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I'm 26, a Pre Operation Male 2 Female Transsexual living in Rockhampton Queensland Australia i am on hormones so I am a bit more then moody sometimes I have been x-dressing for many years and now I am doing what I should have years ago Messenger me or e-mail me if you want to (just leave a off line message) but i am not here for on line sex or to see naked pictures of men or women so don't send them to me but if I don't answer straight away don't be up set I am busy and sometimes it is hard to get back to everyone sorry but i do try You can go to my 360 account I am not there much either. Good luck Remember Love has no boundaries Age Race Gender or Disability

  • Transsexual Immigration Marriage Question? Aus and UK?

    I am a Male to Female Pre Op Transsexual

    In love with a man in england who I meet on the internet

    we are only talking it up

    but i am very interested by what our options are as a couple

    I live in Australia, I am Pre operation transsexual which means I am legally male here,

    and as it stands a male can not marry another male dispite what ever I look and feel i am.

    when I have my operation, i can change my status to female and be able to marry a male by Australian law. but does that cover integration and our being able to stay together in Australia or our possible immigration to england


    i try to go to England get married to my partner under the same sex marriage law there (may be called something different)

    but i worry about it covering the immigration marriage thing in England and Australia and later having operation.

    if any one knows the answer to this

    or could help me find the people to ask

    please answer

  • Transsexual Immigration Marriage Question? Aus and UK?

    I am a Male to Female Pre Op Transsexual

    In love with a man in england who I meet on the internet

    we are only talking it up

    but i am very interested by what our options are as a couple

    I live in Australia, I am Pre operation transsexual which means I am legally male here,

    and as it stands a male can not marry another male dispite what ever I look and feel i am.

    when I have my operation, i can change my status to female and be able to marry a male by Australian law. but does that cover integration and our being able to stay together in Australia or our possible immigration to england


    i try to go to England get married to my partner under the same sex marriage law there (may be called something different)

    but i worry about it covering the immigration marriage thing in England and Australia and later having operation.

    if any one knows the answer to this

    or could help me find the people to ask

    please answer

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • If we were to write a gay bible/ rewrite the fiction book too cover equality for sex gender race & difference?

    If we were to write a gay bible,or rewrite the fiction book too cover equality for sex gender race & difference between ever person

    What do you think we should put in it ?

    lies about the current world leaders, religions or government


    love has no boundaries age sex gender race or disability

    or ...

    what do you think ?

    remember we have to be able to brain wash the world like the other bible does but with out the hate?

  • do you think age 12 is to young for this sort of group?

    the web site is called

    gay community for Australian youth

    it may be a good web site but

    i found the site though a myspace add / link on my home page

    so clicking on it i look at the sign on /in thing and

    it covers from age 12 to 22

    i got off the site then as i am 26

    but then thought is 12 is a dangerous age for a site like that to cover

    i mean there is nothing stopping a forty year old pedifile getting on there and posting as a say 15 year old

    asking for a meeting or what ever

    so do you think there should be an age limit for things like that

    i mean i am trans-bi and i think a site like that may have helped a little in the past, however i also see it as a very dangerous site as well

    what do you think?

    should the site be on line?

    should the site have an older young age bracket say 16?

  • Transsexuals what do you feel is the most important information you need to ask your surgeon for, GRS?

    i am going to talk to my surgeon for the first time soon

    i have so many thoughts about the whole experience mostly good

    i have already researched the surgeon and made an appointment

    but i am unsure what are the important questions i need to ask them in the first meeting

    as i do not want to be walking out of the meeting going i should have asked this or that

    thank you for your help

  • About accidents and legal rights for a transsexual if unable to speak for them selves?

    There is no real easy way to ask this question so i am going to write it more like it is happening to me (which it is not)

    i just want to know what i could do to prevent this sort of thing

    i am a m2f pre op transsexual living and working as a female, i have already changed my name and i am on the way to becoming my true gender

    now say i had a car accident, and was hurt in a way i was un-able to communicate with doctors etc

    i have my mother come in that apposes my transsexualism

    and changes my name back to my male name and my life back to the male way, (against my wishes)

    What can i do to to stop this from happening and to make it so i am always treated as female with my female name in case of something happening like this

    and how would i go about trying to get this legally in place quickly

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • transgender question about accidents and legal rights if unable to speak for your self?

    There is no real easy way to ask this question so i am going to write it more like it is happening to me (which it is not)

    i just want to know what i could do to prevent this sort of thing

    i am a m2f pre op transsexual living and working as a female, i have already changed my name and i am on the way to becoming my true gender

    now say i had a car accident, and was hurt in a way i was un-able to communicate with doctors etc

    i have my mother come in that aposes my transsexualism

    and changes my name back to my male name and my life back to the male way, (against my wishes)

    what can i do to to stop this from happening and to make it so i am always treated as female with my female name in case of something happening like this

  • ok my odd question time again, do you fold your panties / underwear ?

    panties, undies, knickers, underwear, briefs, boxers, jocks

    or what ever you call them

    do you fold yours when putting into your draw

    or just shove them in

    or not even place in draw and leave on floor or in basket with the rest of your clothes and mess

    if we are getting personal how do you fold them as everyone is different

    I'm proving a point yet again about homosexual being normal

    if you would like to add your gender or sexuality go for it

    so we can make out what is normal

    so don't tell me this is in the wrong section and just answer the question

  • Do we as in the GLBTI have and anthem?

    We have the rainbow flag for GLBTI and

    We there is a blue and pink striped flag for transgender

    So like every nation/ group that has a flag

    Do we have an anthem or a song of praise or international hymn,

    for either the GLBTI ?

    or just the transgender?

    If not should we make one?

    And what should be the words if we did right one?

  • (About toilet paper)This is a poll to prove or disprove the difference of life styles?

    So answer if you are interested, male, female, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender,

    This might be seen as a fluff question but I am making a point to some people

    Which way do you put the roll of toilet paper on the wall hanger?

    *Over or

    *Under or

    *It does not matter to you and you just get it up there and not think about it


    What label do you put on your self to verify this poll, in the lifestyle differences?

    as in male, female, straight, transgender, gay, lesbian, intersexual,

  • (about showers) This is a poll to prove or disprove the difference of life styles in every one gay or not!?

    So please answer if you are interested,

    male, female, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender,

    This might be seen as a fluff question but I am making a point to some people

    There are lots of studies out there that are trying to work out the difference in peoples lives one I heard lately was in the difference between males and females

    In a shower which way do you face for the longest as in if you are just soaking it up?

    *A ‘MAN’ is said to face the shower head,

    *Where ‘WOMAN’ are said the face away from it

    There are many reasons for this to be proven wrong or right

    So the question is

    Which way do you face in the shower?


    What label do you put on your self to verify this poll, in the lifestyle differences?

    as in male, female, straight, transgender, gay, lesbian, intersexual,

  • is it possible for a transsexual to really be in love with another?

    is it possible?

    as i love, another TS

    and know everything about her

    like it is a core of the two of us, an understanding

    it is like we can finish each others sentences

    cheer each other up,

    educate each other

    and a whole heap more

    or is that a fake reality like i feel connected

    only as i see my self as them not with them

    am i reading it wrong?

    are there other Ts couples out there

    or is this just me on a crazy line of thinking again

  • i fell in love with someone on line, we will never meet,touch, but i feel like they are right here with me?

    I fell in love with someone on line, we will never meet,touch,

    but i feel like they are right here with me holding my heart to ransom,

    what the... do i do?

    *pack up or sell up move half way around the world be with them on a hope it works out


    *go on living as i am lonely miserable when i or they are not online


    *should i end the friendship and get off the net find a real person as in some one i can be with


    what else can i do?

    the saying love will find away seems to not be working

  • How easy is it to really switch off turn around and walk the other way when it comes to family being bigots?

    This question is to you people that have been kicked out or been thrown out of your family for being truthful to your family

    I thought it would always be easy to just turn off the emotion chip and just go on living on my own

    My family lied to my face saying it would all be ok everything would be fine

    And I let my guard down and

    Well after tonight I have been kicked out of the family

    Who do you trust when can not even trust your family?

    Where did you turn for support when it happened?

    And did you ever get burned again trusting someone you should not have?

  • should i do it to spite or just leave it and get on with life?

    i never got face to face bigotry like i did tonight

    my step father has told me that he never wants to see or hear from me again and never wants me to contact the family again

    i live in there second house and pay rent and what not of them

    i was told last month i would need to be moving out with in the next year for the renovations etc

    but tonight i was kicked out as my step father (almost straight away except the fact i made a deal some how for two months)

    he said he was kicking me out purely as my lifestyle (meaning me being a transsexual) was not inline with his thoughts

    i told him straight out he was a bigot and made him think about what he said a bit with my thoughts but did not change his mind

    as he is so worried about his friends finding out

    should i make his life hell and get the paper to do a story on my life and tell them all making his life what it fears?

  • when I have my head phones in/ on with my lap-top, I hear a ticking noise like the clock?

    When i have my head phones in/ on with my lap top hear a ticking noise like the clock, i only assume it is the clock

    but i was wondering if there is a way to turn the ticking noise off so i can listen to music and other things with out the ticking

    as it is ticking me off

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Lavender oil & sented products do they help produce female hormones in transwoman for breast development?

    As I have heard that it could be a contributing factor in gynecomastia and other hormonal problem in males

    I am asking would it help or does it help in breast development in m2f transsexuals

    or are there any other natural things that could help my hormone treatment

  • In australia /or any where for that matter who are the people fighting for the rights like gay marriage etc ?

    my question really,

    is there a group of people fighting for the GLBTI rights

    do they need help?

    and can small people like me help in some way

    i feel the equal rights of all GLBTI people are in need to be fought

    as all people are equal and should be treated that way

  • If you had your child taking from you because your gay lesbian transgender, would you fight to get them back?

    I do not have kids nor am I able to have them, but I have a few transgender friends and gay friends, that are having or have had trouble with getting to see there children.

    Reading a few homophobes question here,

    I see many people think we as GLBTI people are unfit to parent children

    If there is any one that is going though this or have gone though it and have gotten to see there children or won over all against the other parent or family members

    Or are in a relationship with a person that has children and some how has had issues with the child’s other parent

    i am asking this as there is a lot happening to my friend and her child and i do not want to be a reason for the father to use against me

  • Do you think your sexuality or gender issues influenced what job you do or how you work?

    I am a chef by trade yet I now work in department store and a pre op m2f transexual

    I found many gay people in both careers many in the closet

    Over the past few months I have spoken to many gay & transgender people around the world and found many others are chefs or were training has one at some time

    or work in the IT / computer sector

    So I am asking do you think your sexuality/ or gender issues influenced the job/ work you do?