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Lv 42,952 points

Don L

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Read my blogs for more points of view and Answers to the questions we contemplate in our journey through this world. Go to: I am interested in radio and cable news programming. I am concerned with both local and national issues. Politics and political issues attract me, Especially since it is most discussed and disseminated. . I am shrewd, but not rude, except when I cannot stop myself. I care not about any one's religion, race, or political affiliations. Only, about truth, honesty, and justice for all.

  • Why are people so rude and inconsiderate on public transit and other places?

    Whatever happen to the walkman? Many younger people will play their rap music so loud although they are waring headphones, I can still here every word.

    I am usually so angry I know that I shouldn't say anything because it might turn out ugly. At which point i'd be saying bring it on punk!!!

    However I pay to ride just as they do, so why doesn't the bus authority put cops on the bus to write tickets. The problem is only getting worse.

    10 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • Hillary Clinton the next Vice President of the USA. Agree?

    I being the political student that I am. It is clear to me that there was agreement between Biden and H.C. and the POTUS that she would get her turn in 2012 to be Vice President.

    She is after all a terrific campaigner. She appeals to a wider base than does Biden. She would also bolster Obama's appeal among women, especially white women.

    She would also blunt the appeal of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman as the first women in the white house. I think this is an excellent strategy that the Obama strategist has already thoroughly vetted.

    3 AnswersCivic Participation10 years ago
  • Is R. Paul shameful for his goon stumpping the lady protester?

    That weak thug should have been arrested and put in general lock up.

    Why didn't he get arrested on the spot and charge with felony assault.

    That is what he did to her.

    12 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Our Republicans Overly Optimistic About Their Gains in November?

    News Bulletin to the Republicans and Tea Party. As well as, their media arm, Fox News, i.e, Beck, O'riely and Hannity: It ain't over 'till the Fat Lady Sings.

    If all we had to rely on is Fox news predictions of who the winners would be in November.

    They would make Democrats believe our chances of winning in November are hopeless, thus, asking ourselves why waste our time going to vote for Democrats.

    Especially, when they attempt to make Democrats and independents think otherwise.

    They say to the Democrats: Your party will go down in defeat in November. Against who I ask, the Sarah Palin's and O'Donnel's, or other far-right conservatives? Ha.

    I believe they will find in November that the American people do not wish to go in Reverse, for Republican. We will remain in D for driving the Democrats to victory in November.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has the Grand Old Party become just the Tea Party?

    If the later is true that will benefit the Dems because a House divided cannot stand. In three way races such as Florida and Alaska. In those instances they will split the the Republican vote numbers. Advantaging the Democratic challenger.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Where is the wealth today generated from slavery?

    In the debate over reparations, I have not heard anyone ask where is the money generated from the 244 year of slavery in America. Yes the slaves and slave pimps are dead. Yet the wealth generated from the slave trade was past on to their descendants. So let the Corporations and Heirs i.e. beneficiaries share that wealth with the descendants of the slaves. This way we take the taxpayers off the hook for paying reparations if any should be paid.

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where is the wealth generated from slavery?

    In the debate over reparations, I have not heard anyone ask where is the money generated from the 244 year of slavery in America. Yes the slaves and slave pimps are dead. Yet the wealth generated from the slave trade was past on to their descendants. So let the Corporations and Heirs i.e. beneficiaries share that wealth with the descendants of the slaves. This way we take the taxpayers off the hook for paying reparations if any should be paid.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Why are Illegals Mexicans so racist against blacks and whites and asians?

    If you take a minute to observe them you will notice they only want to work with their own kind and will never give a black or white person a chance to work with them.

    Look at any restaurant, (Jack in the Box) where they work. You will notice zero diversity in landscaping, hotels, factories, and construction.

    Yet they are always calling Americans the racist ones. If they hate Americans so badly then why are they continuing to cross our borders illegally?

    14 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • Has the U.S Supreme Court ever reversed a decision due to Public Outcry in history?

    I understand the Court's rulings become the law of the land. But, In the history of America, has the Court ever reversed a decision because of public outcry over a particular decision of the Court? Not from the Executiv branch alone. Example, President Obama, Criticized the courts decision to allow Corporate cash to flood Federal elections, during his State of the Union speech.. By the way, The decision is on time for the November 2010 Congressional elections. It is just a coincidence, or they will say, if asked.

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • New hopes of a Public Option? Or Just talk?

    A number of U.S. Senators are slowly becoming in favor of the "Public Option" which I was resigned to believe had already been killed by the Insurance industry. Now these Democratic Senators are saying we want action on Health Care Reform, with the Public Option. They can do it by means of a 51 vote majority. Fifty (50) votes, plus One (1). Reconciliation it is also called.

    My question is whether the Democrats and yes Obama have the will and the grits to get it done.

    Or is this just more talk of a Public Option that in the end, the Democrats and Potus, will give in to the Conservatives and the Insurance companies, and offer lame excuses why they did not get it done.

    1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Why aren't ex-felons given a second chance to be a part of society.?

    I don't know of anything I can do to erase my past. I just desire to have a job and be a part of the world. Is this asking for to much after I "Paid my Debt to Society"

    5 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Why do Repub's want to rush troops to Afgan and slow down Health Reform?

    John McCain said today on the Sunday News Show that the U.S. and Obama should "Follow" Gen. McCrystal's recommendation that Obama send 40 to 60 thousand additional troops to Afghanistan. Yet Republicans say on the other hand that we should take our time in reforming Health care. I guess it boils down to their values. What do you think?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Is Fox news and the gov't being hippocritical towards Acorn?

    When Government officials and congressmen are caught doing dirty deeds, We don't close down the Government. We get rid of the criminals themselves. An organization that helps those who must struggle, mainly the poor is continually being targeted by the Right wing media because they supported Obama during the primaries, which makes the organization a threat to Neo-cons. The Neo-cons goal is to shut them down before the 2010 mid-term elections. Why are the good people of this nation permitting Fixed Noise Channeling to go unchallenged? A great organization such as Acorn deserves the presumption of innocents. Especially when it is Fixed Noise and Girly Beck who hired the tramp and nerd to go around and target certain Acorn employees to film for Fix Noise. What A shame if they get away with this injustice.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are Conservatives teaching innocent kids to be Racist?

    When those kids ask why are they not going to school, Will the Conservatives and racist (oxymoron). They are sending a spoken or unspoken message to their innocent child. The message is Black people are bad, even if that black person is the president of the USA.

    31 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Where is the Justice for all?

    A friend of mine who is an American citizen, made some mistakes in his youth, He now has difficulties securing decent employment.

    Yet, we allow foreigners to come to America who have done far worse crimes in their countries of origin. Their home countries are to poor and unsophisticated to tract the actions of their citizens as is possible in the USA. Especially third world countries and Africa.

    When they come here everything is wiped clean because we have no way of knowing what mistakes they too may have made in their youth.

    Yet they are given preferential treatment over Americans whose info is on their American records for their entire lives and trail them to other countries because of the sophistication of are Information Technology.

    To me this is not right or fair to Americans. Nor, are we any safer with hiring untraceable foreigners over Americans who have a "Record".

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • where are all the minorities at these healthcare townhalls?

    I have been watching the news of the town hall meetings lately, All I see is bitter racist white folks scramming like dogs with rabies. Blacks and Latinos should be there also because the billies and the insurance companies are now running the show. Blacks and Latinos need to go there and show them dogs how to act up! 'Cause we really do know how!!!

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Shouldn't M.J.'s Children remain with their black family.?

    Today I saw on the news that a Superior Court in L.A. granted temporary custody to the parents of Michael jackson. I was in total agreement with that decision. I think it was appropriate and the right thing to do.I feel that they would be better served by them being raised in the African American culture so they will not feel like they don't belong or fit in with any particular culture...

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Should a parent alow their kids to call an absentee parent a Loser?

    My friend allows her 12 yr old son to call his dad, who has been in and out of the "Slammer" all his son's life, a Loser! His mothers says nothing. I think if she does not correct him he will eventually apply the same label on her for picking him or her.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Should the USA give political asylum to Iran's Grand Poo-butt, and ahmedinejad?

    30 years ago after the last "Revolution" in Iran we gave Political asylum to the Shaw of Iran for his protection. If a revolution succeeds there should America let them in for their protection? I say H to the L


    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is Cheney a nerves dog? Figuratively speaking.?

    After President Obama came into Office as President, Dick Cheney has not missed a beat. Speaking of beats isn't this the same "Weak Hearted" fellow who while in office use that condition for an escape, sympathy and covering-up his Underground Torture Program. The same man who refused to Stand like a man to see the First Black man sworn in As Chief Executive. Soon after that he was out of his wheelchair and on every talk show, Mr. Cheney repeated that he and Bush "Kept the Country Safe" Obama is making the country unsafe.

    There's a proverb that says: "A Nerves dog Cannot Stop Barking"

    and neither can Cheney

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago