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  • Women's razor question/help?

    So, I've noticed my 18 year old stepsister uses her disposable razors like water, basically. She'll use one twice maximum, and then trash it and get a new one, use that one maybe once, and then trash it, and on, and on. A multipack of razors won't even last her a week - even the nicer razors like the Venus 3 or 4 blade. She tends to use at least four disposables a week, and she alone uses up a super-sized Costco pack (Venus 3, Sensitive) in about 3 weeks. 

    I, my sister and my mom have all tried talking to her casually about it; that you can generally get more than two uses out of a razor, and that it's super wasteful to use razors in that way; particularly when you are shaving regularly. But she's either simply not listening, or she doesn't understand, because nothing has changed. She is mostly worried about using a rusty razor, so she "makes sure to throw the razor away before it gets dull." This has been going on for several months now, and it's gotten worse over the past weeks. We are sick of buying razors so frequently. 

    Anyway, to get to the point: I've been thinking about talking to my stepsister about a reusable razor: the ones that come with replacement blades, and I will take any advice you have! She is very open about shaving, and talking about her body. Do you think a reusable would help her be less wasteful with the disposable razors? 

    Sorry for the length! Please be nice, this is a genuine question. :) 

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 months ago
  • Is AWD a uniform system across all makes and models?

    I've wondered this for awhile:

    As a pure example, take a Honda

    HRV Sport with AWD. Is Honda's AWD system different than say, Subaru's, in the Impreza Sport?

    Just out of curiosity.

    Genuine answers only, please, as this is a real question. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSubaru1 year ago
  • Reasonable Android phones for a beginner? (AT&T)?

    Long story short, I'm honestly, being priced out of Apple's ecosystem, and I will be needing a new cell. So I'm thinking Androids are more affordable but I'm stumped as to which to consider since the Android market is packed. This would be my first Android; but I'm on AT&T so my options seem to be limited to Windows Phone or the Galaxy? Pros and cons, or other tips? (I am a PC girl, so Windows Phone doesn't scare me too much.)

    I tend to keep my technology until it wears out or physically breaks, so longevity/durability is a factor. But I'm mostly concerned with storage capacity (I've heard this is one of Android's strengths), security, and battery life. I've heard Android is less secure than Apple's iDevices. I currently have an iPhone 5c and I like it fine, but I'm not an Apple superfan or anything. The rest of my family are, however, so any info on Android/iPhone relations is much appreciated. I very rarely use FaceTime and prefer Spotify for my music as it is, but any other sticking points?

    General or specific help is welcomed! This is a legit question, so please be nice. Thank you!

    (Sorry for the length; I know it's a little much.)

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans3 years ago
  • Is Ford affordable to repair/maintain?

    I know luxury cars are usually most expensive to maintain, but how are Fords when it comes to repair/maintenance bills?

    Specifically, how do they compare to Honda as far as practical maintenance? (Honda was my first make, but this is my first Ford.)

    Gently used Focus SE hatch, 2014 model year...

    This is a way newer car than I'm accustomed to (I last drove a wonderful 1990 Accord) and it's definitely more computerized. Would I still adhere to the 'every 5,000 miles' mark for oil changes, if I drive infrequently, under mostly normal conditions?

    Just trying to figure out what kind of leeway (if any) the Intelligent Oil Life Monitor gives me. Thanks for your patience! Please, only genuine answers as I am genuinely curious.

    12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • Switching shampoos: Good affordable shampoos for thin and wavy, dry hair?

    I'm planning on switching to a new shampoo, probably within the next month or so - I currently use CLEAR Hydration Fix but the changed formula has been leaving my hair greasy even one day after washing, which is pretty frustrating.

    I don't currently use conditioner on my hair.

    I'm looking for something good for dry hair, that has some hydrating properties, but there are so many to choose from I just don't know where to start. I don't want to pay more than about $6 per bottle, so affordability is important, but I don't get good results with ultra-cheap shampoos like V05 or Suave.

    I've thought about simply switching from CLEAR Hydration Fix to a different shampoo in the CLEAR line, but I don't know. Others I've been researching include Garnier Whole Blends, and Dove Oxygen, maybe Aussie?

    Opinions or advice on these, or other shampoos is welcome! (No negative answers, please, this is a legit question.) Thank you!!

    BQ: What is an acceptable 'trial time' for a new shampoo? 3 washes? 5? More than that? I just want to give my next shampoo a fair chance - it's been years since I've actually switched.

    3 AnswersHair3 years ago
  • Honda Fit vs. Nissan Versa Note?

    I guess my question comes down to, is the Note really comparable to the Fit? I see myself in the pre-owned car market in the future, and I loved the (now discontinued) original Versa hatch, but the Note model, while priced lower than the Fit, just seems a little TOO cheap to be true.

    Right now, I lean toward the Fit because it seems as if it's better quality, but I also respect and enjoy the Nissan brand. Just looking for general advice between the two? Genuine answers only please...much appreciated!

    1 AnswerNissan4 years ago
  • Is Costco gas OK for older cars?

    I have a 1990 Accord; and I'm just curious if the gas from Costco is all right for it? It only specifies "unleaded fuel" which isn't a problem with today's gas.

    But I guess I'm just wondering if it will harm my car at all - my grandparents were the previous owners and only filled the car with Chevron or 76 gas in the past.

    The car is in generally good condition, though it will need a new fuel pump spon...

    Genuine answers only please. Thank you!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • Halloween Poll: What is your favorite candy?

    My top two are Twix (always left Twix) and Jolly Ranchers. What do you like?

    Chocolate counts! :)

    (Please keep things clean and fun: harsh answers will be flagged.)

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Is Microsoft Security Essentials (the antivirus program) compatible with any Windows device?

    I will likely be getting a new laptop within the next six months, and my choices are between a basic to mid-level Chromebook, or a traditional laptop running Windows 10.

    I have MSE on my current laptop and it's been just fine. I'd think that the program would be compatible with any Windows-based laptop, but I just want to make sure.

    BQ: Any opinions on Chromebook vs. Windows for a college grad who hopes to go into media production/publishing?

    Thanks everyone :)

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Serious question about test-driving a car? Does age make a difference?

    I'll try to keep this short and sweet: I'm interested in cars; and I'm very seriously considering getting a MINI or a Honda Fit sometime in the future. (I've done my research and I have exact models picked out and priced.)

    I realize I wouldn't necessarily be considered a 'serious buyer' at this particular time, but what are my chances of being able to test-drive either of these cars within the next few months?

    Would I be required to bring a parent with me, even though I'm over 21? (currently 22)

    Please be kind: I'm looking for realistic and helpful answers only. Thanks very much!

    8 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation5 years ago
  • CA: Voting logistics...where do I actually cast my vote?

    OK, here's the deal: I'm new to voting. I'm a CA resident, and I go to a state school in CA, currently. I am not registered to vote by mail.

    All this said, where do I cast my vote on Election Day 2016? I'm roughly 90 miles from my home polling place; and it's not realistic for me to drive home just to vote - there must be another way. I just want to know how to go about it!

    Thank you, and please, be kind. I'm just looking for straight info, not opinions on political candidates.

    2 AnswersElections5 years ago
  • Is it strange that I don't usually wear makeup?

    At 22, I really never wear makeup on a daily basis - only for special occasions - just because it's not something I've put a lot of thought into. I honestly prefer to go without it most days, and I'm okay keeping things natural, but I've gotten a few comments over the last week or so, about how "if only" I wore makeup, things would be so different for me...

    How do I deal with this effectively/constructively?

    Harsh comments will be ignored/flagged. Thanks!

    4 AnswersMakeup5 years ago
  • Would I be permitted to have passengers in a Zipcar?

    I'm a college student trying to get out of taking my car to school again next year...and I was wondering if it's okay to have passengers in a Zipcar? Like, say I needed to give my roommate a ride somewhere, or pick someone up...does Zipcar allow that?

    Any other tips about Zipcar? Good idea? Bad?

    Thanks for any help! :)

  • Laptop brand quality? (Lenovo, DELL, HP)?

    I've had my current laptop (a Lenovo G550) since 2009; and I'm thinking it's going to need replacing pretty soon, because it's started crashing randomly, every few weeks...and it's already on it's second hard drive.

    But there are so many laptops to choose from, I'm a little overwhelmed.

    I'm mainly looking for something good quality, but affordable ($700ish or under) that will last me for at least the next five years. My latest exploration of brands has led me to the conclusion that Acer and Asus are to be avoided; but I wonder about Dell, and HP? Or, should I stick with Lenovo?

    I am a college student, so I do spend a fair amount of time online, with word documents, and of course, streaming Netflix.

    I'm not particularly interested in having a touchscreen; and I'm not a gamer; so I don't need anything super sophisticated...just compact, reliable, and practical.

    Sorry for the length, but I'd really appreciate some helpful information! Please, no rude answers.

    *Please keep your answer focused on PCs if possible, since I honestly cannot afford a Mac; and I'm not interested in switching systems right now.* :)

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks5 years ago
  • Info about textbook buyback?

    I have three textbooks I previously bought for college classes, that I am no longer in need of. Ideally, I'd like to sell them back to somewhere and get as much money as I can for them. (They cost me roughly $60 or $70 total)

    That said, though, I'm new to the idea of 'buyback'; so I'm just looking for some tips.

    I was thinking I'd try to sell them at the end of the semester (late May 2016); is this a good idea? If not, I'm open to other suggestions - I just want to make some kind of profit, if possible.

    Any recommendations where to sell to? I've heard Chegg is good for rentals, but not necessarily for buyback.

    Legitimate businesses only, please!

    And if it helps, I was hoping to sell them online - but not really with Amazon or eBay or anything.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Education5 years ago
  • Help, please? How to deal with someone doing something annoying, consistently? (Singing)?

    I know there are lots of questions on this site about this issue; but I have a family friend (15) who sings CONSTANTLY. The national anthem, whatever comes on the radio...doesn't matter - she sings pretty much all the time. She has a fair singing voice, and she's in choir at her school, but here's the thing: she's still no superstar, and she only ever sings the SAME part of the SAME song: a certain line, or the chorus - over, and over. Me and the rest of my family are at a loss with how to deal with this girl. We've tried simply ignoring her; we've tried polite, off-handed remarks (ie: Wow, you've been singing that same song a long time!) - but nothing really seems to work for long periods of time.

    We don't want anything too harsh...just something to say or do to stop the madness! And so, I consult the internet.

    Please, no mean answers, this is a legitimate question. We are literally stumped...and her parents think she just has a PERFECT voice, so they don't do much to stop her from singing so much.

    Sorry for the length of this question, but I'd really appreciate some advice!

    2 AnswersSinging5 years ago
  • What to do with a book I no longer want? (Not in NEW condition)?

    I am in possession of several kids books I no longer want, and am planning on donating them; but I have another book (of the spiritual type: not meant for kids or teens) that has never been abused, but has blue pen on most of the inside cover. It's enough to make me think twice about giving it to Goodwill, or donating it to some book center...any ideas on what to do with a book that's been written in? Will a public library accept it, or at least take it off my hands?

    Thanks for any suggestions (and please be nice!) - at this point I'm just going to chuck it in the recycling...but I'd rather not, if there's any other options.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • POLL: Movies...? (Just for fun)?

    Which movie did you see in the theaters most recently?

    Which upcoming movie are you most interested in seeing? (You can list more than one if you want!)

    Do you consider yourself a "movie person" in general? :)

    (Again, please no rude answers, this is just for fun. Thanks guys!)


    The movie I saw in theaters most recently was "Chef".

    I'm really excited about "Mockingjay" (Part 1, at least) and the film adaption of "Into the Woods"!

    Hell yes, I consider myself a movie person. I don't think of myself as a high-and-mighty movie critic or anything, but I just genuinely LOVE watching movies. :)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Pencil or pen?

    Do you prefer using pencils or pens?

    BQ: If you chose pens, what color is your favorite pen?

    Please no rude answers, this is just for fun. Thanks everybody!

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago