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Just a lil shout out my name is Jasmine I love rap & hip hop Lookin for da guy of my dreams Im not girly at all Hates racist ppl & mean ppl & bein bored Love scary movies their tha bomb Like to go to fairs wit friends, go walkin ride 4wheelers, go campin Dats pretty much it if you like me add me if you dont then well dont Im a nice person by they way

  • How many friends do you have on meet me & facebook?

    I have 458 on meet me & on facebook I have 767 u add all tht up its still like a thousand friends on both websites but funny thing is I have all these friends on those social networks but like all my friends in real life back stabbed me & the one guy I ever loved left me thank god I didn't get pregnant wit him I just cant wait to move to another town the one Im currenly in has been nothin but a bunch of bad memories I will miss my family in my current town & I can always go & visit them & keep in touch but I do need to move to this other town wit my other family tht I haven't seen in yrs I need a new scenery new friends new guy & possibly my own things like my own place job or vehicle its time for a change & Im determined to do it tired of people holdin me back & makin me feel useless BQ: Do you think a change in my life would be a good thing

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Why does boys hang with their friends more than their girlfriend?

    Im tryin to establish a life with mine but i cant because hes so wraped up in hes friends i mean i want him to have friends but i wanna feel important to we get into it bout this but how can i make him spend more time with me then them

    5 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Do you love or cant stand the rain?

    Its been rainin where Im at for like a week I like rain sometimes but I wish theres things I could do but cant cause of rain

    14 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is it normal to bleed alot after birth control?

    Mainly on birth control I spot everyday I was spottin 6months but now that I quite a month ago Ive been bleedin for a whole month Im so sick of it I wanna be able 2 eat & have my body back to normal birth control has realy ruint my body I mean my life was never perfect Ive had lots of bad & good things happen 2 me but my body was perfect before I took that junk should I be concerned or is it normal please I need serious answers :)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Did you know that facebook has a limit to how many friends you can have?

    Lol I had no idea it did I tried sendin request out to a few people & this is what it would say unable to send friend request this person has reached the friend request limit & cant accept anymore that person had like 4,000 or 5,000 so that's prolly why I guess we learn new things everyday whether we havin a good or bad day lmao

    BQ: How many facebook friends do you have? Closest one to mine gets Best Answer easy 10 points!!!!

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What happened to those Jazz cokes?

    My fave one was Caramel Cream & I also like that it had my name does anybody remember these & for the ones who do can you tell me why they stopped makin them

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How many inches is my hair?

    Well I wanted my hair thinned out & they cut it very short like a boys hair this was 2yrs ago it took my hair 2 years to finally grow back out my bangs are at the end of my face some of the hair on the side of my face is at the end of my neck the top layer is at my neck & the bottom layer is like 2 inches past my collarbone which makes my main hair a little past my shoulder Im not worried bout the parts that are thin out I just want to know how many inches my main hair is like I said its a little past my shoulder & 2 inches past my collarbone

    BQ: I want my hair to my breast so is there any tips to get it there & to make it grow faster Im just thankful it finally grew but I would love for it to be longer thanx :)

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Why did facebook block me from adding friends?

    Ive only sent out like 200 somethin friend request & I was almost to my goal & then bam facebook told me Im blocked from addin friends for 7 days so I had to cancel all my requests & then I tried addin back one person & it said it was another 7 days added to that Im thinkin bout sendin messages to the people & tell them to add me I think that's just so stupid I actually know them people has this ever happened to you & for how long & when do you think I could ask more request

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Do couples usually last when the family hates the person their with?

    Like my bf's mom & aunt like literally hate me they run their mouth at me for no reason & they started alot of drama with me & Im afraid their tryin to break me & my bf up who Ive been with for 10 months their all the time in our business especially hes mom everytime we have an argument she tells us what can be in our place & what cant she even put me on birth control because she doesn't want her son gettin me pregnant I don't want no kids anyways & she threatens to kick us out I just wish my bf had a job & we had our own place & could do what we want I could get the pets I want sinse they made all my animals leave I really don't know why people hate me because my whole life Ive tried bein nice to everyone & it backfires in my face everytime Ive been treated dirty by many people includin family so called friends ex bfs & ppl I don't know what is ya'lls suggestions cause I do love him & I hope they don't break us up this is my first serious relationship & Im of age why cant they be more supportive of us he's family is so two faced I don't know what to do

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Can rabbits & guinea pigs be in the same cage?

    Im tryin to get my bf to talk hes mom into lettin me have them because I had to give away my cat & dogs & I really want a pet & I was wonderin if we can talk her into lettin me have them can you put them in the same cages I wouldent think they would try & eat eachother Ive did alot of research on rabbits & guinea pigs & I was just wonderin bout this

    BQ: Do guinea pigs have to come in pairs I heard if they do then you can tame them down more & don't have to worry about them always bein scared thanx for any answers

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why do religious people act scary?

    I believe in god & love him & often sometimes wonder why he made my life a little hard but I just don't understand people that are very religious they actually scare me to be honest with you what are your thoughts on this

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Is guinea pigs & rabbits better pets than a cat or dog?

    I recently had to get rid of my cat cause my bf is allergic to them & hes parents made me get rid of my dogs cause they thought they would bite somebody but they wouldent their so two faced but anyways Ive had like 18 cats & 4 dogs in my lifetime & it seems like I cant have them for awhile so I was wonderin are guinea pigs & rabbits better pets cause Im thinkin bout gettin them if I can

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Should I stop taking birth control?

    All its makin me do is discharge alot I constantly have to wear a tampon or pantie liner & some days I spot & some days I don't Im gettin sick of worryin bout this I just want my body back to normal Ive been thru enough throughout my life then to constantly have to worry about my private part area I tried depo & pills & cant stand either one my bf told me if I wanted to quit he'd respect my decision so should I if I could I would love to have my tubes tied but I have no medical card & I heard you have to be 21 & have 2 kids I am 21 but the reason why I want it done is cause I don't want kids & let them suffer all the time like I have so what should I do

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of drink?

    Mine would be dr pepper if I had a stressful day (which is alot btw) it feels good to relax & drink me a nice cold dr pepper so what are yall's faves

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Have you ever felt like your family hates you?

    This is how it was when I lived with them they always made me look stupid they would cuss & slap at me & act like I was lazy & didn't do nothin around the house I cant talk to them about my problems withought them callin me names they hardly would let me get out & have fun like I wanted to I was mostly home & on top of that I was dealin with alot at school like gettin made fun of cause of my race them @sshole kids did me that way all my school life not everyday but everynow & then but still I had things goin on at home for all them years & they would make fun of me in front of other family members & when they apologized they did the same things they apologized for over & over & when they tell me they love me I don't believe it so I moved out & live with my bf I thought things would be better nope its the same I love my family & I try to get along with them but it just doesn't work I don't know why their so mean & hateful to me sometimes I was in the fault but not all the time I can honestly say my biggest problem was family so called friends & ex bfs people I didn't know caused me pain to but mostly the pain Ive had in my life was family so called friends & ex bfs & my blood pressure is sky high for all the pain Ive been through all them years should I seek counselin or somethin cause I don't know how to cope with it myself Ive just been through alot & nobody understands I need to talk to somebody I do have good days but it seems like I have more bad days Im not complainin I just need help I wish my life wasn't like this please no rude comments if you have experienced what I have feel free to tell me how you handle it I would really appreticate it

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why are people so two faced?

    Ive experienced people like this my whole life & its been nasty & mean each time people has been mean or nice when they want to be but what I don't get is about two weeks ago me & my bf's mom made an agreement to get two pomerians & they wasn't the small kind they were just a little bit bigger but they still wasn't big dogs at first she's like there not big dogs & their pretty blah blah blah & then just a couple days ago she goes behind my back & gets my bf's stepdad blaimin me for it all she didn't even tell him she took me to get them so she came up here & me my bf & hes mom got into it me & my bf was mad cause we had to give them away I only had them 12 days & she lied & act like we could keep them & get them doghouses & I had them one but I cant use it now cause their gone hes mom is two faced why did she make the agreement in the first place one min their pretty not that big we can keep them & get them doghouses & she said much more than that & the next min their two big their gonna bite somebody no more animals if their really concern about somebody getting bite then my bf's ugly chihuahua wouldent still be here I cant stand two faced people never have & never will I just cant believe people are like that what would you do if somebody did you this way please no rude comments I already miss them it feels so weird withought them here I miss loving up on them I don't know why hes family is so rude & selfish like that it just doesn't make any sense to me & threaten to kick me out over animals they own the place where we stay & were grown adults I think we should have what we want but I miss the lil fellows but nothing I can do about it until we get our own place & have our own rules & we can have more

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why does tomatoes give me fever blisters?

    Everytime I eat them I get fever blisters & I had some of them on my birthday cause me & my bf went out to eat at the mexican restaurant & what I ordered had different stuff in it like tomatoes onions peppers chicken rice & beans I ate the tomatoes thinkin I grew out of this but it didn't work I usually get fever blisters with an upset stomach tomatoes or depression which has been alot in my life but am I allergic to tomatoes is this even possible thanks for any answers I really appreticate it!!!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Have you ever had a true friend?

    Well I can honestly sit here & say I haven't Ive had alot of so called friends & they did me dirty on many of occasions & they did me dirty for many yrs until I got tired of it & let them go but the only time they were ever nice was when it benefited them but most the time they did me dirty I wish I never would of let that happen but what is done is done but Ive only had 22 true friends & they were my pets I miss all of them but I have 2 pets now foxie & ceaser they are my true friends & I have my family even tho we have ups & downs & I have my boyfriend we have ups & downs as well but I had an amazin time with him yesterday on valentines day I got love & affection & nice gifts & my bday will be just as fun this sunday I hope one day I can find a true friendship with a person I thought I had one true friend but turns out I didn't but at least I had true friendships with my pets

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What did you get for valentines day?

    My bf gave me a really pretty necklace & a big kiss he made me so happy I finally got my necklace he made me feel special now I need to find somethin for him sinse he did for me but I also hope this sunday he makes me feel special on my bday so what was your gifts

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • How many pets have you had in your life?

    Ive had 4 dogs a brown dog named shawdow cant remember what breed he was a basset hound poodle mix named justin & now I have 2 medium size pomerians that are brothers Ive had them now a few days their names are foxie & ceaser so that's only 4 dogs & I had 18 cats named sunshine, apple, oreo, lucky 2 cats named sassy, 2 cats named loveable, we had a orange cat & she had 6 kittens, I had a cat when I was lil but I cant remember what its name was, we had a black & white cat but I cant remember its name either & my last cat was precious I had to give her away cause my bf is allergic to cats Ive had girl & boy cats but never a girl dog all my dogs have been boys so now I just have foxie & ceaser Ive had 22 pets in my lifetime & how many have ya'll had

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago