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Lv 725,385 points


Favorite Answers80%

Free software is the best! Especially if it's made by communities and not companies. But please please make sure it's safe, don't just download from anywhere! The biggest collection of open-source stuff is at SourceForge and there are tons of trusted reviews at C|Net's Downloads section. But don't take my word for it. Ask your own resident computer nerd, look around Google. And don't trust every quick fix you hear about... for your computer's sake @_@

  • Are these messages some kind of Craigslist scam?

    I recently listed a couple of items on Craigslist and received the following messages, almost all at the same time in the morning:

    "To be able to affirm u r not a bogus, respond with [my original post title] in subject line to my e-mail addy - [censored]"

    "To be able to reveal you're not a phony, reply back to me with [my original post title] in subject line to my email addy - [censored]"


    "To show you are too email me with [my original post title] in subject line to my email addy-[censored]"

    These look like spam, but why were they sent exactly?

    5 AnswersOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Storage people won't return my stuff?! ?

    About a year ago I put most of my belongings into storage before leaving college, being assured by the mover that I would be able to get them shipped to me if I didn't return.

    So for about that past year, I've been negotiating on and off to get those things shipped. When I can reach the owner of the storage facility, he says it can be done but usually concludes by saying it's very busy and I should call back in three days. The rest of the time, almost all the time, I get an overburdened answering machine.

    What do, guys? I don't want to send this guy over the edge (because I'd like my stuff back in one piece), and money isn't an object about getting things sent over.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Is it legal to dispose of somebody else's property, even if they live in the same household? ?

    A child of age is living with their parents. Child gets something the parents disagree with (porn, cigarettes, etc). Parents find and dispose of it.

    Now, say these disposed items were of relatively significant value ($100 total), and legal for said child to obtain. Would parents owe child money for destroying these items? If so, why?

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Are there any R-rated movies that won't offend my parents?

    So I'm looking to sneak an R-rated movie into our home that doesn't offend my parents. Well, more my dad, who's a fan of action-adventure. I figure violence (as long as it's not gore) tends to go pretty far, although he doesn't like long strings of swear words or sexual content either... yeah.

    Equilibrium is my first choice unless you guys can suggest something "cleaner."

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • How can you avoid losing legal custody of a child if...?

    In this case, I know a girl who's homeschooled, lives in Canada. Her mother's sick enough that the government wants to put her into foster care.

    Is there a way to get around that? Or, at least where would I start looking for information about that?

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How do you cite a source that cites a source?

    I'm working on a paper that requires a heavy amount of citations (as part of the grade). I've run up into a problem and it's making me wonder: How do you parenthetically cite a source, that parenthetically cites another source? E.G. how would you cite a document that said

    "Tezuka's aspiration... visual sophistication into the world of manga (Schodt 233)."

    Would you include the cited article as another source? Would you say that the article quoted Schodt, even though it used a paraphrase?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • How do I infect myself with spyware?

    Sounds like a stupid question, but I want to set up a few things like a hosts file attack and other spyware to see how well different antivirus programs (namely Avast, MalwareBytes, and Hitman Pro) treat them. And how easy/hard it is to remove them manually... in other words, I want practice. I've seen them but generally when I need them they're impossible to find. -_-

    Where can I find quarantined copies of spyware, or is that too ethically questionable?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • IP Addresses inside/outside LAN?

    If I have a computer with access to the Internet via LAN, do I have an IP address outside the LAN too? I know there's one I can use for the computer on the inside (and it starts 10.x.x.x) but is there always an IP address I can use to access it from external sources?

    5 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is my username a vain one?

    I know it sticks out in a crowd of "average Joe" usernames but does it come across as too narcissistic? I have my own reason for keeping it (it has some strong meaning to me not including Transformers) but I've gotten a few negative comments about it.


    2 AnswersMy Yahoo1 decade ago

    He's running around and telling people to install what's probably a virus, everywhere. For your own safety, do not download and run that file.

    (And now you can yell at me for not asking a question.)

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • I loved Repo the Genetic Opera. What next?

    The movie was great, the soundtrack was great. So anybody have recommendations on music that sounds Repo-esque, or what genre that is? Or movie suggestions?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I know a doctor who...?

    I know a doctor who delivered 20 babies but they all died. Is this because babies can't live without their livers?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • "I have a virus" spammers?

    Have you noticed it too? Someone asks a question like, "I was using my computer and suddenly it told me to download an antivirus program and now I can't go to google," and immediately someone comes back with "Go to such and such shady website and download something that probably will make your computer worse."

    Are these real people posting? Are they advanced bots (like the ones on IRC)? Are they foreigners trying to advance their online/international reputations (seeing as most of the sites have hideous English)?

    Sorry I'm posting this in "Security" but I expect that one or two people will respond with a URL for me to download some antivirus software.

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Can people be banned for "question farming?"?

    I don't know if it's a computer program or just a copy/paste technique, but people around here (who I won't mention) will post the same answer, regardless of whether it's helpful, that points to a shady website with stolen sources.

    So when a person asks for anything regarding a virus, the person responds, "You should download **** and scan to see more go to *****(his site; partially in a foreign language)"

    On rare occasions I will copy and paste my answers from my own pool of information, especially if it's something tedious like restarting a computer in safe mode. But I tailor it towards my audience. So...

    1) Is "question farming" wrong and reportable?

    2) Is what I'm doing fitting in the same category?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are the people who use Yahoo Answers ever going to learn to write their answer so that it will all fit into th?

    Are the people who use Yahoo Answers ever going to learn to write their answer so that it will all fit into the space for the question? Re-wording your question so it'll fit into the space given isn't that difficult, so why don't people try it?

    Food for thought.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why are these songs so similar?

    The first one is a real stretch, the second one is eerie, and the third one is almost identical. (And where did that trumpet intro come from?)

    System of A Down vs Deathnote (the random yelling)

    Repo vs Gasaraki (the girl's voice/style)

    Reel Big Fish vs Nanaka 6/17 (Who stole the opening solo from who?)

    1 AnswerComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Best Answer over 100%?

    I know that it's crazy to see someone with a best answer that's up there, but I just saw someone with a 200% ratio and -3 answers. I would tell you guys more but every time I click his username I get an error.

    How is this possible?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Songs in 5/4 time? that sound good?

    How many others are there?

    Like this... 5/4 is a pretty weird time signature.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What are the dumbest ads around the Internet?

    I use Adblock Plus so I don't see them unless I'm using Chrome or a kiosk... but I'd really just like to find/compile them. Like the Obama Moms ads, or this one:

    Please post their URLs for our viewing pleasure... thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago