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Lv 44,342 points

Peter M

Favorite Answers8%
  • For only the real MMA fans Did you know if you want?

    real, balanced, accurate MMA information that foxnews has some great stuff. Same with sports illustrated.

    This yahoo! stuff is bad.

    1 AnswerMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • GSP <the cheater> vs. Penn?

    Now the Nevada State Athletic Commission stated, the fight was unfair, because of the grease. And that GSP stated, let's have a third match in the summer of 2009, and today BJ Penn accepted.

    Now, what do you think?

    7 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • My 2 and a half year old has?

    a red, itchy rash on her butt, the rash feels like sand paper,

    with edges.... not bites, not poison ivy, and not an allegeric reaction.

    and her bowels are normal?

    She has had it almost 3 months....

    And it is not spreading,,, only on her buttocks.

    What is it?

    How can I get rid of it?

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the MLB Tampa Bay team?

    Not the nickname? But the Team name?

    Is it the Devil Rays?


    The Rays?

    If it is the Rays, when was the name change?

    5 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • What is the name of the MLB Tampa Bay team?

    Not the nickname? But the Team name?

    Is it the Devil Rays?


    The Rays?

    If it is the Rays, when was the name change?

    3 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Is it easy for an American to make ailya?

    And what kind of jobs could I expect to get?

    Teaching ESL? (English as a Second Language)

    Or ?????

    I have earned a BSBA, but no teaching credential

    any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Have you seen the videos of?

    Hiliary Clinton lying over the Stan Lee deal?

    She stole over $300,000 from this group (the article/video said, from u-tube).

    I believe that whole clinton family is corrupt.

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • The es-stranged wife of over year: PART 2?

    I have not seen her in over 1 and a half years,

    zero communication in over 5 months...

    ( I have custody of our child and we're still married)

    on fathers day, I get an email, hi~ hope you're doing okay

    nothing else....

    as per your answers I replied TY= We're okay.

    and I asked: "Why don't you want to see our child?"

    Today I receive a response:

    She says, "I want to see our child, but, I am not ready to deal with you".

    I am in shock! First wow, 2 emails in 1 week,

    Then the (She is not ready to deal with me)?????

    I feel like she is trying to manipulate me.

    What do you think?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • the estranged wife of over year?

    hasn't made any attempt in seeing you or the child in over a year, and hasn't had any communication what so ever, (not even a letter or an email) in 4-5 months,

    suddenly sends an email ~ happy fathers day

    hope your are doing well

    how do you read into it?

    A) abosolutely nothing

    B) guilty feelings

    C) testing the waters

    D) trying to reach out

    E) OR????????

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Are you MMA fans really this stupid?

    Wow! Are you people that stupid?

    Bas Rutten is training this guy. Do you think Bas would put his time and energy into a doper?

    Kimbo is the real deal. I am sure you 'd lose to him on youtube, too.

    This was Kimbo's 3rd proffessional MMA fight.

    And James Thompson is a tough guy, 6'5 365 lbs...

    Any of you who disrespect KIMBO, also disrepects Bas Rutten.

    And I can't believe any one thinks Bas Rutten is a joke.

    11 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Is there really a difference?

    Is there really a difference: When the other likes the other holding hands, it is called romantic,

    when the other is angry it is called controlling

    when the other likes the other telling eachother where you are going, with who, and what time you'll be back: it is call ed honest communication,

    but then when the other doesn't like the other: it is called controlling

    So, is there really a difference?

    Or what is really controlling behavior?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I live 5 blocks away and seen her a few times,but?

    but my wife who left the marriage and our daughter (over 1 year ago)and we have not seen eachother in over a year.

    I recently moved to a new area, and was completely surprised when I saw her. I was like NO WAY! ..

    I know she wasnt ignoring me, she just doesn't have a clue./ recognize me,

    Should I go out of my way, to say something to her?

    We are still married technically.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does any else notice that KOBE?

    goes to the free throw line like 20 times a game in these 2008 playoffs

    Is Kobe that good?

    Or are the ref's that bold?

    I for one think the ref's are that bold!

    18 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Did you know when parents have gone through a divorce, and?

    a court order has been placed for child custody, both parents must follow the order because it shows respect for the law, for eachother, and most of all for the children.

    AND when one parent wishes not to obey that court order that are teaching the children it is okay to break the law.

    And that the parents should immediately remind one another that it is a legal binding document enforcable by law.

    And could threaten the parents visitaiton in the future.

    Did you parents know this?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • She abandoned the marriage and our little?

    My estranged wife abandoned the marriage and our 10 month old.

    I have not seen her in over a year, and have not had any contact from her in over 4 months.


    1,Should I be worried? Like maybe something bad has happened to her?

    2, Is she just that selfish and not into being a mother for our child?

    3. Should I pursue a court action to make her pay child support?

    4. Or is it really better not too?

    Your mature feed back is appreciated.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can I sue an organization or company for....?

    Can I sue a company or organization for discrimination for only taking applicates with a high G.P.A???

    2 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Do you realize it is not illegal immigration that is creating such a termiol in the USA?

    The real problem is the our Government and the people who we elect have agenda's with USA corporations. And whose primary objective is to the dollar. Not the USA citizens, not our USA Nation but to the bottom line PROFIT.

    United Airlines, the entire call center is in India

    Detoriot Auto Industry has been relocated to China, and India

    (Thanks Japanese Automakers for leaving Toyota)

    Walmart- 88% percent of the store inventory stock is manufactured in China.

    Stop voting for the Mainstream canindates, whose political ties are the the Corporations and Insurance companies.

    STOP SHOPPING AT THE HUGE SUPER STORES, go to the local guy.


    TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY and welcome the immigrants whose dreams are like yours and mine.

    AND get angry with the our government.

    What are your suggestions?

    19 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • What is my next career objective?

    I have a BSBA, 4 years exp. as an Asst. GM of a small motel property, and 8 years exp. teaching ESL in Asia. 2 yrs. Asst. GM of an entertainment bar, and 4 years as a framer in construction.

    I live in Asia, and want to return to the states. But, I am stumped as to want career options I have.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • What is efor my next career objective?

    I have a BSBA, 4 years exp. as an Asst. GM of a small motel property, and 8 years exp. teaching ESL in Asia. 2 yrs. Asst. GM of an entertainment bar, and 4 years as a framer in construction.

    I live in Asia, and want to return to the states. But, I am stumped as to want career options I have.

    Any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • If a woman accepts an invitation to a mans hotel room after midnight hours ...?

    If a woman accepts an invitation to a mans hotel room after midnight hours has she all ready decided to have sex with him that night?

    12 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago