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Lv 43,452 points

Eugene Y.

Favorite Answers43%
  • A question regarding Burger King's free refill policy?

    I recently purchased a durable plastic bottle from a third-party store; can I use this bottle to receive infinite soda free refills from Burger King?

    6 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks6 years ago
  • How does the Yahoo community appear from the perspective of other social networking sites?

    I've been an avid commentator on Yahoo for years now, and if there is one thing that caught my eye, is that disagreeing with everything Yahoo says is actually the norm. Take a global warming article for example; If you don't post about global warming being a hoax, no matter how good your argument is, it will get thumbed down to oblivion. What gives? I am considering leaving the Yahoo community altogether, but before I do, I want to hear the opinions of the commentators of other social networking sites: 4chan, Google+, Know Your Meme, etc.

    For example, I've heard rumors that the Know Your Meme community considers the Yahoo community to be a terrible festering ground for radicals and disbelievers. I want confirmation, and not just from Know Your Meme, but from other communities too.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet7 years ago
  • I have a thirst for knowledge. Can someone please provide me with their knowledge of the US Government?

    I am a member of the new generation. Unlike my peers, I have known of the somewhat corrupt and undemocratic nature of the US government for quite some time now. However, being a member of the new generation, and subject to the wills of the tech giants and their selective search processes, I have been stuck in an information rut. I acknowledge the existence of this rut and I ask upon the experiences and knowledge of past generations to educate me on the various transgressions and immoralities that the US government has performed, and the driving forces that have inspired said transgressions.

    In simpler terms, you may all be familiar with the Iraq War, for instance. The US government started the Iraq war in order to depose a democratically-elected leader. Why? According to what I know, it was because said leader, if he were to fully assume power, would create a middle-eastern oil monopoly that would place the world economy at his mercy. This is what I know, and I understand that there is more to it than that; I want to know those details, for a general overview does not satisfy me.

    The Iraq War is an example of a transgression, it is something the the US (or the government thereof) did that goes in direct conflict with the ideals upon which the nation was founded on, for the sake of some narrow-minded, greedy, or corrupt goal. I understand that the US has performed many of these over the course of modern history; I want to know more.

    This is a formal request. I place high expectations on the replies and answers that will ensue. The most difficult part of this inquiry for me will be the selection of a best answer. Thank you in advance for your contribution.

    1 AnswerGovernment7 years ago
  • Can somebody please provide an overview of the current political situation?

    Can somebody please provide an overview of the current political situation to a web-surfer in need? I know what a filibuster is, I know that the republicans are using it, I just don't know what each party stands for, why they can't get along so well, or how fallacious their arguments are (I figure they are very fallacious).

    I'm not a congressman, but I'm aiming to find a logical way to fix congress: its a total mess right now. But I can't do it without the proper information. I barely have a foundation to rest it on. A little help here?

    Try to be unbiased. Biased answers will not qualify for Best Answer.

    3 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • What font do meme photo captions use?

    I want to make a few memes of my own, but I do not know what font to use for the really big captions. Does anybody know?

    4 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Why do people hate Angry Birds?

    Everywhere I look (e.g YouTube) I see people posting comments about how much they hate Angry Birds. What is it about Angry Birds that makes people hate it? I play the game and I like it, I see nothing in there that makes people want to hate it. So why do they?

    7 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Minecraft - Could somebody find a Mushroom biome for me?

    Finding a mushroom biome is difficult, I know. For those of you who have a biome-finding program, can you use it on this seed and give me the coordinates of the nearest mushroom biome to (0,0)? The seed is -6702440077035659832

    So all you have to do is put this seed into the biome-finder and find the (x,z) coordinates of the nearest mushroom biome. I do not want to download the finder myself. Please help.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What camera would you recommend?

    I am looking to buy a new digital camera. Here are the specs I am looking for.

    -20 Mega pixels or higher

    -High Optical Zoom (x26 or higher)

    -ISO Sensitivity Controls (Range 100-6400 would be nice)

    -Shutter Speed Controls (4000th of a second max would be nice)

    -A good range of Aperture Sizes

    -Intelligent Auto

    -A 3D function (optional)

    -Price Range $100-$400

    Any Recommendations?

    2 AnswersCameras8 years ago
  • Africa is not getting enough food... because leaders are denying it?

    We have tons of campaigns going around with people sending food to Africa, but the people there are still hungry. I heard on the news that, when we send food to Africa, it gets intercepted by the local governments and then they block it from reaching the people, as a means of using hunger as a weapon. Is this true?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • Something is keeping me from navigating away from yahoo webpages, has this happened to anyone else?

    I like Yahoo News, so I go on a lot of their news webpages. Occasionally, when I try to backtrack back to the previous page, I can't. I go and right-click on the 'back' arrow on my browser to bring up my viewing history, and it shows up filled with something called

    Even after pressing the 'Back' button many times and using the shortcut Alt+Left it still will not get me back to my previous page, there are so many instances of this thing that it has removed all my previous pages from history, and so I eventually run into a point where I cannot press the 'Back' button anymore, and yet I am still stuck on this page.

    Has this ever happened to anyone? If so, what is causing it?

    (By the way, it is very likely that the link is nonexistent)

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • How do I make my Yahoo posts more popular?

    I oftentimes make comments on yahoo news sites that receive about 2 likes on average, and the most I have seen is 8. On the other hand, I regularly see people who get somewhere in the range of thousands of likes on their posts. How do they do that? Anybody mind filling me in? Oh, and I do not have a facebook or twitter account.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • How do I make my Yahoo Portrait animate?

    Ok, I have been asking a lot about how to convert image files to videos lately, but I haven't gotten the answers I need. So here is the question behind all my other questions, How do I make an animate yahoo profile portrait? Using inchworm animation (a Nintendo DSi Program) I made an animation, but it is written in an .SWF format, which yahoo does not understand. I also have all the individual frames, so I can make the animation myself, but I do not know which format to use.

    I have seen other people with animate portraits, like one with a Beating Heart, and I want to have one too, but I don't know how. Help?

    (P.S. My current Green Piggie portrait is actualy one frame out of the animation's eight frames, converted to .PNG format)

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Having trouble with SPORE registration?

    I am having trouble creating an account for SPORE. I type in all my information (most of it is false, for the sake of security), and then it gives me a message:

    "An unknown error has occurred, Please try again."

    Does anybody else have this problem?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Why do people dislike Windows Vista so much?

    I once read that the major reason why Windows 7 was so popular was because people wanted to get rid of their old Windows Vista OS. Why is it so abhorred?

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Why are people so obsessed with My Little Pony?

    I watched it myself and I personally cannot find anything about it that could cause people to believe in it like a religion. I hear that it has something to do with a mentaly challenged pony that shows up in the background every so-often, but what I don't get is how could that one pony be the sole reason the entire TV series is cherrished as a religion?

    Little explanation please?

    2 AnswersOther - Television8 years ago
  • What happens to the Angry Birds when they go Pshh?

    In Angry Birds, when you launch a bird and it comes to a stop, it disappears in a cloud of feathers and makes a noise that I describe as "Pshh". What happens to them when that happens?

    Similar things happen to the Bad Piggies, except I describe that sound as 5000 or Hoyle. In the end, the king pig goes 5000, but in the following cinematic, you see him, alive, and buised, and then he blinks and snorts. That excludes the posibility of death (thank goodness), so what else can it be?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago