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Tao Tao M

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  • an e.n.t docotor should not to use instrument to remove my ear?

    My right ear was function normally, only after I just want my E.N.T. doctor to remove my ear wax, I lost my hearing ability.

    After he used metal instrument to something in my right ear, I felt sharp pain, then he blew high pressure air into my ear, then I lost my hearing ability.

    what can I do about lost hearing ability that way? can I sue him?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • I am the only one on lease, roommate threat to kill me and make me sick, how to deal with this kind roommate?

    Thank you first for your kindly responses.

    I am in San Francisco. I am the only one is on lease of a two bedroom and two bathroom. I've got a roommate three months ago by believing what he wrote to me.

    But he is not what he wrote to me, he is just the opposite. Almost every time he returns home, usually either I was eating or working on my computer, He starts verbally abusive, from I use my computer too much to treat to kill me and make me sick...

    Despite I have been treat him kindly for his drink water, arch support, knee pain to positive comments on him, for some reason, he continually verbal harass and abuse me.

    He knows I am a cancer patient, but he just said to me, "I will make you sick." I am a senior already, but he shows no mercy about anything.

    He says over and over, white people are evil, Chinese and Asians are evil too, because they want to be white... all kind of racist comments.

    What should I do to deal with this situation. I am scared, I even told him if you don't like me, please move on to find a better place to live.

    He replied, "you can't tell me to move out, I move out whenever I want to."

    I am stuck with this angry roommate. please help!

    5 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I just reintalled Window xp pro, still no USB controller icon to be seen! what to do with it?

    Without a working usb port, it is difficult. After I reinstalled Window xp pro, I still can't find a USB controller icon in system devices of device manager and any where else. what can I do to install or download USB controller to my pc?

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • Should I spend all I have to buy a condo for rental income or buy dividend ETF, before buying Medicare plans?

    I have about $ 86K as life saving. now I am turning to 65 with monthly income only from SSI about $620. And I live in an expensive city.

    I am about to buy Medicare plans. I have a prostate cancer. After treatments, It seems that I am healthy without taking any medication.

    I have life saving about $86K . I can not get financial aid when I buy Medicare plans, because I have more than $12,700 and a single $8300 as limited resources.

    Someone wrote that rental income and dividend from investments do not count as income when asking for financial assistance of medical treatments expenses. is it true?

    That is why I am thinking about buying a condo or small house to generate rental income. Or I can buy dividend funds to generate monthly income, so I can live above poverty level.

    After I spent most of my savings, then can I get into programs for people with limited income or resources or so called Medicaid or...?

    I really appreciate your expertise advises. Your advises will have tremendous affects on my late part of life. Thanks again.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • I had to go abroad to treat my prostate cancer, duo to my doctor's negligence.Can I sue my doctor for expenses?

    I am 64. Spring of 2008, my PSA was 3.4. Spring of 2009, my PSA went up to 3.9.

    Every doctor or Oncologist I talked to, said after PSA being 3.9, I should be checked every 3 months or the 5-6 months.

    But my family doctor checked my in 18 months.During the Spring and Summer of 2010, I went to see my family doctor tried to get PSA checked, you know what happened? he yelled at: "I am not suprer man!" then walked out of office, I couldn't believe that, since we had a good relationship.

    In Fall of 2010, my PSA jumped to 15, my doctor told don't worry, a homeless man's PSA was even 60, prostate cancer are all slow growth. Then he schedule me an biopsy about two months late in January of 2011. My social worker was angry about my doctor's remark of homeless man's PSA was 60. She said, "Why did he tell you that???"

    After my own research and study, and talked to a Urologist here, I can't believe how slow they want to treat me. After another PSA test a month late in November, it went up to 18 from 15. for sure,I had a aggressive prostate cancer. Shouldn't wait any longer!!!!! I went abroad in November of 2010. During the December outside of U.S., when my PSA went up to 19.61, doctors abroad treated me very quickly, they said, "why American doctors let you wait so long?"

    What treatments I had from Nov. to Dec. 2010 were conventional like American doctors would do to prostate cancer patients. First: biopsy; second: bone ECT scan; Third: hormone therapy; Fourth: brachytherapy; Fifth one: 3D-CRT external radioation therapy.

    I understand that it is hard to sue medical malpractice in U.S., only one of twenty claims is accepted by lawyers here, therefore I went to city small claim adviser to get my answer. One person there told me that I can not sue expenses occuring overseas. Is this true?

    Everything I said is absolute truth. I have all the receipts of expenses include airfair. My doctor remembered that he yelled at me last fall, but he just didn't tell me the reasons that he yelled at me:"I am not an super man." I hope noone tells me," doesn't make sense".

    Sincerely appreciate your kind and good answers. God bless you!

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • I had to go overseas to treat my prostate cancer due to my doctor's negligence.Can I sue my doctor for expense?

    Someone told me that I can't get my money back, because I spend it overseas. Is it true?

    Lightening speed of treatments for my prostate cancer have produced excellent results. It would took doctors here several months to complete all the necessary treatments even my PSA was near 20.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Should I believe AARP to buy their Medicare supplement plan over Medicare advantage plan?

    I am 64 and 4 months old and poor. What Medicare plan should I buy to save money and get sufficient coverages? I am generally healthy, but have a treated prostate cancer in remission.

    Comparing AARP Medicare supplement plan and Medicare Advantage plan, which one is better, and more thrifty for me living in San Francisco?

    Should I believe AARP? or just directly go to Social Security office to get better information? thanks a lot a lot for your wise, well informative answers.

    8 AnswersInsurance10 years ago
  • when PSA at 19.61, gleason 4+3, then brachytherapy, 3D-CRT & surgical castration, what result can I expect?

    There is no spread to bone yet, after bone scan. 3D-crt for preventive purpose to treat surrounding area of prostate, specially for lymph nodes.

    After all these three treatments, PSA and free PSA have been < 0.1 in six months now. how often should I check my PSA? should I also check my free PSA?

    What long term result should I expect?

    What could happen late to make PSA rise again? when PSA start to rise again, what treatments are available for me?

    What could happen to me and my prostate cancer in the future?

    what should I do to prevent from bone loss after surgical castration?

    what should I do to keep heart healthy after loss of most testosterone? I am very grateful to your my life saving answers.

    1 AnswerCancer10 years ago
  • I live in San Francisco, soon be 65, receiving $550/month from SS. have 65K in stock, how to buy medicare?

    I have prostate cancer, but after brachytherapy, external radiation therapy and surgical castration, PSA is not detectable at this time.

    I have also income from teach exercises for $500/ month, which is very unstable.

    Since I have received Social security for a year at $550/ month, do I still have to apply Medicare?

    What plan do I really need? Plan B, Plan C etc? I am very confused. My only saving $65K is in stock ETFs, is it enough to get by until I die? I am very worried about future financial situation. Will I eventually die on the street?

    What plans I have to get according my budget?

    Where or who should I get some of the best advises besides from Yahoo answers?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • I am close to 65, poor, have prostate cancer, after treatments, PSA is Zero, how & what I should get medicare?

    Otherwise, I am healthy. My steady income is only $600 from Social Security, maybe get a little help from relatives. I live in San Francisco, CA. how and what the medicare coverages are necessary for me to get?

    Thank you very much.

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Can I sue my family doctor for his negligence of my prostate cancer?

    in April, 2008, my psa was 3.4, in May, 2009, my psa was 3.9, then when I visited my family doctor three time between Spring and Summer, 2010, he acted strangely, before I opened my mouth, he yelled at me, "I am not a superman." I was shocked and speechless, I was going to ask for blood test. Then in October 2010, finally I got my psa, which jumped to 15. Gleason score was 4+3 = 7, prostate capsule has broken, prostate cancer has spread. I had to spend my own money to go to China to get treatment right away. Can I sue my doctor for his negligence to get my money spent on my cancer treatment back? if I can, how should I start to sue him? I was a perfectly healthy man, was expected to live to 90's, now my oncologist told I may have a few to several years to live. I am only 63. please help me, thank you very much.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • when my PSA shot up to 19.91, gleason score was 4+3 =7, what are the best treatments for me?

    May of 2009, my psa was 3.9, Nov. of 2010, psa went up to 19.91, after biopsy, my gleason score was 4+3 =7, my family doctor still said,"don't worry, prostate cancer is slow growing cancer, a month or two month doesn't make difference..."

    my only symptom is frequent night urination.

    I knew my prostate cancer are not wait for me to get some treatments, it keeps advancing and invading. What the the best treatment for my case? I really really appreciated for your advices and inputs.

    5 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • My PSA jumped from 3.9 to 15 in 17 month, then jumped to 18.3 in 7 weeks, what should I do?

    As all the medical professionals are telling me,"don't worry, Prostate cancer is a slow growing cancer...", my PSA has jumped from 3.9 to 15 in 17 months and jumped again in 7 weeks following last week's psa test result.

    From searching online, I have found that I have an aggressive type of prostate cancer and must be treated ASAP, What are the options out there for me? I don't like to have prostatectomy to remove my prostate with long time healing period and more side effects, I know there are brachy therapy, cryosurgery or even HIFU etc treatments, I don't know which one has better long term result and least side-effects, If need someone who has personal experiences to guide me. Any inputs would be very much appreciated. have a great Thanksgiving holiday!

    Cancer1 decade ago
  • My friend, a urologist: PSA jumps from 3.9 to 15 means fast growing cancer, what should I say to my urologis?

    In three weeks, I have a first appointment to see an appointed urologist, in S.F. general hospital. My urologist friend said, ASAP, but my doctors seems no hurry. Since what I have is a fast growing cancer, which induced by strong X-ray exam for my hips. what treatment should I receive in my upcoming urologist appointment.

    My own family doctor and specialist seemed not that much concerned about my case, is this kind attitude from their training in med. school? No wonder, the number two killer cancer for men in U.S. is prostate cancer. As I am becoming more knowledgeable, I think the RN in my previous answer was wrong. Medical professionals should treat some case like mine quickly. That RN said, "prostate cancer is slow growing cancer..." Wrong there are two types, one is slow, another is fase growing....

    What should I ask in my three weeks upcoming urologist appointment? could I ask them to do the biopsy right there not waiting for another three weeks? but I know I should prepare for biopsy. It is so slow to receive proper care, not like in some other countries.

    2 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • I am 63, frequent night urination for 4 years, PSA test from 3.9 to 13, biopsy spreads cancer, my choice?

    3 weeks ago, my family doctor told me my psa level went to 13 from 3.9 one year ago, plus he felt a lump, it wasn't there last year.

    He is making appointment for urologist for me, it seems so slow. He also asked me if I want biopsy, without informing me, I just said,"yes". But I found out online that biopsy for prostate cancer has 50% or more chance to spread the cancer.

    Should I refuse the biopsy? if I did, what could be my best choice, have my prostate completely removed by surgery? since I have no sexual desires anyway. but I have heard that surgically removing prostate has more then 50% chance to become incontinence.

    Should I receive radiation to treat most likely a prostate cancer? I don't know any side-effects of it yet. Do your guys know?

    My doctor also told me that an appointment to see urologist is not that urgent, there is no difference between a week later and a month late. Was he right about that?

    I have only Healthy San Francisco Program, I have to wait the urologist from San Francisco General Hospital to call me. if I have to wait too long, what should I do?

    I know now that prostate cancer is #2 killer for American men and this cancer has been cripple more that 50% of patients, therefore, for your advices, I will not be able to express my gratefulness in any words.

    7 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • I suspect someone are using to get my email address, how to protect my privacy?

    I suspect someone are using to get my email address. They post some job ads. then after I replied, they got my email address, am I right? if I am right, then how to protect my privacy?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • My hotmail is hecked. I received important mails to stop hecker using my contact list sending email?

    I am receiving important email every morning, it seems I can't stop using hotmail. First I deleted my contact list, then I don't know what to do, this is the first time to encounter such a problem.

    I suspect my web host did something, They said that they send out emails from my contact list, but no response.

    I am very appreciated for any help.

    3 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • can I use hydrogen Peroxide or diluted one to treat my ear infection, even my ear drum ruptured?

    When went to urgent care in San Francisco General Hospital for my ear infection, a nurse there used very warm solution to wash my ear, then I felt a sharp pain, then I hear ringing, later Dr. told me they ruptured my ear drum. I was using two kinds of antibiotics, but did not work, Can I use Hydrogen Peroxide or 1:1 with water to treat my ear infection, if yes, then what is the vest way? thanks.

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • My dentist used dimond tool to grind super hard mental crown,my hearing has been damaged, could caused it?

    My dentist didn't care my strong objection of unfit tooth implant crown, he cemented the crown permanently, then under my strong protest, he agreed to replace it. He had to use Diamond to grind it to small post again. It took him almost one hour to finish the grinding work, I was so exhausted by the noise, the grinding friction and body position. Could that one hour grinding upper right side noise and vibration damage some of the right inner ear to cause hearing loss? thanks.

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago