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  • Nicest place to live in northen ireland?

    We're thinking of moving to northen ireland and want to know nice places to live? We dont want to live in a city but dont want to be to far away, we have relations in port stuart and belfast altough we arent insisting on being near them. We need a decent secondry school and town centre with good shops. If anyone knows any nice places or is lucky enough to live anywere you'd think we'd be interested in please say :-)

    3 AnswersOther - Ireland8 years ago
  • Am i a normal weight?

    I'm 14,i weight 9.12 and im around 5 ft 6 is that overweight for my age? I know it all depends on how big your frame is and things but i just need a rough idea?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Am i a normal weight?

    I'm 14,i weight 9.12 and im around 5 ft 6 is that overweight for my age? I know it all depends on how big your frame is and things but i just need a rough idea?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • My anxiety controls my life.?

    Honestly i dont know what to do, my anxiety is that bad i dont go to school and i have no relationships with family or friends.I find it scary how much worse my anxietys got in such a small space of time.If i hear i noise i dont recognise i begin to panick,theres times i can barely stand up because my stomach turns and i can feel my heart.Because of my anxiety i feel like im alert all the time and Hypersensitive to everything going on around me, for example if i see someone look in my direction for a long period of time i begin to panick and think They know Somthings wrong with me.I see someone from camhs and theyre refering me to a phycologist but i dont belive i can get any better while i still live in this area surrounded by unhappy memorise,im noly 14 and i feel like im in a situation where i cant escape, i dont know what to do anymore

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • National insurance number?

    What is it?

    Why do you need it?

    How old do you have to be to get one?

    Is there anyway you can get one sooner?


    3 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Extreme anxiety,help?

    I'm 14 and I suffer with extreme anxiety,I find it difficult to be in school because I don't trust teachers and people my own age and I don't get along well with family.One side of my family (my dads) is saying I'm mental and need hospitalised because they don't understand its a mental illness and I think they believe I'm making it all up, my mum is understanding but I don't trust her, she says she was make things better but it never happens. She's very supportive and helped out in ways such as getting me a counseler and trying to talk to me about things.But she trys to force me to go to school and doesn't understand that I physicly can't make myself go,I know its difficlt for people to understand but she's my mum and I need her to,becaue otherwise I have no-one,We used to be really close but she sent me to live with my dad for a while and she knows I don't get on well with them and since then I havnt wanted to be close to her becaue I'm scared she'll tell me to go again and then I'll go through months of missing her and my anxiety gets 10x worse,When it comes to people my own age I've trusted people and explain to them about my anxiety and then after arguements I've had them say to me that its all for attention and I fake panick attacks? Because of this I have problems trusting people and I'm in a situation now where I don't know what to do, I don't know how to make things better and my anxietys getting worse, when me and my mum argue I can barely stand up, I'm not scared of her, but the situation stresses me out. I just want to curl up in a ball and disapear, I don't know what to do. Iknow it sounds silly and imature but I wish I could run away,then I wouldn't have to worry about school or friends or family and it would just be me.Suicide has crossed my mind a few times but I don't know if I could do that to my mum,I'm in a situation where I feel like there is no way out.If anyone could help out or give me any advice it would be well apreciated

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago