while breastfeeding?

    I was wondering if any of you have any idea on what is safe to take if you have a cold and are breastfeeding? This is my fourth child and I have never even been sick when nursing. He is 8 months old. Thanks to all!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Looking for Tammy Cline in Scottsville, KY any help??

    I am looking for Tammy Cline in or around Scottsville KY. Her husbands name was Joe and he passed away in 2005. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!!!

    2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • I am 37 weeks and confused any help appreciated.?

    Hi all! I am currently 37 weeks as of today. My ob told me on Monday that the baby has dropped, that I am effaced 50% and dialated to a "good 3". I have been having what I have assumed were braxton hicks contractions and losing tiny amounts of my mucus plug since yesterday. She said I would not make it another 3 weeks, I am just curious as to what you fellow mommies think? This is my 4th baby but I always just went straight into labor with the past 3 so this has me wondering just whats Thanks in advance!!!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I was wondering why these kids are trying to have kids?

    Just a question I have. Every day I see these babies on here asking pregnancy questions who are either pregnant or trying to get that way. These kids and I will say under 17 seem excited about the whole idea. Do they not truly realize just how hard it is to raise a baby? I know some teen moms can be wonderful parents, I just don't get why more precautions are not being taken by these kids. Disease is another big reason to avoid having unprotected sex. I just read a question over in the adolesents board about a 14 year old who is excited that she might be pregnant. I just truly don't get it. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    19 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Looking for someplace to rent cheap in Southern KY?

    OK here is what I need, and I have no idea if looking here will help or not. I need a place located between Bowling Green and Glasgow KY to rent. I need as cheap of a place as possible. I am divorced and have 3 kids with 1 due in June. As of now I am renting a government apartment and my kids just need away from the crap that goes on here daily. The country would be best if possible. Does anyone have anything in this area? Thank you so much in advance!

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Need Advice! Please help!!?

    I am a recently divorced mother of three. My ex-husband lives in Tennessee; I live in Kentucky. Recently “Sunday, April 6th, 2008”, My son came home with bruises after a visit with his biological father. He confided in me that his father grabbed him up by the throat and kicked him. This was collaborated by his younger sibling. His younger sibling told me over the phone that this had happened on the day that it happened. His father denied it. However my son, without coaxing, revealed the same in his monthly therapy. I was told to inform the proper authorities, which I did. However, since my ex-husband and I reside in two different states and the incident happened in my ex-husbands state of residence, no child protection organization will intercede on my child's behalf and step in. I keep getting put off in both states even though my son's pyschologist called them after seeing the bruise as well. I don't have a lot of money and am at a loss. Any advice? Thank you!!

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Please help!!?

    I am a recently divorced mother of three. My ex-husband lives in Tennessee; I live in Kentucky. Recently “Sunday, April 6th, 2008”, My son came home with bruises after a visit with his biological father. He confided in me that his father grabbed him up by the throat and kicked him. This was collaborated by his younger sibling. His younger sibling told me over the phone that this had happened on the day that it happened. His father denied it. However my son, without coaxing, revealed the same in his monthly therapy. I was told to inform the proper authorities, which I did. However, since my ex-husband and I reside in two different states and the incident happened in my ex-husbands state of residence, no child protection organization will intercede on my child's behalf and step in. I keep getting put off in both states even though my son's pyschologist called them after seeing the bruise as well. I don't have a lot of money and am at a loss. Any advice? Thank you!!

    5 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What is the latest that you found out you were having twins?

    My husband to be keeps aggravating me that he thinks we are having twins. He already has a set of twins and said they didn't find out until she was almost due. He said even at her 20 week scan they only saw one baby. He swears to it and I think he is silly. I am curious as to how late others with twins found out. Thanks!!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 26 weeks pregnant and feeling little movement?

    I am 26 weeks with baby number 4. This baby hasn't ever been my most active one. I have felt him flutter about a little the past few days but nothing major. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is tea tree oil effective against lice?

    Every time my kids go to their dad's house they come back with lice. I have tried everything to no avail. They have been banned from there for awhile. Does anyone know if tea tree oil would be effective in getting rid of lice on them and the household items? Thanks!

    7 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago