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La Morena

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  • Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Here is the situation. I know it could be worse, but it seems like things are getting worse and not better. At this very moment, I live with my family, which includes, my mother and father, my brother and his wife, my other brother, and i'm married with a child. We live in a 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. Obviously its crowded. We have 1 vehicle, which I'm thankful for, however this vehicle is not going to last much longer. It will cost nearly $6000 to repair. There are 4 people working. My parents cannot work due to age and some health conditions. The other obstacle we face is scheduling with the jobs because sometimes they clash, which means the vehicle sometimes needs to picking someone up from work and dropping someone else off at the same time. I also need to add that my child is in school as well, and there is no bus to and from school. Money is limited and so we find ourselves falling behind on bills and not always having enough food for the month. I do think that if one more of us was working it would help, but the other problem with that is, that we would be using more gas, and putting more miles on our vehicle that only has so many more miles on it before the engine and transmission need to be replaced. We all feel stressed and try not to complain, but sometimes we do. Its hard to not always have privacy. As of this moment, my clothes are in a suitcase and have been for the past several months. There are just some things that become hard to deal with sometimes. And i know that there are worse things going on in the world than this, and I'm thankful to have a roof to live under. I'm just putting this out here to see if anyone has any suggestions on how to get out of this mess? We also desperately need another vehicle. If ANYONE has any helpful solutions, can you please respond to this. I also wanted to note, that the money coming in, isn't much due to hourly pay. I feel at this point, having one more of us working would be good, but we still have to consider, where the job would be, gas, which has gone up considerably and schedule. Please we need help so i'm reaching out to anyone on here!! Thank you!

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • WHY Does my boyfriend...?

    I think its pathetic that I'm even in here asking this. My question is.. with all the publicity that the Kardashians get in the media, why is it that my boyfriend even cares about Kim Kardashian? Its not as if Kim Kardashian would ever be interested in him.. lol. I don't really care much for reality stars that have to put on layers and layers of make-up, false lashes etc. Just to make themselves feel better. I literally feel like the kardashians are old news and no one from my knowledge even talks about them in conversation. So why is it that my boyfriend actually defends her when he sees her in the media???? He doesn't even know her. All we see is what the cameras choose to show us. Sorry about this question, but does anyone have a good answer for me?

    5 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • What you don't know, won't hurt you.?

    I just want to know what everyone else's opinion is on ..."what you don't know, won't hurt you" and where would you draw the line if you are someone that agrees with this term.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Why is my boyfriend trying to make me jealous?

    My relationship is still new. It's almost been 5 months. I've been happy for the most part and my boyfriend is easy to get along with. Recently in the last few weeks I feel like he has started to say or do things to try and make me jealous or get some kind of reaction out of me. For example he will make a comment about another female and the way she looks. I try not to let it get to me. I just want to note that my boyfriend is not perfect in physique and I know it bothers him. I think he is adorable and I tell him everyday how much I love and appreciate him. I even comment on his looks because I do love him. I feel at this point his actions are causing me to feel inadequate and I don't know exactly how to handle this. I know it hurts my feelings. I don't want to nag him or push him away. I also wanted to say that he started doing this and then stopped and started up again. I never check out other guys and make comments in front of him because I feel it is disrespectful. This has happened enough to the point that it is bothering me.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I dont always feel appreciated in my relationship?

    Does it matter how much I love and respect my boyfriend, how much I support him, how much I do for him, how much I work out to make sure I stay in shape so I can look good for him and for myself. I just want him to stop checking out other girls and drooling over them. He isn't perfect looking , he could use some improvements himself in the physical aspect of this, by the point is, I love him and respect him enough to always make sure he knows that I love and appreciate him in every way, and sometimes I just don't feel like he is matching me 100%. I just want it to work out but don't want to lose my confidence as a person or in this relationship. Any good advice?? Thank you.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My boyfriends cell phone?

    My boyfriend never had a problem with me using his cell phone until today.... I was using the internet browser and came across something unpleasant. The internet browser was on a delay and I kept refreshing. When I came across the unpleasant link, I automatically made an assumption, and questioned him about it. I didn't see a problem with my delivery of the questionable link, but my after a few minutes my boyfriend got offended after he already answered my question. He has now decided that he is not going to let me use his phone anymore and that no other girlfriend has ever used his phone, or had access to everything. I am not saying he has anything to hide, but why all of a sudden can I no longer use his phone. I wasn't snooping around, I was looking for something on the internet. I know this may not be a big deal, but its just the fact of not being able to use his phone anymore, after I apologized for my questioning him is what's bothering me. He now says he cannot "trust" me with his phone.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • My boyfriends family loved me the first time they met me, now they can't stand me...?

    The first time I met my boyfriends family they were great and so nice and loving. I came to stay with them for the last month and a half. My boyfriend will now be going home with me. I know they are upset, but I believe that my boyfriend can choose to live his life the way he wants, after all he is an adult. His family has been so rude to me for the past month. I just keep being nice and they say I'm annoying, so I stopped interacting with them for a bit, then they complained that I stay in my room all day. I help clean around the house on a regular basis, but its never good enough. They treat my man like crap and that is why he is leaving with me.. my question is, what now???

    2 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • My boyfriends sister-in-law?

    Sometimes I feel that my boyfriends sister in law has a crush on him. The only reason I feel this way is because she doesn't always get along with her husband (my bf's brother). My man is always so nice and caring... What should I do, because I have to say that it bothers me sometimes, when she is so nice to my boyfriend and a ***** to me.

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • I would like advice and honest advice please. :)?

    I found out that my boyfriend looks at pornography, which I know several men do. Pornography is just something I strongly disagree with and can definately do without. I have expressed my feelings regarding the matter. My boyfriend then assured me he would stop and still questioned why I still opposed to it. So with that said, I do not know how often he is viewing, but I do know that it is happening. I will not go down the list of why I disagree with it, as the reasons are probably obvious, well at least most of them. It's just an element that I do not as part of my life, or love life. What should I do now????? I do love him so much, but at the cost of my happiness??

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • I have spoken briefly with friends about this?

    Okay, here we go... I have 3 friends and a brother that are all gay men. Now the topic has come up involving whether or not it is their choice to be Gay, or the other comment was that they were born that way, and they have no choice in the matter. So my question is, is that if each gender (male,female) can choose to become the opposite sex, by surgerys and hormone dosages, Why then do Gay men or women always say that they don't have a choice, they were just born that way. I'm sure there are some gay people out there that wish they weren't gay. Can't they just see a Doctor about maybe injecting the opposite hormone levels to balance things out and then see how they feel after awhile?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Are some people just meant to be alone?

    I am now 33 yrs old. I have one child from a previous marriage and I have been divorced for 10 years now. I have yet to find someone to share my life with and I'm getting lonely and losing hope. I know that there's some things that I need to get over from past relationships but nothing that would or should prevent me from being with someone new. I still want to be married and have a family to take care of and love. I'm just really sad right now..

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need help with this & please no sarcasm, i need some real help please..?

    It's been almost 3 years & for some reason I am still involved with this guy, who always makes excuses, who always blames me, calls me names, loses his temper, gets defensive, lies, and is nice when he wants to be or when he knows he's getting something out of the deal. We do have fun times and he can be sweet, but overall, he's just a jerk! Why then am I afraid of letting go, why am I still allowing him to control me.. aka, him driving around with his loser friends (one of which is a skanky ho) getting high (he's 30yrs old), meanwhile he's getting mad at me for saying "hello" or "hi", (your standard greetings) to people in passing, or on facebook, myspace etc. He says that it is very flirtatious of me to be doing these things and I am making him look like a fool. He is constantly doing what he wants, when he wants & if I don't like it I can take a hike, but he would never let me get away with doing any of these things. Not sure if he's ever cheated on me, he says he hasn't and swears that he wouldn't be putting up with my S**T if he was cheating on me. I just feel like the situations with us isn't getting any better. Another thing i wanted to say is that he always gets upset with me for asking how his day is going, and loses his patience easily with me. He's always on the defense about every little thing. I try and focus my attention on him because i do care abou him, but he pushes me away at times and makes excuses to get mad at me, and when i don't center my attention around him he gets mad at me for that. Someone please give me some good advice.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think he will ever change?

    He is turning 30 next week and has not held down a job in the 2 1/2 yrs I've known him. He smokes weed like it's his full time job (literally) and that is a huge turn off. It stinks, it controls his daily schedule and if I am around him it controls what I'm doing with my day. There are some good qualities about this person, but I'm just thinking about this initial first impression, oh and I also wanted to add, ALL of his friends are the exact same way, sittin around the couch, being lazy, drinking and smoking day after day after day....... So basically, this guy could probably never be dependable or trustworthy... Don't forget I said he's 30 next week. I want your honest answers, Do you think he will ever change and grow out of this Peter Pan lifestyle??

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need help getting over my ex boyfriend?

    I just started a new quarter at school. Unfortunately my ex boyfriend goes to the same college. We were together for 2 1/2 yrs. It has been quite a roller coaster ride ~ well that is how it seems. I have to say that he did not treat me with very much respect, called me names, played mind games, did a lot of verbal abuse and i feel that he really tried to bring me down and make me feel worthless. Now.... He has also in the same sentence, told me how much he loved me, and that there is no one he would rather be with. Dealing with my feelings about the situation makes me sick to my stomach, I know i'm losing someone I care about, but I cannot figure out why I even care due to the fact that he treated me so badly. I just want to get over him once and for all, but also be to handle seeing his ugly face at school everyday and not freak out if I see him walking around with another girl & then get a million things running through my mind about whats going on. Any advice? We are heading in to the second week of the quarter and I just want next week and the days going forward to be better.


    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Verbal Abuse, mind games & Emotional Abuse?

    This is really embarrassing for me, but I was involved with a guy for 2 years who was very abusive verbally and emotionally. His words are very controlling. He has threatened me with things like, "you're going to regret this", " If I hear anything", "You better be careful of what you say to people". He never really gives me a direct threat, but he sounds very convincing. I want to get away. I really don't want to talk to him anymore, or be in his life at all, but i feel pressured and nervous. He keeps threatening me!! I need to know a safe way to get away from him for good without him causing so many problems for me.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What would you do, It's really starting to bother me?

    A certain someone that I have allowed to come into my life is really getting on my nerves. It is to the point that I do not want to be around this person anymore because he insists on being the center of attention wherever we go. I actually have to compete for his attention because he is too busy trying to make sure that everyone else has all eyes on him at all times! I have confronted this person several times, but never get good feedback from him or anything. I feel that he's being very ignorant and that it probably won't change. I care about him very much but I cannot put up with someone like this. I feel like it's a waste of my time. Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Can any of you give me some suggestions?

    First of all, I don't need any put downs. I would appreciate, some real talk here.

    Okay, what do you do when someone in your life will not even make a commitment to what time for the both of us to go to the gym? It doesn't stop there, it's everything! Not sure when he's leaving for his friends house, doesn't know what time i will see him that night, doesn't know what he's doing after school, or work. Doesn't know a damn thing. Honestly, it's literally almost anything you can think of regarding decision making or any type of commitment to something or someone. It is driving me crazy, i do not know how to deal with it or even put a stop to it (something besides stop dealing with this person all together)... I am so fed up! From what I know, alot of people that i know don't just go around all day, saying that they have no time schedule or will resist making some type of plan ?? It's irritating me. I need something good to tell this person to see if i can get through to them. Help Me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • this may sound really ridiculous, but i don't believe it?

    What do you when you feel that someone close to you is lying to you about even the smallest things, knowing that what you've seen in front of you is probably not the truth, but they say otherwise? I know this sounds vague, but this along with many other situations, are accumulating and i want to know why someone would lie about something like "going to use the restroom?"... What action would you take.

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I am sneaking in to my boyfriends house tonight :)?

    Okay, so my boyfriends parents went out of town for the next 4 or 5 days. They told my boyfriend that they actually have "people" watching the house.. (neighbors?) I don't really believe it, but it's possible. So, can anyone give me any REALLY good ideas on the best ways he can sneak me in without being noticed by the neighbors.. He is picking me up tonight & that's all i got for now. help me please.

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How should I respond to this, I think this is very irritating?

    So, my so-called boyfriend just threw a fit because I told him that I wanted to stop by the bank to make a quick deposit before we left to go to a BBQ at my Aunt's house. The bank is on the way, and it would take a matter of 5 minutes and the freeway is on the same street. What is the BIG deal and why in the hell did he throw such a fit? He kept babbling something about me changing the plans around and became very agitated. I do not know how to respond to this child behavior, I feel like everything I have tried in past situations similar to this have failed and i'm fed up!

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago