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  • Looking for a good laptop- not sure what type or brand is better?

    I am looking for a laptop that can handle doing homework on. It should be able to handle being attached to a printer, and the ability to download assignments and work on the internet.

    I saw netbooks, notebooks and laptops, and dont know the difference- any ideas or helpful suggestions?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What tests do you need to take before you can get a masters degree?

    I never took my ACT or SAT classes when i was in high school. I am graduating with a Bachelors in Business Mgmt. I know you have to take a GMAT test, but are the ACT or SAT tests prerequisites?

    3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • If you are on deferment from repaying a student loan, can you pay it back while still a student?

    And will it take away from the interest you will owe eventually or the principal balance?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Does a written note adjust a written contract?

    If you enter into a contract for a storage unit, and are required to make a month payment- the payment would cover the entire amount. However, if a written note in your file that you are made aware of ends your contract before the end of the month- are you entitled to get the prorated days money back since you were not in the unit any more?

    For instance- i gave notice before the 1st of the month. 31 days in the month. In my file apparently it said that I gave sufficient 30 day notice and my lease will expire 7/25 at noon. That means, provided i was not in the unit at that time, then they cannot legally charge me for days i was not in the unit correct? I was out by the first of July completely- even turned in the keys. They kept not only my deposit, but an extra $25 they are trying to charge me.

    I said they owe me for those days- the man said what the rental agent wrote was incorrect. I say what she wrote ultimately changes the dynamic os the contract. Who is right?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • post-natal mom fevers?

    My daughter had a baby 3 weeks ago. right now she has chills, headaches and feels like garbage.... she breastfeeds. not sure what to do!!!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Try to figure out non cash depreciation?

    fixed costs are 50,000, 1000 units sold, price is $215

    Have no clue how to figure this one out

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Need help talking to my teen daughter about pregnancy.?

    I accidentally came across a Myspace message between her and her "boy"friend. It mentioned her being PG and whatnot. I don't want to be a snoopy mom, but i want to know what or how i should approach this with her to let her know that while i may be disappointed in her, i only have her best interest at heart and if it is true, I want to get her to the doctors now so she can make sure that both her and the baby stay fine. It hurts, but i am confident that we can get through this together. BTW- she is only 16, he is 18.

    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Contract Law Question- 3rd party beneficiary/novation?

    Scenario: Married couple buys a house, parent of one signed the mortgage note and made the payments. Wife moves out, parent who was paying note stopped, new girlfriend moves in, no payments made still- even though husband still is in the house. Mortgage company told wife she had to pay the payments.

    is she liable? or is she exempt under third party beneficiary or novation?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Expired rent and posting transactions?

    I am really stuck on this one- if you prepay rent in october for 3 months to the tune of 3600 and at the end of october you have 1550 that was expired- how do you journal that?

    is it 3600 debit rent expense and 3600 credit cash? or do you go to prepay rent?

    then how would you record it on an unadjusted trial balance, or on the balance sheet/income statement??


    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How to find missing .bin file?

    I have AVG installed on my cpu. There is an error message that keeps popping up saying it is missing a .bin file so it can't update. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the program. An ideas?

    17 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Child support and life insurance question?

    If a person has a life insurance policy and dies, if they owe back child support does the child to whom the money is owed to get part of it?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • R&B Father-daughter dance songs?

    I am looking for a r&b wedding song to dance with my dad to. Background- we just recently came back in touch after years of separation and I did not grow up with him, however I know that it would mean the world to him to dance once with me at my wedding since i invited him. We are not super close at this moment, but we are working on it. Does anyone have any good ideas for songs I can dance with that fit my situation? He was never my "daddy", so no songs like that. Just something along the lines of I'm glad we had the chance to meet, or something like that.

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Democratic Flaws with this race?

    This is just a thought, but with all of the fighting between Hillary and Obama, don't they realize that McCain is the one benefitting from the fighting? No one seems to see that though. Maybe they should just quit the fight and focus on attacking their REAL rival. McCain is flying under the radar and may be a hard one to beat.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Currency exchange question- Yen vs USD?

    Doing business in Japan is very expensive by far. If the value of the USD drops, what would the effect be on business? How about if the value of Yen were to drop, how would that effect business? This is provided, the business in mention is American

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Ford cars- successful or not?

    How successsful is Ford and where do they rank in cars?

    12 AnswersFord1 decade ago
  • Can you have a bridal party if you have a JOP wedding?

    Can you still have bridesmaids and groomsmen if you plan on doing a small civil ceremony?

    3 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Website for finding out what state pays the best?

    My fiance was offered a job out of state, however, i want to check the wage scale before i go for the type field i currently work in. I know there is a government website that shows you what you COULD make in certain areas... can anyone think of what it is? I have tried every search key in the book to no avail... thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Why do the credit bureaus mark your credit down if you dont want a credit card or a mortgage?

    I chose to not ever get a credit card- i figure if i cant pay for it at that time i dont need it which seemed like a good idea seeing as though lots of folks go into debt over those things. With the new law it looks like my credit score will go down because of that. Why does everyone feel you need one?

    6 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How can I defrost a frozen turkey the quickest?

    I really bombed bigged time this year for Thanksgiving and forgot to buy a turkey until today. What is the quickest (and safest) way to defrost my turkey so that it may be ready for tomorrow's dinner?

    6 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Employment Law Question?

    Here is the situation: we went from getting paid every two weeks to getting paid once a week. The last full check that we got was on sept 14th for the prior 2 weeks. Today (25th) we got a check that covered the 8-15th. The employer said that they can withhold a check- but i dont think they can, especially since we have been working there for well over 2 years.

    From my calculations they should have paid us on the 18th for the prior week and on the 25th (today) for last week. Our original pay date would have been this Friday.

    Am i overreacting or is that something that should be taken up with a lawyer? I know the company is having $$ issues right now, but we should still have been paid irregardless correct?

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago