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Lv 43,061 points

sarah W

Favorite Answers9%
  • Help with weight loss?

    Okay so yes I'm fat, no it doesnt make me a bad person and i do exercise and no I dont eat mcdonalds every day that being said, I was 275 at the start of last year. I have gotten myself down to 220 but I want to lose another 50lbs. I have a heart problem and my husband doesnt want to concieve until i'm under 200 please help me

    8 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how do you download mp3 onto my phone?

    I have a motorola w490

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • about disability benefits in the uck?

    My husband is a english citizen he was living abroad (usa) with me. While he was gone his benefits stopped he is going back how soon do he benefits reactivate

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • why do people on here sound so negative about designer dogs?

    I have a schoondle and yesterday I heard your dogs a mutt etc... She's a wonderful dog and though not recognized by the akc she is just as good as any other dog and deserves respect

    25 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How to potty train my schoondle?

    I'm having some trouble potty training my schnoodle. She was going on the puppy pads and now she refuses I've punished her etc I just dont get it what I'm doing wrong. I mean shes really smart and just a bout the best dog you could have

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • The nerve of him?

    So my husband drove by to grab the keys from me since i decided to work 4 hours over time today (we have a mortage down paymen due soon and not enough cash) Now he cant get over time at work so to help things out I've got a second job now and during the week I do ot here at work. So when he pulled up I asked him to fry up some brats for dinner it is the first time he has ever had to cook in our marriage. He has the nerve to tell me he can wait till i get home because he doesnt want to cook and it will only take me a couple minutes to do it. I'm tired I'm planning our house warming party this weekend worked 12 hours and he cant fry up some freaking brats. I do all the house work, I work more hours I make more money and I take care of him help out with little thing like lay out his clothes pack his lunch handle the bills. This really made me feel like I'm not even important to him. I want to be a good wife I like to take care of my family am i wrong to want him to have a dinner for me

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What to say at my cousins funeral?

    So my favorite cousin died and I was asked to speak at his funeral and I'm kinda of stuck I want to be able to say something really beautiful but whenever I think about it I start balling and cant form a thought. I think the opening I'm going to use is "they say losing some one so suddenly is a tradgy because you dont get to say good bye, however there never really is a saying good bye to matt no matter how long we had."

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • An Unreal pain?

    I know not the right section but the people here are good and I trust your answers.

    Today I found out my cousin who is 3 years younger than myself was murdered. His birthday was supposed to be two days ago, he was moving back up to NY to start over again leaving his boyfriend who was abusive and start going to college really getting his life on track. Yesterday they found him in a river in Jersey. We called the police when he never got on his plane to come home. He had been in that river for at least two days. Dear god I am in so much pain I feel like I forget to breathe and then all of the sudden it hits me that hes dead and I almost throw up. He looked up to me told people I was like his big sister, I was always there to bail him out of and help him get into trouble. I convinced him to come home. Now with them looking at his boyfriend as the killer I feel like it was my fault. When he called me what if I had told him to stay with him or not encouraged him to move back up here would

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • about to break?

    Okay I dont think this is a question but some one could be offer me a suggestion or maybe a shoulder for a minute or two. I'm 23 and married, I work full time and my husband is moderately physically disabled. We have been in the process of buying a house. Now three days before we are supposed to move in to this new house (prepocession) The seller has flipped my world upside down. He is now refusing his contractal obligations in reference to the appliances, it was going to be a private mortage but now wants a bank one so we had to scramble with that, he had an issue with a tenate so we had to move our move in from september to Oct 1. And now have to give up closing cost a year sooner then planned. On top of that we've got two students living with us who are coming with us to the house and our lease is over the morning of Oct1. On top of that I take care of my husband just little stuff, but then I lay in bed and think about all the little stuff that i could have missed since I handle our

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • kinda freaking out?

    so my husband and I bought a house through a private mortage we're getting the keys this saturday. In our contract it says that we have a year to get our mortage we were just waiting because we waited a better rate. Any way the seller says he other house he was selling fell through could we please go ahead and get a loan now. So trying to be helpful we say we'll try but that if we dont like the rates we will still be going through with the private mortage. I call the seller just to update him that we had done the paperwork for the loan and to see how things were going. He then informs me if we can't get the loan to go through by the end of October that the house will be forclosed on because he hadn't paid the taxes on it and owed 5000 dollars. Now we have a purchase contract signed by both approved by the lawyers in fact that was to be closing this week. What happens if he lets this house be forclosed on while we have a purchase contract on it?

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Does any one have a blank tenacy agreement or lease?

    does anyone have a mock up of a tenacy agreement. I do month to month with my tenates. Since my husband and I don't need the money, but now the bank wants to see leases to support the border income. Both tenates have agreed to sign I just need something for them to sign and we're doing this quick because we want to get his app completed by the end of the week

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • pissed at the landlord?

    okay so I was renting a 2bdrm apt, but since the maintaince was so poorly done I bought a house with my husband. I told the landlord I was moving out with 60 days notice and he said he'd get back to me with my written approval. Now when I say poorly maintained I mean it its in a great area so I was thinking great place. I cleaned it painted and patched all the wholes before we moved in, bats got into both of our fireplaces, the tub backs up, they put new carpet right on top of old carpet. I even had to buy myself a new toilet seat. Well the evict the old maintaince guy and he kept his keys to the apartments and is coming and going I almost caught him in my house in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago. I asked them to change the locks and they havent yet. I wrote them a letter (I havent gotten my approval yet and it has been a month) saying that they would not be getting the 700 in rent from me this month that they could keep my security deposit but because of their failure to

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Nice surprise?

    I just thought it would be really nice to surprise my husband with a picnic this afternoon. I'd like to go to the park and grill him some spare ribs but I've never grilled them before can some one tell me how to grill them?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how do I form an LLC in NY?

    My husband and I would like to form an LLC so that people that rent from us can have some one more official to write their checks out to how do we do this?

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago