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Lv 2457 points

Markass Brownley

Favorite Answers19%

I have uhhhhhhh... Issues with uhhhhhh. JUST ANSWER MY QUESTIONS TO FIND OUT WHAT MY ISSUES ARE, DUHH!

  • What is something cute i can say to ask this girl to be my girlfriend?

     I need a good thing to say to this girl when i ask her to be my girlfriend. I want to tell her today, but Im just scared that if i ask her she will say no and we wont be able to be friends anymore, also should I talk to her dad about it before I ask her? I would like her dads approval before I tell her how I feel, so when i ask her, he will be cool with it.

    Singles & Dating4 weeks ago
  • What is something cute i can say when i ask this girl to be my girlfriend?

    I need a good thing to say to this girl when i ask her to be my girlfriend. I want to tell her today, but Im just scared that if i ask her she will say no and we wont be able to be friends anymore, also should I talk to her dad about it before I ask her, I would like her dads approval before I tell her how I feel, so when i ask her he will be cool with it.

    Singles & Dating4 weeks ago
  • How do I ask this girl out?

    I need a good thing to say to this girl when i ask her to be my girlfriend. I want to tell her today, but Im just scared that if i ask her she will say no and we wont be able to be friends anymore, also should I talk to her dad abiut it before I ask her out, I would like her dads approval before I tell her how I feel, so when i ask her he will be cool with it.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 weeks ago
  • How can I become friends with my crush's dad. We live in the same neighborhood?

    We live in the same neighborhood, and I visit her often, and I see her parents multiple times, but all her family likes me...

    Except for her dad. 

    I think he is a cool guy and would like to, the only way i could put it is, become friends with him. I am a boy that cares about respect, and i want to show him, I have respect for him, but don't know how I could. I understand that a girls dad is prone to hating a boy, and I don't want a girls, that could be my girlfriend in the future, dad to hate me. So, what can I try saying to him?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • I really love this girl, but there is a problem. Any help?

    Me and this girl live in the same neighborhood, we go and hang out every Sunday. If we don't have school, we go hang out more than usual, like in the summer. Her mom likes me a lot, and so does her aunt. I try to be very respectful to her parents, but her sister told me that her dad doesn't trust me. I really want to earn his respect, but I just don't know how. I love all of their family, even the dog, but their dad just doesn't trust me. I already know how it with girls dads and trust, but I would rather not have him hate me. Her dad is actually really cool, and, in my opinion, a lot like my step dad. I really don't want to tell her how i feel, and then her dad punch me in the face. 

    I turned 15 in august and she turns 14 in a month and a half

    Family3 months ago
  • I really like this girl, but she gives really weird signals. ?

    I was walking to her house, (we live in same neighborhood), and when she saw me she quickly turned her bicycle around, and pretended not to see me. Then she comes and talks to me when she comes back t her aunt. (I was asking her aunt where she was.)

    We were at a park and i pushed her on a tire swing, then she asked me, "why do you always come to push me when i get on here?" I said, "I don't know"

    i'm 15 shes 13. she is turning 14 in a month, just thought i should add that.

    she acts like making physical contact with each other is weird, and i know its not because of covid, because, neither of us take covid precautions when with each other, and  also, she did this before covid.

    all of this has only been in the past few weeks. she has never acted like it before.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • I really love this girl, but there is a problem. Amy help?

    Me and this girl live in the same neighborhood, we go and hang out every Sunday. If we don't have school, we go hang out more than usual, like in the summer. Her mom likes me a lot, and so does her aunt. I try to be very respectful to her parents, but her sister told me that her dad doesn't trust me. I really want to earn his respect, but I just don't know how. I love all of their family, even the dog, but their dad just doesn't trust me. I already know how it with girls dads and trust, but I would rather not have him hate me. Her dad is actually really cool, and, in my opinion, a lot like my step dad. I really don't want to tell her how i feel, and then her dad punch me in the face. 

    5 AnswersFamily3 months ago
  • Would it be weird if I dated this girl?

    She is going to be 14 on March 15 and I turned 15 on august 3rd. She is very mature and has gone through puberty already.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Would it be okay to date this girl?

    She is going to be 14 on March 15 and I turned 15 on august 3rd

    Singles & Dating3 months ago
  • Would it be okay to date this girl?

    She is going to be 14 on March 15 and I turned 15 on august 3rd.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating3 months ago
  • Would it be weird for me to date this girl?

    She is 13 and i am 15. 1 year 7 month gap. I did research and online it says many relationships have a 2 year age gap. 

    Singles & Dating4 months ago
  • Would it be weird for me to date this girl?

    She is 13 and i am 15. 1 year 7 month gap.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • What should I get my crush for Christmas?

    I want to get my crush something for Christmas, but I want it to be a light sign. I don't want to give her flowers and stuff because it will be too obvious. I just want to show her I care, but not be obvious that I have a crush on her! She said she wants a hoodie, but never told me what kind she wanted.

    Singles & Dating4 months ago
  • Do I have a chance with her?

    There was this cute girl at lunch, and I was like, "see that cute girl?". My friend said, "yeah I know her, you tryna get with her?". I wasn't sure at first. I never talked to this girl before, so I don't know her at all. Not even her name. My friend was like, "Brooo come no it wouldn't hurt to try!". So I had him ask if she was single, and when he did, she said, "yes, why?". He said, "One of my friends think your cute!". He wouldnt tell her who it was, but at lunch she walked up to him, asking him about it, then he darted his had back and forth between me and her a couple times, and i was like, "AYYYY WASSUP." Then I told her my name. At the end of the talk, I was like, "yo, can I get your number?". She said, "Sure, well actually, do you have snapchat?". I told her no. She said, "Ill give Brandon(my friend who helped me out with her), my phone number to give to you. I was confused on why she didn't just give it to me there, but could I have a chance, if, she actually does give me her number.

     Btw I forgot to say, I did ask what her name was, and she told me.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • I need some tips?

    My friend wants to introduce me to this girl. The reason; well, at lunch today, me and my friend we're playing around talking about girls. I saw t

    his one girl, and this is how it played out.

    Me: See that one girl sitting with the JROTC kids? She's pretty cute. 

    Him:The one over there?


    Him: Oh yeah I know her, that's Haley.

    Me(Jokingly): Is she single?!

    Him: I don't know, I can ask her if you want, i'm friends with her.

    Me: Nah, I was just joking.

    After school, we were talking on the phone, and he brought that girl up. We were talking about pretty girls at our school. He asked me what I would rate her                 (the cute girl at lunch) 1-10. This is the rest.

    Me: I don't know, 7? 8? Actually nah, 7.5! 

    Him: Dude, you should let me introduce you to her.

    Me: Dude! She's way out of my league! Your tryna hook up a 4 with a 7.5!

    Him:You think your a 4?

    Me: YESSIR!

    Him: Okay

    Me: Do you want to introduce me to her? 

    Him: Sure

    So now, i'm trying to set a good first impression on her. She is hella cute, so, ya know. Ya gotta try really hard. I asked another question, which was about if girls liked it when you made eye contact with them, and a bunch of girls answered it and were saying, yes, they love it! I just want some extra advice that could be in that same kind of category, or what I could say to her when I meet her. Would she like it if I told her she was cute, or complimented her? I know some girls don't like you doing that right when you meet them!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 months ago
  • What can I do to try getting a pretty girl to like me, even though i'm ugly, and her dad doesn't like me, but her mom does like me?

    We live in the same neighborhood. We ride bikes together, I just turned 15, and she just turned 14. We don't go to school together. We used to see each other a lot, but now we can only see each other on Sundays. 

    Also, I never said "Make her like me"..... I said what can I do to get a girl to like me, as in, how can I try. I really like this girl! I'm sad that I can only see her once a week. As of now, its been 2 weeks since we last visited each other! Her dad said not to come on weeks we have school, and her dad is only at home on Saturday. 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 months ago