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My dog has the runs!?
My 1yr old Shitzu Mr.Vegas has been in the yard eating acorns. I try to stop him when I catch him but if no ones staring he will eat them. Is there anything I can do or buy that will prevent this?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoToo many cars in Trinidad?
Does anyone else feel the same way? I just came back from Bermuda last week and is one car per household and their public transportation system is pretty easy to navigate. Alot of mopeds however but not alot of traffic.
7 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoShortest route from Pittsburgh PA to Stafford VA?
Yahoo and Google maps are telling me 5 and a half hrs, anyone know of a quicker way?
3 AnswersOther - United States1 decade agoWhy won't she payback the loan?
My husband and I loaned my cousin a large sum of money(depending on where you worked it could be a pay check) about two months ago. I told her before sending the money that I expected payment by November 15th. I told her she did not have to pay it all at one time but she would need to send at least 1/4th of it. I had been speaking to her up until the first of this month. Long story short I find out her number has been changed and we have exchanged e-mails several times and she has not offered her new number or has even mentioned she changed it. I am feeling very offended and I really don't want money to tear us apart. I sent her a very long email explaining I was hurt and that I did not appreciate her avoiding me. My husband has been patient but he feels betrayed also. What should I do?
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoWhy is Dwight Yorke ignoring little Harvey?
According to Jordan or Katie Price(whatever you want to call her) Dwight has not seen his kid in over a year. Do you think he's ashamed that he even got that train wreck preggers in the first place? Dwight if ur reading this please go see ur kid and save him from his mom and her husband.
5 AnswersEnglish Football (Soccer)1 decade agoWhat's with this censorship in Trinbago?
Manning more worried about a talk show host than what's really going on. Who is he Saddam? Allyuh think the reporters will watch what they sayin now?
6 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoAnyone remember these commercials?
Wow these clips took me back. I was crying because they were so old school(funny looking) and crying because I MISS those days.
Ahhhh memories. Anyway who's making Ponche Creme for the Holidays?
5 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoWhere is Caylee Anthony?
Do you think her mother Casey did it? Poor child, they have to find her soon.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAnybody else glad it's Friday? Good because I have a joke for you!?
USA: Baby, can i holla at you for a sec?
Tnt:Pssssssssssst, darky.............. family!
USA: Aren't those pants a bit short?
TnT: Yuh expekin flood or wha?
USA: Sir, please don't throw my luggage like that.
TnT: Buh wha trouble is dis? Boy stop flingin meh grip so.
USA: Lift the hood of the car for me John.
TnT: Yute-man, fly de bonnet nuh!
USA: I love you girl.
TnT: Ah rell check fuh yuh, yuh done know.
USA: Oh the poor little boy is handicap.
TnT: Look at de lil invalid...
USA: It's time for a perm.
TnT: Gyul, yuh head need straightenin bad. Yuh doh see all de gren-gren showin.
USA: I have a stomach ache.
TnT: Oh gorm.............. meh belly gripein meh.
USA: He has no manners.
TnT: He doh have no broughtupcy.
USA: WOW!........... he has such a bad body odor
TnT: Yuh doesn't bade?....... oh shims man...... yuh smellin stink!
USA: Josh is suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder.
TnT: Dat chile too dam harden.
USA: He has a touch of Dyslexia.
TnT: He duncee fuh so.
USA: I need a bottle of Pepto-Bismol... my stomach hurts.
TnT: Ah need ah purge bad... ah cork up.
USA: It's been a long time since I've seen you girl.
TnT: A.. A...! You still alive gyul?
USA: Oh my goodness, we have lost electricity.
TnT: Jeezanages!!...... current gorn again..
USA: Here Kitty kitty.. get down from the roof.
TnT: Ey yuh ole dutty stinkin cyat, come off de bleddy gyalvanize
8 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoWho want ah piece of pork for dey Christmas?
Less than two months to go......who ready?
6 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoI see Julien back on de scene?
How was de big day for the Mr and Mrs??
9 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoWho is it?? Who do you think it is?
Is Wendy talking about Kelis and Nas? I think so............
4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoWas I wrong to stop talking to my supposed best friend?
I had a friend that I knew since 3rd grade and I stop talking to her a few months back. Long story short we have always been different and hung in different circles but we enjoyed hanging out with each other, I stop talking to her just before our 30th B-days(we are a day apart, her's falls first). I notice the last couples of years she has turned into a negative person and the last straw for me was when my husband and I was going through rough patch and I would talk to her about it and she would just say to leave him, he's this , he's that(almost like she was jealous) and if you don't leave him alone ur stupid etc.She's almost like a Debbie Downer type when it came to my husband who she's never hung out with cause I moved away from my home state. I just stop talking to her all together cuz I really did not want the negativity. My husband says it's because she's not married and she wants everyone else to be miserable. It's been 4 months and I have not spoken to her. Am I wrong?
2 AnswersFriends1 decade agoWhere were you on this day September 11th 2001?
I was living in New Jersey at the time. I had just dropped my son off to preschool and I was turning the radio to Kroc to hear Howard Stern. Howard was talking to Ralph on the phone when Ralph all of a sudden says a plane just hit the World Trade Center, I gotta go! Then he hung up. I was still in disbelief thinking it was a joke of some sort. I had a job interview at 10 that morning so I went to that and after I was driving home and their was still so much commotion on the radio. I decided to go see my friend who lived in a high rise at the time. From my friends window you could see the whole NYC skyline and as I went to there apartment I started realize what had happened and as I stared out the window I was in tears. Thank god the three people who I knew that would normally be in that area on a weekday some how did not make it to work that day.
13 AnswersNew York City1 decade agoWas the shutdown a success?
Did the government recognize people were trying to take a stand? Did the media take notice?
6 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoHow much to feed Betta fish?
My son now has a Betta fish and I am not sure how much we should be feeding it. It is about 2 1/2 in long from mouth to tail. I have been putting just a pinch of food (flakes)in his tank. The fish will eat a few flakes then stop, how much should I be feeding him?
11 AnswersFish1 decade agoWho's more annoying?
DJ Clue or DJ Kaled, talking over the damn songs........
12 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade agoFavorite Trini fruit?
De section lookin kinda bare so I say lemme ask allyuh a question. What's yuh fav Trini/Caribbean fruit. Mines is Pommerac followed by Cashew fruit. I remember my cousin who had a cashew tree used to say don't eat dem before dey get ripe cause yuh could get tounge tie. Who else hear dat one?
14 AnswersTrinidad & Tobago1 decade agoAny 3rd Base fans out there?
Ok everyone has seen Search on the White Rapper show and on the other one with the females(I forget the name, who won that anyway?) but where is Pete Nice and his throne???? I think he should have had a verse on Nas's Where are they now joint LOL!!
4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago