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Gary W
My girlfriend doesn’t trust me.?
We slept together on Saturday and when we woke up, the shirt she was wearing was on the floor. She left the apartment in a panic. Today she said a part of her wonders if I did something and that means a part of her doesn’t trust me. I didn’t do anything. She says we need some time apart. I’m a wreck. I thought We were doing great and all of a sudden this? What’s going on?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoMy fiancee has an undiagnosed knee injury?
She was hit by a car about a year ago. I know her knee was injured at the time. She made a relative recovery until a few months ago when her knee started acting up again in ernest. She is in agonizing pain, but she has had 3 MRI's that came up empty, and her knee specialist has no idea what is wrong. The doctor's she's seen say it's not a cyst, and not a torn ligament. Any ideas what could be going on? What should we do?
2 AnswersInjuries7 years agoI take too long to orgasm during sex?
This is an unusual problem for a guy, but here goes.
I take forever to orgasm during sex. When I'm with my girl, everything feels amazing and I love everything about her, but I take forever to orgasm.
I don't really mind it, since my biggest turn on is her orgasm anyways, but I'm worried it's gonna make her feel insecure and hurt her self esteem.
What do you guys think I should do about this? Is there a way to orgasm faster? (And if there is, should I?) Barring that, what can I do to make sure she doesn't worry?
1 AnswerMen's Health8 years agoMultiple cells per column in excel?
I want something very simple on my excel spreadsheet, but I don't know how to do it.
At the top of each column, I have one category. Under neath it in rows b and below, I want to split each column into two data points.
So under column B there will be half-columns where the data related to column B is.
Is this possible? If so, how?
2 AnswersSoftware8 years agoPrograms keep opening at random on Windows 8?
Here's what's been happening on my new windows 8 laptop.
I will open a program from the start menu, do what I need to do with it and then close it.
After that, I will proceed to the desktop, and do some web surfing. Sometimes after I go to the desktop, the program that I closed will open again for no apparent reason. I will be switched out of the desktop, and into this program. It is always the last program that I used.
Any idea why this is happening?
2 AnswersSoftware8 years agoAm I just being paranoid?
I know this is gonna sound ridiculous when I talk about this.
I just graduated from college last May, and I just moved away from home and got a job and my own apartment a couple weeks ago.
Sometimes when I'm home, I get this strange paranoid feeling that somebody is going to break into my apartment and kill me.
I've lived away from home before. I spent 4.5 months in Australia, and another 4.5 months in Washington DC and never had this feeling.
With that said, I also had a roommate in Washington DC, and a girlfriend I practically lived with in Australia. So this is really my first time truly living alone.
So back to my paranoia. Why do I keep having vivid daydreams where somebody breaks into my apartment and kills me? And what should I do about it?
2 AnswersPsychology9 years agoAny of you immigration experts?
My friend has been trying to immigrate from Pakistan to Canada for a grand total of eight years.
A process that was supposed to take 1 year for asylum, instead took 4 years, and ended in a no. Then they applied for an investment visa, approved by the PEI government, and subsequently scammed out of $100,000 dollars. Now they've passed every check, including the security check, yet their file is on hold for another four months, after the fact, for reasons that the government will not explain.
This process was also supposed to take only one year. It has taken four and a half, and counting.
Any idea why the security check people are holding onto their file for four months AFTER approving them?
1 AnswerImmigration1 decade agoMicrosoft Word, scripting?
I'm trying to map out a script for one of my classes. It needs to be a two column script with video on the left and audio on the right.
I'm going to have a lot of trouble putting together the script unless i can click back and forth between the two columns. Do you know how I can do this?
1 AnswerSoftware1 decade agoHelp a confused MA voter?
Here's the problem. I believe in healthcare reform, and believe that the current system is unsustainable, and am desperately hoping we can figure out how to stop the bleeding with the current system.
But I hate Martha Coakley, and think Scott Brown would be good for Massachusetts politics, sending shockwaves through the democratic political establishment, and bring Massachusetts closer to the political mainstream.
So what do I do?
8 AnswersElections1 decade agoDoes Martha Coakley have no sense of justice?
This article (and others) show Coakley refusing freedom to a clearly innocent man to further her own political career.
She is unfit to be a United States Senator.
As an MA resident, I will be voting for Scott Brown on the 19th.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhy doesn't the government just hire people?
The US has 10% unemployment, and the state governments are making job cuts across the board. This doesn't make sense. Why doesn't the government just hire people? I'm talking New Deal style infastructure projects and strong investments in education. Stop the bleeding in the school system so our kids aren't paying the price, and invest in infrastructure before our roads and bridges fall apart. Modernizing our 20th century road and electrical infastructure for a 21st century world will help with the immediate problem of unemployment, and pay dividends down the road.
What is the down side? Why doesn't the government just hire people to help with the unemployment rate?
12 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoI think I've just been hacked! Advice please!?
I'm outside the country, and was trying to find a program I could download so I could watch NFL games live on the net. I found this program called Ziggy TV.
I didn't trust it so I did a search and couldn't find anything on it. When I clicked the x box from the site, my computer went all haywire, started playing music (what sounded like an ad). This popup that looked like an instant messenger trying to talk to me. The audio started insulting me in repeat.
I turned off my computer immediately, but I'm worried my computer is still in danger and the hacker might still be able to screw with it some more. What do I do?
3 AnswersSecurity1 decade agoQuestion for the older 65 crowd?
Why are you living off of government provided health insurance and working your darndest to make sure that I can't have insurance too? Is that fair?
Seriously... "keep government out of medicare!" how ignorant are you people?!
5 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoQuestion for Birthers?
Can you read?
"Birth Abroad Out-of-Wedlock to a U.S. Citizen Mother: A child born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 301(g) INA, as made applicable by Section 309(c) INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the child's birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year. "
11 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoAre women flocking to McCain/Palin?
because Palin is a woman?
Should men flock to the other side because Obama and Biden are not?
5 AnswersElections1 decade agoSocial justice project... need help?
Can you guys help me figure out some ideas for a social justice project i have to do for school?
The criteria is
1. It has to be an issue in which the law either predicates injustice, or completely fails to stop it.
2. There has to be enough material on it to make a 20 minute oral presentation.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade agoDoes Hillary really think Michigan votes should count?
She says about Florida and Michigan "The votes of those primaries were fair, and I think they should be counted."
Seems kind of convenient. Especially considering Obama wasn't even on the Ballot in Michigan. That's fair....
12 AnswersElections1 decade agoWhy is my heart pounding?
I am currently lying down horizontal on my bed, and my heart is acting like I've just finished a workout or a run. It's pounding faster than usual.
Why is my heart racing right now? Is it something I should worry about?
4 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade agoHow about having 1 vote per congressional district?
Instead of giving one candidate with 51% of the vote the entire state, give each candidate the votes in the districts they win. This would also prevent candidates from focusing on the cities, because each district matters.
The ideal is we get rid of the popular vote alltogether. But this is the best compromise I can think of.
2 AnswersElections1 decade ago