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Lv 123 points

Arnold Weebu

Favorite Answers19%
  • How will my blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate change?

    I have to do an assignment in which i do easy/light exercises for 30 days, and as part of the information on the log sheet, i have to put down my BP, pulse rate, and respiration rate before and after each exercise for the 30 day period. I wont be doing more than a repetition of 10 for any exercise and to give you an idea of how the exercises are, one of them is doing "hip abduction for Right and left leg". So what I want to know, is how can I expect these 3 things to change over time (will the # increase or decrease for BP, pulse rate, and RR and how much of a difference will it be). Can I get some rough estimates, lets say for example my first day today I have a pre exercise pulse of 65, what would be a "realistic" # for my pre and post after doing hip abduction for repetitions of 10 by the 30th day? Any help is appreciated.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • Increase or reduce cortisol to reduce stress?

    It seems pretty obvious and the consensus is that when stress goes up, cortisol goes up. But then I started to think about it (pretty sure i'm overthinking and why Im second guessing myself), that the release of Cortisol is a response in order to try and reduce stress, so I started to think then, that if that is the case wouldn't increasing Cortisol actually reduce stress levels? Again, maybe I am over thinking it cuz i initially understood why reducing cortisol would reduce stress. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    Mental Health3 years ago
  • Examples of weekly workout regiments?

    I have two questions:

    First I was hoping some of you guys could post your day-to-day workout regiment, like what specific exercises (by name) do you do, how many sets for each, how long is your total workout, and what days do you rest. The more detailed the better, whatever I like I may try to incorporate it into my own regiment.

    Second question, is how do you figure out how many sets to do with a particular exercise. For example, lets say I am starting to bench press a new amount of weight, lets say 110lb (don't know how much I do, its just an ex) and I only get to 5 lifts as the very maximum before I can't do any more, does that mean I should do like 3 sets of 5 or should it actually be less than 5 lifts? The reason I ask is because by the second time I'd try to lift I may actually be too tired out to reach 5 not to mention by the 3rd lift. So how do ppl typically figure out how many to do?

    Thank You

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Is there an alarm app even more intense than "Alarmy" app?

    I have searched before but maybe something new has come out that I don't know about that maybe some of you do. I am looking for an alarm clock app that has many of the features that "Alarmy" does one thing in particular that is very important. The alarm app has to have an option in the setting to disable an emergency dismiss button once the alarm goes off AND the phone can not be shut off if you choose to have that option toggled on in the settings. Those two features are paramount, if it doesn't have those two I am not really interested. Any help would be appreciated and I look forward to seeing if anyone knows of any alarm app that may have those features.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Is there a very easy to understand website that can make apps?

    So I am looking for a website in which you can pay someone to create an app. My friend who did computer science or computer engineering (something like that) mentioned a site called "Freelancer" and so I tried that. For one, since I am not a computer saavy person, and I am unfamiliar with how the whole transaction works between this kind of thing, I was hesitant to actually pay anyone on there unless I could confirm that it was legitimate and it was quite confusing. Even that same friend had a little trouble understanding it, and the biggest problem was, is I want to have alarm clock app made with some specific features, really nothing complicated, but the few offers that I got, the people wanted to charge anywhere from $1000-$2000 to do it. Not only would I not be able to pay that (currently a broke college student with only a part time job) but my friend told me that no way is the work for that app worth that much. He had offered to maybe try and see if he could make me the app, but he is busy at work at a full time job and so I decided to see if I can find some other site. I really really want this app made and if anyone on here knows of any other sites that can offer a similar service, I would greatly appreciate the help.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerOther - Computers3 years ago
  • Are there any medical savings plan if I don t have health insurance?

    So I currently don t have Dental or Medical insurance. But I initially found various results of things called "dental savings plans" because i searched for dental stuff first considering it is a higher priority at the moment (i have a lot of teeth i need to take care of) and my boss even suggested what he had used when he didn t have Dental insurance (Aetna dental savings plan) so i am looking into that. But so now what I want to know is if there are similar savings plans for medical care, like for a seeing a regular dr. I did a brief search online but I don t seem to be coming across the same kind of results I did when i searched for dental saving plans. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersDental3 years ago
  • Little slightly painful bump on the back of my left tonsil?

    So I have this little slightly painful bump that keeps appearing and then disappearing on my left tonsil (I say where my left tonsil would be because I technically had them removed when I was like 10). I am not too worried about what it is, but if any one has any ideas of what it could be, its cause, and how to maybe help stop its reappearing, I d really appreciate it.

    Thank you

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions3 years ago
  • Is windows speech recognition hard to use?

    I want to try using it, but seeing as i'm not a tech saavy guy, and I don't really know how it works, I'm afraid that it will set every thing to speech recognition on my PC interface and then when I want to return the settings to the way things were before (prior to setting up the windows speech recognition) it will be hard to do. I don't even know if that's what happens when you try to set it up, but I am just saying if that is what its like, I don't want to be tinkering around for like half an hour trying to get things back to normal. Any help would be greatly appreciated with this.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Which free online speech-to-text software will give the best results?

    I only very briefly used an online speech to text software (site) called

    and while it did work (sort of) there were many words it did not recognize when I was speaking into my laptop (i guess it has a built in mic) and then other times the recording would just kind of freeze even tho the recording button showed as if it were still recording. I would have to keep turning off the record button and starting it again, but as i already said, it would not recognize many words. So i guess the two main things im looking for in regards to a speech to text software, is one that will recognize the majority of what im saying (at least like 90 percent) and if i should buy a mic even tho my lap top must have a built in one (I think) and whether it will make a difference. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Question about echoic memory?

    As i understand it, echoic memory is memory gained through our auditory senses. I want to use a specific scenario in figuring out how good echoic memory is for long term memory by comparing it against an other methods and I want to know which will retain the information longer.

    Lets say you are trying to remember i don't know, like 5 relatively detailed pieces of information about the heart. The first method (echoic memory) is that you ONLY have someone repeat that exact information out loud to you (you yourself do not repeat the information out loud, only listen) The second method is you repeat the information out loud every day.

    Here are the 3 things I want to know, which method will help you remember the information better RIGHT AFTER learning it, which one will stay in your memory more clearly in the LONG term. And how good is echoic memory for memory in GENERAL. I am very interested in this and I really appreciate any help.

    Thank You

    Psychology3 years ago
  • How do I order just one item from my amazon cart?

    There are multiple items in my amazon cart, but I specifically only want to order one item from the cart at the moment, how do I do that without deleting the other items from the cart. I am using my sister's account so I can't just take the items away and I don't want to bother her about it. Any help would be appreciated it.

    Thank You

    3 AnswersYahoo Shopping3 years ago
  • I don't want to do freelance writing, how can I become a writer for a news media outlet?

    I like writing, and doing research writing but I don't want to do freelance writing. I'd much really rather have a writing job that is a full time position writing for a magazine or some news media outlet online. Since I am not too familiar ( I could be wrong I guess) with everything in the writing career, I don't know if the writers of some of these examples are freelancers or they actually have full time positions. Like the writers for National Geographic, Times magaizine, Yahoo, Huffington Post, etc. How hard is it to get permanent full time positions doing the type of writing I am seeking and what search words can I use on sites like careerbuilder, indeed, etc cuz i have tried to search and I can't seem to find exactly what I am looking for. Any help is appreciated.

    Thank You

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors3 years ago
  • are there any good forums for depression?

    I am look for a forum for depression that is fairly active. I was going to make an account on one that is called "" but i never got around to it, and I'm not sure if that is just anxiety or depression as well, if anyone can confirm if that site also talks about issues of depression that would be nice only cuz im more familiar with that site's interface. But i'm just looking for any depression forum that is fairly active. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    2 AnswersMental Health3 years ago
  • Is there an alarm clock app that has these two features?

    1. the feature to turn off emergency dismiss

    2. and the feature to prevent phone turn off

    I initially used an app called "Alarmy" and that worked wonders, it was literally the only thing that has been able to wake me up at the time I wanted to for the first time in many many years (no exaggeration). The reason being is because it had the feature to prevent phone turn off, and it forced me to answer math problems in order to turn off the alarm. Unfortunately, when I discovered that it had an emergency dismiss button (by accident actually), I now naturally always do that in order to turn off the alarm and so I don't wake up. So the emergency dismiss thing is what really screwed me over. Then i read online about an app called "alarm clock plus" and that had the feature to prevent emergency dismiss, but NOT the feature to prevent phone turn off. I need both, i honestly don't need a list of other alternative ways to wake up,believe me, i have tried most things (multiple alarms, sonic boom alarm clock, alarm clock on other side of house) and nothing works. Plz, if anyone knows of an alarm clock app that has these two features, id really appreciate the help.

    Thank You

    1 AnswerSoftware3 years ago
  • Practice quiz questions about blood type, agglutination and Rh Factor?

    So there are some practice questions about agglutination I am not quite understanding. If i understand correctly, agglutination happens when a blood type receives a blood type that it does not naturally accept i.e. has antibodies for. So for example, Blood type A has antigen surface markers for A and antibodies for Blood type B. That is pretty much the extent of my knowledge on this whole matter. I don t know the difference or why someone has Blood type A negative or positive and I don t understand the results to his questions I will post below. Try not to make it too detailed or complicated, for now I just need to understand how to come to the conclusion/answer he has for these questions. The questions are based off of an assignment we did were we put a liquid (each labeled with just a letter) in individual petri dishes, and then another liquid ( "antiserum" i think) and observe which liquids coagulated. Also in the question, the term "well" just means petri dish pretty much. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1) clumping (agglutination) occurs when you add the antibodies to the Rh well

    but does NOT clump in the A well or the B well? Ans. = O+ (O pos)

    2) clumping (agglutination) occurs when you add the antibodies to the Rh well and the A well and the B well? Ans. = AB+ (AB pos)

    3)clumping (agglutination) occurs when you add the antibodies to the Rh well and the A well and the B well? Ans. = AB+ (AB pos)

    1 AnswerBiology3 years ago
  • Can someone explain to me what exact health benefits Alkaline water has?

    I did not want to do a lot of in-depth research into the matter and have only briefly looked at other similarly posted questions but they all seem a little vague. All I understand is that Alkaline water means that is in the alkaline range of the pH scale (more than 7), 7 being neutral and below 7 is acidic. But again, I don't know what proposed health benefits it has. That being said, on a separate note, is there any such thing as Acidic water being sold commercially like Alkaline, I've only ever seen Alkaline water before and it sparked my curiosity as to whether the opposite was true and if so, would acidic water have any positive health benefits or no? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness3 years ago
  • Does my laptop have a built in microphone through the speakers and a default recording program?

    I mean laptops in general, but was wondering for my laptop if it has a microphone built in cuz i know my desktop doesn't. My specific laptop is an Acer Aspire btw. Also I have been looking for a recording program (preferably free like Audacity, altho haven't used it in many years) that can meet the criteria I am looking for. That being said, I was wondering if computers in general come with some kind of default recording program that I may not be aware of. If not, then I was hoping some of you may be able to give some idea for some different programs, I am definitely not looking for a complex program that is very detailed with lots of "bells and whistles" so to speak. I am just looking for a program that can do the following:

    1. Record and name files and then put them into a named folder.

    2. Be able to play one folder after another automatically, in other words, when all the files have been played in a folder, it automatically can start playing the files of the next folder in sequential order.

    3. This one is prob the most important, I need a program that can play the order of files backwards, so files numbered 1-10, I need it to play starting from file 10 and going backwards.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks3 years ago
  • How do i upgrade my Windows 7 Home premium service pack 1 to service pack 2?

    I bought a new wireless adapter from Netgear N600 dual band. But when I tried to install the CD, I kept getting this message that said "The procedure entry point BeleaseStgMedium could not be located in the dynamic link library OLE32.dll". So I called the technical support, and the lady said that it was not installing because for Windows 7, it is only compatible with service pack 2 and i have service pack 1. I asked how do i do that, so she gave me a # to microsoft tech support, the first time, the guy accidentally hung up on me, the second time, the guy responded to the initial thing I said, but then I couldn't hear him any more, kept saying "hello" but no response so I hung up. Anyways, I briefly searched online and people are saying that there is no service pack 2 or maybe that is not the name it goes by, but the tech support for netgear told me that is why the CD isn't running. So what do I do? How do I upgrade my service pack? Any help is appreciated

    Thank You

    2 AnswersSoftware3 years ago
  • Why isn't my new Netgear USB adapter CD installing?

    So I bought a brand new Netgear Wireless adapter N600 Dual Band and the CD isn't installing. When I put it in, the little window that usually will pop up to auto run comes up and I click it but then nothing happens. So i read the booklet, and it said if nothing comes up, then try browsing the files on the program and double click the "autorun.exe" file, which doesn't do anything, it is the "autostart.exe" that should, but when I click it, i get this message "The procedure entry point BeleaseStgMedium could not be located in the dynamic link library OLE32.dll". Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank You

    3 AnswersComputer Networking3 years ago
  • What is the easiest way to separate the egg white from the yolk?

    It can be the easiest way or just different ways really. When I did a very brief search I vaguely read about some kind of method where you somehow let the egg drain on your hand or something, I don't know, but I don't want egg all over my hand. How does an egg separator tool work? I read that you can maybe crack an egg and like keep moving the yolk from one half of the shell to the other or something but if the yolk breaks than you are kind of screwed and will need a new one. I am also assuming you can also separate it after you actually cook the egg, i imagine if you do sunny side up style you just cut the white part around the yolk, and if you hard boil it, how the heck do you separate that? I am guessing maybe the separator tool is just the easiest possibly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes3 years ago